Grants for projects

bioRESTART 4.0

Digitalisation of a sustainable process for recovering functional compounds from plant waste
Agricoltura digitale
Scheda del progetto
P.i Scientific Resp.
Dr. Cinzia Calvio
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Dr. Manuela Verri
Dr. Sri Amarnadh Gupta Tondepu
Dr. Maurizia Dossena
Dr. Enrico Doria
Start date
14 months
Approved value
€ 119.710,58
Investment nodes
€ 119.710,58
Università degli Studi di Pavia - Department of Biology and Biotechnology

The agri-food sector is known for generating enormous amounts of waste, which not only represents a significant economic loss for companies but also has a considerable environmental impact. This waste arises from food production processes and can include unused plant parts such as peels, leaves, and other non-consumable parts.
However, bioRESTART has introduced an innovative approach to transform this waste into a valuable resource. By using hydrolytic enzymes produced by engineered bacterial strains, the extraction process of bioactive compounds is carried out efficiently and sustainably. This eliminates the need for toxic chemical solvents, thereby reducing the environmental impact of the entire production cycle.
bioRESTART 4.0 represents a further advancement, with the integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. These tools allow for continuous monitoring and optimization of the extraction process, improving the yields of bioactive compounds and reducing the time required to bring products to market.



Contact person
Cinzia Calvio


+39 0382 985559


The challenge

bioRESTART 4.0 aims to enhance the sustainability of bioactive compound production by using vegetable waste as a secondary raw material. It employs technologies with minimal environmental impact and conserves valuable natural resources by avoiding the use of dedicated crops.

Why is it innovative

Through the application of advanced analysis systems based on artificial intelligence algorithms, bioRESTART aims to optimize every phase of the process. This includes identifying the most promising compounds present in vegetable waste, optimizing parameters to enhance their recovery efficiency, and consequently increasing the productivity of bioRESTART's extraction method.

The results obtained demonstrate that bioRESTART utilizes engineered strains of B. subtilis, which secrete specific degradative enzymes for plant material hyperactively directly into the culture medium. This enzymatic pretreatment of biomass is integrated with a solid-liquid extraction process. Experiments have confirmed that the enzymatic pretreatment can increase the amount of extractable molecules by up to 190%.

Impact on the users

Thanks to the application of this technology, the commercial development from waste biomass to ingredient for industrial applications will be rapid and efficient, allowing bioRESTART to enhance its competitiveness by promptly responding to market demands and providing high-quality products.