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Corporate Sanitation: Sustainable Technologies and Approaches - 2nd edition

Course holder
Scientific Responsible: Prof. L. Celi | Scientific Coordinator: Prof. P. Di Ciccio
Info utili
Registration deadline
Course category
Training programs
The 2nd edition of the training course ‘Company sanitation: sustainable technologies and approaches’ organised by the University of Turin starts on 23 January 2025
Partners and collaborations:

The ultimate aim is to create an ecosystem in which participating companies are engaged in research and innovation activities for the creation of virtuous supply chains.

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How the Course Develops

The course will have 2 specific focuses:

  • Biological risk
  • Chemical risk

and there will be direct contributions from companies specialising in sanitisation. The lecturers are academics and professionals


Lectures are given by lecturers from the Università degli Studi di Torino, experts from the Laboratorio Chimico della Camera di Commercio di Torino and the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Piemonte, Liguria e Valle d'Aosta.


The training also includes a concluding round table discussion with the active participation of four companies in the sanitisation sector.


At the end of the course, participants have to take a final test to assess the skills acquired. In addition, there is a satisfaction questionnaire to collect feedback.


A certificate of attendance is issued to all participants.

Useful info

Durata del corso: 16 ore full time (lezioni frontali) e tavola rotonda

Luogo: Campus delle Scienze, Grugliasco- Torino (AULA SAMEV B)

Lingua: italiano

Modalità di erogazione: full-time frontale e tavola rotonda

Numero minimo di partecipanti: --


  • per la figura professionale del tecnologo alimentare riconosciuti dal Consiglio Nazionale dell’Ordine dei Tecnologi Alimentari (OTAN)
  • ECM per professionisti Chimici, Fisici, Medici, Veterinari e Biologi

Quota di iscrizione: 500,00 € + IVA

Course duration: 16 full-time hours (lectures) and round table discussion

Location: Campus delle Scienze, Grugliasco- Torino (AULA SAMEV B)

Language: Italian

Mode of delivery: full-time face-to-face and round table

Minimum number of participants: --


  • for the professional figure of food technologist recognised by the National Council of the Order of Food Technologists (OTAN)
  • CME for professionals Chemists, Physicians, Veterinarians and Biologists

Registration fee: € 500.00 + VAT

Click and download the course programme
Sanificazione Aziendale 2024