Spoke 2 - About us
Spoke 2 - Green Technologies and Sustainable Industries is coordinated by the University of Turin. It works on 'green' technologies and industries promoting sustainable development.

Spoke 2 is active on the integration of the historical Italian vocation of agriculture and industry to propose a gradual but radical change of interdisciplinarity between areas, in particular:
- green chemistry
- sustainable energy
- materials science
- bioeconomy
promoting the unitary concept 'One Planet, One Health'.
Sustainable industrial production requires the development of Circular Economy strategies throughout the value chain. Together with new technologies, public and economic policies play a crucial role in facilitating the transition. Spoke 2 drives the renewal of transformation processes through the use of environmentally sustainable raw materials and processes and the enhancement of waste conversion and valorisation.
Non-traditional and low-cost raw materials are explored for the production of functional materials and additives. Processes for production and synthesis adopt new approaches and solvents that are less harmful to humans and the environment; bio-catalysis opens up unexplored pathways. Waste becomes the main material stream involved in conversion and valorisation operations.
Spoke 2 dissolves the concept of waste; the economy is transformed from linear to circular.
Spoke 2 intends to achieve leadership in 'clean and neutral' industrial value chains, in the circular economy and in climate-neutral digital systems and infrastructures that allow for strong cross-sectoral cooperation and support to enable the implementation of sustainability principles and the involvement of as many stakeholders as possible. It intends to provide a service to the territory by supporting the local economy through solutions that limit waste disposal and allow for value recovery from industrial and agricultural effluents and discharges.
Spoke 2 aims to support and encourage the transformation of green and innovative production models in order to implement green technologies in different industries.
It proposes alternative processes with a low environmental impact aimed at the conversion and valorisation of industrial effluents and the reuse of chemical products; it stimulates and encourages collaboration between universities and industry, putting in place training courses aimed at developing skills consistent with the objectives of the new bio and green research trajectories

Starting with the expertise of the territory, the objectives of Spoke 2 are:
- The implementation and application of circular economy solutions to processes upstream and downstream of production for the implementation of green industrial processes and valorising the reuse of industrial, agricultural and civil effluents together with mineral waste;
- Promoting sustainable development and fostering a transition to innovative and sustainable industrial models;
- Ensure and take action on a better definition of job profiles linked to the introduction of new technologies in production processes and their digitisation to generate a new digital industrial revolution capable of revitalising the economy and reducing environmental impact.