Flagship Projects
Research represents one of the challenging aspects of the NODES Ecosystem. Over 540 researchers and professionals work every day to overcome the challenges of innovation across the board.
Discover the 15 "Flagship Projects" coordinated by the various thematic spokes of the project.

Development of technologies and solutions for space exploration
The SPACE4YOU flagship project consists in the creation of a distributed laboratory, namedSpace4You, to support the development of technologies and solutions for space exploration and new space-based applications.

Green Hydrogen Towards the Next Generation Mobility
H2Mobility focuses on technologies and systems for production, storage and distribution of green hydrogen.

Electrically Propelled Vehicles: Charge and Technologies
The flagship project ELECTRO is devoted to the development of specific actions in the EPV charging environment, from station lab in which different technologies related to the electric vehicle could be assessed and tested to the materials and business models related to EPVs.

GReen Processes for Industrial Productions and cost-effective effluents valorisation
Implement and apply Circular Economy principles to both up stream and down stream processes to achieve sustainable industrial production processes.

The project aims to develop an open infrastructure for immersive virtual reality systems for research, educational and business development services.

Tourism Open-ended Experimentation Platform
The project aims at synergistically assembling, in crowdsourcing mode, sustainable integrated tourism proposals, expressive of local excellence.

New digital compliance procedures and new digital organizational models for the territories of northwestern Italy.
Innovative way of working, new digital compliance procedures and new digital organizational models for the territories of northwestern Italy.

SUstainable Management of Mountain Energy and water Resources
Digital technologies, combined with the power of "big data" and AI-powered analytics, spur unprecedented innovation in how energy and water companies manage these vital resources.

Digital and participatory ecological transition for mountain communities
The INTERFACE project aims to offer a structured research and action plan for the regeneration and repopulation of mountain territories through models sensitive to the ecological context and capable of adapting to changing environmental conditions.

INNovative DIagnostic and therApeutics for regeNerAtive medicine
The INNDIANA flagship project focuses on the development of innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to regenerative medicine.

Technology Integration in healthCARE
The project aims to optimize telemedicine and telenursing solutions, as well as implement the digitization of care services, with a specific emphasis on monitoring chronic conditions and preventing complications.

Forage system to make resilient Maize, Dairy and Biogas supply chains for a Lasting Agricultural Ecosystem
FORMIDABILÆ seeks to enhance the sustainability and circularity of the agro-livestock system through a forage system that enhances the resilience of the corn, milk, and biogas value chains.

VIneyard management for viNeprOduction
VINO addresses the challenges of climate change through remote sensing systems, expertise in big data, and precision agriculture techniques.

Sustainable And DigitAl Innovation for FOods of ANIMAL origin
An innovative approach to reach the objective of improving the competitiveness of animal origin foods.

Sustainable And DigitAl Innovation for FOods of PLANT origin
An innovative approach to reach the objective of improving the competitiveness of the PLANT origin foods.