
UniTO, founded in 1404, is an Italian mega-university with a multidisciplinary vocation and 27 departments. It boasts outstanding education and research programmes in science, business and society.
UniTo is the only university present in all the spokes of the Nodes ecosystem. It is one of the 24 implementing entities and coordinates the Spoke 2 - Green Technologies and Sustainable Industry.

PoliTO, one of Europe's leading engineering schools for education and research in engineering, architecture, design and spatial planning.

L’UPO – University of Eastern Piedmont - is a young, competitive multicampus of high academic value, capable of opening up to the world of work and innovation.

The University of Insubria was founded on 14 July 1998. It is a young, modern and dynamic public university based in Como, Varese and Busto Arsizio. In the CENSIS ranking it is the second best university in Italy in terms of graduate employability. Its pillars are the quality of student education and scientific research.
The University of Insubria promotes research in the field of green sustainability and sustainable industry.

The University is characterised by a high concentration of expertise and collaborations with industry on the topic of sustainable green chemistry and the utilisation of industrial waste materials.

Turin Technology Park focused on sustainability and environmental innovation. It offers support for the implementation of eco-efficient solutions thanks to its expertise in circular economy, clean solutions, hydrogen, energy, bio-economy and green chemistry.
It promotes relations with local companies and research organisations through intermediation and animation initiatives thanks to an established network. It also supports research activities to foster the implementation of the circular economy in the production fabric.

Technology centre whose mission is to network in the world of polymers and composites, operator of the CGREEN Green Chemistry Advanced Materials Innovation Cluster. Created in 1998, Proplast is organised as a cluster and comprises 166 companies, 7 industry associations and 12 academic members.
Proplast is a task leader for the support and development of technology-driven ecosystems and value chains.

2i3T is the company for the management of the Business Incubator and Technology Transfer of the University of Turin; a limited liability consortium owned by the University of Turin, the Metropolitan City of Turin, Finpiemonte SpA and the Links Foundation.
Making economic use of the results of academic research by promoting and supporting the creation of new knowledge-based companies.

The OGR Turin is a unique cultural and innovation hub in Europe, dedicated to artistic, musical, technological and entrepreneurial experimentation.
OGR Tech will participate in the value created by the NODES project through training activities, business acceleration and networking for SMEs and financial partners.

The University of Basilicata, active since 1982, with 4 departments and 2 schools in the Potenza and Matera sites, is a young and dynamic university that is characterised by its commitment to scientific research and technological innovation, with a particular focus on enhancing the natural and cultural resources of the Lucania region.

The University of Sannio in Benevento, founded in 1998, stands out for its vocation for technological innovation and applied scientific research and for its promotional role in the development process of the economic and social system of Campania, in particular of its inland areas