For an aware future, for a capable country

The innovation ecosystem worth over 112 million euros for the territory from North to South.

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General Assembly NODES: "From results to impact"

Il 3 febbraio 2025 si è tenuta a Pollenzo la V edizione

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NODES con le imprese per la transizione digitale ed ecologica

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The NODES Ecosystem, an innovation opportunity

The digital and ecological transition travels from Northwest to South with the cascading calls of the PNRR

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Aerospace and sustainable mobility

Small Satellites, Space4You for Aerospace, NODES - Spoke 

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Green Technologies and Sustainable Industry

The future is green: discover the projects and opportunities for a more sustainable territory

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Tourism and Culture Industry

Digitalization of the tourism industry and enhancement of cultural and environmental heritag

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Innovazione digitale per la montagna sostenibile

Grandi sfide per lo spazio alpino di Valle d'Aosta, Piemonte e Lombardia.

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Health Industry and Silver Economy

We aim to create a strong social and territorial impact in order to increase the quality of human capital. 

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Primary Agroindustry

Promoting the development of digital technologies aimed at improving the sustainability of agricultural production for industrial transformation

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Secondary agroindustry

Innovation in the food system of northwestern Italy

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All the news about NODES and its innovation ecosystem: projects, partners, announcements, and events.

Clone of The General Assembly NODES awards Flagship Projects on lake Maggiore
On Tuesday, July 16th, in Verbania, on the shores of Lake Maggiore, the fourth General Assembly of the NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile (Northwest Digital and Sustainable) Ecosystem Innovation was held.  Hosting the event in the enchanting setting of Villa San Remigio was the Rector of the University of Eastern Piedmont, Gian Carlo Avanzi, who welcomed the Assembly and all the key players of the Project: universities, innovation hubs, research centers, incubators, and competence centers, gathered once again to meet and discuss the progress and goals to be achieved during this intense journey.   In the historic rooms of the Villa, recently enhanced and transformed by the University of Eastern Piedmont into an interesting scientific and research hub, Stefano Corgnati, President of NODES, took the floor to start the working session. He emphasized the importance of the NODES project and how the Ecosystem could be a real and concrete driving force for the innovation of the involved territories.

Second Edition of the Precision Livestock Farming Course Kicks Off
  On 24 January 2025, the second edition of the advanced training course "Innovations in Precision Livestock Farming with a Sustainability Perspective", organised by Spoke 6, commenced. The 72-hour course will run until 7 March 2025 at the Santa Monica campus of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Cremona.   The 22 participants, primarily from the agro-livestock sector, include feed industry technicians, veterinarians, and consultants for agro-livestock businesses. The programme features thematic modules addressing current challenges faced by agricultural enterprises, with the aim of providing advanced skills in physiology, nutrition and animal welfare, adaptation to climate change, and improvements in economic and environmental sustainability.   During the Spoke 6 Assembly on 27 January 2025, Alessandra Todisco, Director of CAI Nutrizione, shared positive feedback on the course:   "I had the opportunity to see my colleagues apply in their daily work what they had learned just days earlier while attending the course."   The course represents an important opportunity for discussion and professional development for sector specialists, encouraging the adoption of innovative and sustainable practices in precision livestock farming.

Innovazione nel tessile medico: approvata la sperimentazione clinica con dispositivo medico pre-marketing (DZero)
Parere favorevole ottenuto da parte del Comitato Etico Territoriale (CET) dell'Ospedale Maggiore della Carità di Novara sul Protocollo per lo studio clinico focalizzato sui potenziali effetti benefici del nuovo Dispositivo Medico di Classe I, DZero.    Il Research Module 2 del Flagship Project di TINCARE ha ottenuto in data 20.12.2024 un importante traguardo per proseguire con le attività di ricerca associate al nuovo dispositivo indossabile, DZero. Questo importante passo segna l'inizio di un progetto innovativo volto a esplorare l'efficacia di un tessuto intelligente contenente particelle di nanoceramica per il miglioramento della qualità della vita di pazienti affetti da dolori muscolo-scheletrici.  Lo studio con disegno pre-post mira a valutare l'impatto della maglietta DZero sulla qualità della vita dei pazienti, concentrandosi su dolori muscolo-scheletrici in zona lombare e cervicale prima e dopo aver indossato DZero. Tra gli obiettivi secondari, lo studio esaminerà lo stato di benessere percepito, il comfort e la riduzione del dolore durante le normali attività quotidiane.    DZero rappresenta un'innovazione significativa nell'ambito dei dispositivi medici. Utilizzando la tecnologia FIR (Far Infrared Radiation), questo tessuto intelligente sfrutta particelle di nanoceramica per migliorare la microcircolazione, ridurre l'infiammazione e favorire il rilassamento muscolare. Si tratta di una soluzione non invasiva che potenzialmente offre un'alternativa efficace per la gestione del dolore muscolo-scheletrico, ipotizzando un miglioramento della qualità della vita dei pazienti senza l'uso di farmaci.  Il progetto verrà condotto in modalità monocentrica presso l'Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria SS Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo di Alessandria. La raccolta dei dati verrà effettuata in diverse fasi, monitorando l'efficacia del dispositivo nel tempo.    Lo studio DZero permettere di offrire nuove prospettive per il trattamento dei dolori muscolo-scheletrici, rappresentando un passo avanti nella ricerca di soluzioni innovative e sostenibili per il benessere umano. 

Spoke 3 partecipa alla Borsa Internazionale del Turismo
Da domenica 9 febbraio a martedì 11 febbraio 2025, Rho - Milano Fiera ospita la 45esima edizione della BIT - Borsa Internazionale del Turismo, uno dei più importanti eventi italiani dedicati al Turismo.     Lo Spoke 3 - Industria del Turismo e cultura partecipa a questa edizione promuovendo la ricerca e l’innovazione dell’ecosistema e dell’Università degli Studi dell'Insubria dando visibilità ai progetti innovativi nel campo del turismo e della cultura al fine di creare nuove sinergie con espositori e visitatori interessati alla valorizzazione e alla promozione del turismo e della cultura; fattori ampiamente presenti sul territorio del Nord Ovest mediante l'utilizzo di nuove tecnologie.     Presso lo stand H07 - Padiglione 9, lo Spoke 3 di NODES presenterà prototipi e materiali di ricerca innovativi, esponendo i progetti NODES tra cui i flaghship project TOEP (Tourism Open-ended Experimentation Platform) e CIRIL (CULTURAL-INDUSTRY REGENERATION IMMERSIVE LAB) e POC accademici nell'ambito del Turismo e della Cultura. Tra i POC accademici figurano: DIGITALMM (Digital Muse for Museums), PLANET (Planner Leisure App for Natural & Experiential Tourism), AIACE (Artificial Intelligence Assistant for Cultural Tourism Enhancement), HISTORYGRAPHIA, ITM (Immersive textile museum), CERR (Cultural Extended Reality Routes).   Infine, alcuni ricercatori saranno presenti per illustrare le loro innovazioni al pubblico; tra di loro ci saranno alcuni rappresentanti dell'Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Università degli Studi di Torino, Università del Piemonte Orientale e Università della Valle D'Aosta.

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Discover all the events of NODES, the Spokes, and its ecosystem, and participate from north to south.

BIT 2025: Spoke 3 takes part in the Milan International Tourism Exchange
From Sunday 9 February to Tuesday 11 February 2025, Rho - Milano Fiera hosts the 45th edition of BIT - International Tourism Exchange, one of the most important Italian events dedicated to Tourism.   Spoke 3 - Tourism Industry and Culture participates in this edition by promoting research and innovation of the ecosystem and the University of Insubria by giving visibility to innovative projects in the field of tourism and culture in order to create new synergies with exhibitors and visitors interested in the enhancement and promotion of tourism and culture; factors widely present in the North West through the use of new technologies.   BIT is the main B2B and B2C marketplace for the tourism industry. The three days of the event will be dedicated to commercial operators for BUSINESS, NETWORKING and TRAINING. One day (Sunday 9 February) is also open to travelers who visit the event to discover new experiences and find inspiration for their next trips.   At booth H07 - Hall 9, NODES Spoke 3 will present innovative prototypes and research materials, showcasing NODES projects including the flagship projects TOEP (Tourism Open-ended Experimentation Platform) and CIRIL (CULTURAL-INDUSTRY REGENERATION IMMERSIVE LAB) and academic POCs in the field of Tourism and Culture. Academic POCs include: DIGITALIMM (Digital Muse for Museums), PLANET (Planner Leisure App for Natural & Experiential Tourism), AIACE (Artificial Intelligence Assistant for Cultural Tourism Enhancement), HISTORYGRAPHIA, ITM (Immersive textile museum), CERR (Cultural Extended Reality Routes).   Some researchers will be present to illustrate their innovations to the public; among them there will be some representatives of the University of Insubria, University of Turin, University of Eastern Piedmont and University of Valle D'Aosta.  

ROUND GRIP Spoke 2 - 6th stop at the Politecnico di Torino to find out how to get rid of CO₂ with GRIP's RM 5 technologies!
We look forward to seeing you at the next round of Round GRIP meetings to be held on Thursday 6 February 2025, at the Maxwell Hall of the Politecnico di Torino, in Corso Castelfidardo 42/A (Scavalchi Manica Approdo building) starting at 09:30.   A focus on technological solutions for CO₂ reduction During the event, the research activities of Research Module 5 (RM5) of the GRIP project will be explored, with a focus on innovative technologies for capturing and utilising CO₂. It is an unmissable opportunity to explore concrete strategies for sustainability and exchange views with experts in the field.   A rich and interactive programme 09:30 - 10:00 | Registration 10:00 - 10:05 | Introduction and greetings - Nicole Mariotti 10:05 - 10:10 | The NODES Ecosystem and the Spoke 2  - Edoardo Braccio 10:10 - 10:15 | CO₂ in the GRIP project: a waste to be valorised? - Silvia Fraterrigo Garofalo 10:15 - 10:35 | CO₂: how much do you know? 10:35 - 11:05 | The technologies 10:55 - 11:15 | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage in International Projects and Italy: State of the Art and Market Prospects - Marco Illich 11:15 - 11:45 | Coffee Break 11:45 - 12:00 | Carbon credits: the role of biochar - Viviana Negro 12:00 - 12:30 | Companies: Hysytech, ACEA, Ecospray Technologies 12:30 - 13:30 | Visit to the laboratories and discussion panels on the themes of the event 13:30 | Closing and light lunch Nicole Mariotti, Spoke 2 third parties manager moderates the event.   Building a sustainable future together L’evento rappresenta un momento di scambio e networking per aziende, ricercatori e professionisti interessati alle tecnologie green. Concluderemo con un light lunch, per favorire il confronto informale e la nascita di nuove collaborazioni. The event is a moment of exchange and networking for companies, researchers and professionals interested in green technologies. We will conclude with a light lunch, to encourage informal discussion and the emergence of new collaborations.   Don't miss this opportunity to make a difference. We are waiting for you!   SIGN UP HERE

General Assembly NODES: February 3rd, 2025, meeting in Pollenzo to discuss results and impact.
On Monday, February 3rd, 2025, the fifth General Assembly of the NODES Innovation Ecosystem - Northern Digital and Sustainable (Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile) will take place.   After the last meeting in Verbania, held last July on Lake Maggiore, the Ecosystem will this time meet at the foot of the hills between Langhe and Roero, in the charming setting of the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, near Bra (Cn). "From results to impact" will be the theme and guiding principle of the day: during the event, the Ecosystem will be called to assess the results achieved by the project and to look concretely toward the future. Registrations are open. 2025 will mark the conclusion of the NODES program, but more importantly, it will serve as a crucial springboard to transform the investments and work done into concrete, useful, and lasting results. With this goal in mind, the Assembly will not only review the current state of the program but will also be tasked with identifying pathways and initiatives for 2025. The meeting with Universities, Innovation Hubs, Research Centers, Incubators, Competence Centers, and Accelerators is therefore a must-mark on the calendar, offering a day of exchange between experiences, ideas, and methodologies.   GENERAL ASSEMBLY NODES From results to impact POLLENZO
 Monday, 03 FEBRUARY 2025, from 11:00 to 16:30 University of Gastronomic Science  12043 Pollenzo CN   Event reserved exclusively for NODES Ecosystem Partners. The detailed program is currently being finalized.   Register for the General Assembly

On Wednesday 29th January at 2:00 pm at the Nuovo Polo Università della Valle D'Aosta, Room B4, an interesting workshop will be held entitled: "Tourism at TO(E)P!".   The workshop, organized within the Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry, of the NODES project by the University of Valle d'Aosta (UniVdA) and the University of Eastern Piedmont (UPO), aims to explore innovative strategies to promote cultural and experiential tourism in mountain and lake destinations.   The event will be an important opportunity to present the results of the research conducted in recent years thanks to the flagship project TOEP (Tourism Open-ended Experimentation Platform) of the Spoke 3 of NODES, which has paid particular attention to the enhancement of local cultural heritage through the use of advanced technologies, the development of digital communication and the adoption of innovative and sustainable tourism management practices inspired by participatory placebranding.   During the meeting, industry experts, academics and tourism operators will share experiences and perspectives on the future of tourism in fragile areas such as mountain and lake areas, illustrating how the TOEP platform can support businesses and institutions in improving the attractiveness and competitiveness of the territory.   Admission to the event is free. For further information, please contact the address