Grants for projects


Nature-based Solutions for Mountain Villages
Rigenerazione montana
Scheda del progetto
P.i Scientific Resp.
Prof. Elisa Costamagna
Politecnico di Torino
Mónica Alexandra Muñoz Veloza - Research fellow, DAD
Matteo Rolle - Research fellow, DIATI
Andrea Cagninei - Administrative support, DIATI
Jacopo Gasparotto - PhD student, DAD
Carlotta Fasano - Research fellow DIATI
Start date
14 months
Approved value
106.755,21 €
Investment nodes
106.755,21 €
DIATI - PoliTo

Nature-based Solutions (NBS) contribute to the recovery of mountainous areas through local water treatment, thermal control of buildings, and reduction of small landslides.

The PoC aims to apply NBS technology for wastewater treatment in a mountain village, acting on building scale across multiple fronts: water management and energy aspects, slope stabilization, landscape value, economic attractiveness of buildings, and data collection for monitoring and managing properties and infrastructure.

Building on previous research, interactive thematic maps will be developed to classify areas based on resource availability and terrain configuration.

Within a case study, an architectural project managed through Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology will be formulated, integrating the installation of a green wall demonstrator for water management in mountain environments and terraces for rainwater management. Installation of IoT sensors facilitating the management of mountain and autonomous energy communities will also be planned.

The construction and development of a versatile tool for use in sustainable building renovations will lead to the creation of an online platform with a section dedicated to graphical boards, interactive maps, informative sheets, and multi-target events to stimulate investments and co-design, two pillars of a virtuous circle in environmental protection, combating climate change, adapting to extreme events, and ecological and digital transition. At the heart of the proposed technology will also be the design and implementation of demonstrators aimed at developing vegetated system modules for thermal control and air quality, to be integrated into a high-value, low-impact architectural project.

The proposed project will pass through phases of design, implementation, monitoring, installation, and monitoring for demonstrators. The development of the decision-making flow chart for the value proposition will pass through the creation of the online platform, which will encompass the results of territorial analyses and architectural proposals.

At the end of the project, all elements will be available to propose a methodology for use in the revitalization of mountain villages both in the decision-making phase and in terms of architectural archetypes, integrating Nature-based Solutions into the value proposition. The developed technology will offer cutting-edge construction and plant solutions to increase the resilience of mountain living environments, benefiting entrepreneurship, citizenship, and administrations.