The NODES project
NODES is the innovation ecosystem funded by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), Ministerial Decree No. 1054 dated June 23, 2022. It aims to invest 112 million euros in creating a Digital and Sustainable North-West, with 15 million euros allocated to involve the South as well.
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NODES (Nord-Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile - which is the Italian for “Digital and Sustainable North-Western Italy”) is an Innovation Ecosystem involving territories in Piemonte, Valle D’Aosta and the bordering provinces of Lombardia (Pavia, Como and Varese), represented by its innovation actors (universities, innovation clusters, research centers, competence centers, incubators and accelerators) and linked to the productive and research vocations that represent the excellence of the territories. NODES is organized into 7 spokes, each characterized by a specific focus under the umbrella of the digital and ecological transitions:
Spoke 1: Industry 4.0 for sustainable mobility and aerospace
Spoke 2: Green technologies and sustainable industry
Spoke 3: For culture and tourism industry
Spoke 4: Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
Spoke 5: Industry for health and silver economy
Spoke 6: Primary agroindustry
Spoke 7: Secondary agroindustry
NODES’ vision is to boost the competitiveness of industries and research institutions, positioning the territory at a national and international level as an attractive “territorial system” for high-skilled talents and private investments.
The potential impact identified through the integration of research excellence, expertise, and a diverse entrepreneurial fabric is indeed considerable, with the ambition of creating a scalable collaborative model even beyond the completion of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) works.
The mission of NODES is to contribute to addressing the structural deficiencies, a key theme of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), through the implementation of tools and activities with a new collaborative approach. It aims to respond to strategic innovation challenges and generate positive impacts towards the digital and ecological transition with an interdisciplinary approach. NODES also aligns with the specific objectives of the PNRR related to Digitalization, Industry, and Aerospace, strengthening the conditions for the development of a knowledge-intensive, competitive, and resilient economy.
In a span of 3 years, NODES aims to support and create scientific and industrial research clusters in the 7 areas of focus known as "spokes," which represent the internal vocations within the ecosystem: Industry 4.0 for mobility and aerospace, industrial sustainability and green technologies, tourism and culture industry, digital and sustainable mountain areas, health industry and silver economy, primary and secondary agro-industry.
The ambition is to enhance existing ideas, expertise, and entities while fostering the creation of new ones, promoting technology transfer, entrepreneurial culture, and the development of spin-offs, startups, and SMEs. This is in response to the need to prepare the region for the upcoming revolution related to the challenges of digital and ecological transition, with a specific focus on the areas of specialization: Digitalization, Industry, and Aerospace. The total budget allocated to NODES is 112.85 million euros.
La visione a lungo termine di NODES è di aumentare la competitività delle industrie e degli enti di ricerca, posizionando il territorio della rete degli innovatori coinvolti nell’ecosistema a livello nazionale e internazionale come un “sistema territoriale” attrattivo per talenti altamente qualificati e investimenti privati. Il potenziale d’impatto individuato dalla messa a sistema di eccellenze della ricerca, competenze e un tessuto imprenditoriale eterogeneo è infatti considerevole, con l’ambizione di realizzare un modello collaborativo scalabile anche a conclusione dei lavori del PNRR
La missione di NODES è di contribuire alla risoluzione delle carenze strutturali, tema chiave del PNRR, attraverso l'implementazione di strumenti e attività con un nuovo approccio collaborativo per rispondere alle sfide strategiche dell'innovazione e generare impatti positivi verso la transizione digitale ed ecologica con un approccio interdisciplinare. NODES risponde, inoltre, agli obiettivi specifici del PNRR relativi a Digitale, Industria, Aerospazio, rafforzando le condizioni per lo sviluppo di un'economia ad alta intensità di conoscenza, competitività e resilienza.
In 3 anni NODES ha l’obiettivo di sostenere e creare filiere di ricerca scientifica e industriali nei 7 ambiti degli spoke, espressione delle vocazioni interne all’ecosistema: industria 4.0 per la mobilità e l'aerospazio, sostenibilità industriale e green technologies, industria del turismo e cultura, montagna digitale e sostenibile, industria della salute e silver economy, agroindustria primaria e secondaria.
L’ambizione è quella di valorizzare idee, competenze e realtà esistenti, crearne di nuove e stimolare il trasferimento tecnologico, la cultura imprenditoriale e lo sviluppo di spin-off, start-up e PMI. Questo per rispondere alla necessità di preparare il territorio alla prossima rivoluzione legata alle sfide della transizione digitale ed ecologica con riferimento specifico alle aree di specializzazione Digitale, Industria, Aerospazio. Il budget totale a disposizione di NODES è di 112,85 milioni di euro.