
Discover all the events organized by NODES, the Spokes, and its ecosystem, and participate from North to South.

4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
4. Montagna digitale e sostenibile
Networking e Accelerazione sulla Montagna Digitale e Sostenibile
A Torino, il 16 gennaio 2025, dalle ore 15 alle ore 18, presso la sede di Fondazione LINKS, in via Boggio 61, avrà luogo l'incontro di Networking e Accelerazione sulla Montagna Digitale e Sostenibile, organizzato da “NODES” – Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile – Spoke 4.   L’evento è un'importante occasione per le aziende e le startup del territorio per presentare le proprie attività, competenze e opportunità di mercato, e per confrontarsi con un pubblico variegato di aziende, startup, potenziali investitori e venture capital, creando spazi per nuove collaborazioni e opportunità di crescita. L’incontro avviene nella fase centrale di sviluppo dei progetti finanziati sui bandi a cascata di NODES sulla tematica dello SPOKE 4 dedicata alla Montagna Digitale e Sostenibile. Sarà quindi un'opportunità per le aziende coinvolte nei progetti di presentare i primi risultati raggiunti, i progressi in corso, nonché le competenze sviluppate e le potenziali aree di collaborazione con altri attori dell'ecosistema.
4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
25th Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2024)
WOA “From Objects to Agents” is an international workshop in the IT field which, every year, serves as a forum for Italian and international researchers and professionals working on all aspects of intelligent agents and multi-agent systems (MAS). The conference has reached its 25th edition, which will be celebrated in 2024, at the Forte di Bard (AO) from 8 to 10 July 2024. It is an event typically appreciated by young researchers for its constructive and interactive environment. Multi-agent systems are computing structures composed of multiple autonomous agents that interact with each other and with their surroundings to achieve specific objectives.   Following the considerable interest that all aspects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are recently obtaining, and the specific relevance of the topic also within the “Smart West” flagship project, as part of the NODES – Spoke 4 project, the 2024 edition of the workshop will focus on the theme Smart and Agile Agent Technologies for a Sustainable Model of Distributed Working.   Specifically, the COVID-19 pandemic has acted as an accelerator in the digitalization process of small-medium enterprises and public administrations, promoting new forms of hybrid/remote work. This requires the design and implementation of new processes and adequate technological infrastructures to address new challenges, including, but not limited to, the transformation of leadership and control, the shift towards a goal-oriented work organization (due of a reduction in the difference between employed and self-employed workers), the reduction of informal in-person interactions, the need for support to find an adequate work/life balance, the worker's well-being, his safety, and his lifelong learning. The systems and technologies developed in the field of agents and multi-agent systems can provide fundamental support in creating a new and sustainable working model at multiple levels: economic, but also technological, environmental and social, with particular reference to the peculiarities of mountain territories.   During the workshop, thematic sessions will be organized (keynote talks, panel discussions) specifically focused on the challenges of remote/hybrid working in a mountain environment, and on the solutions made available by research on agents and multi-agent systems. There will also be a moment of discussion with local stakeholders, in order to involve them and identify which technological tools can best respond to their needs.   Among the topics of interest identified for this edition it is possible to highlight:      Agent-oriented software engineering      Agents and sensor networks      Agent-based modeling and simulation      Business process management      Compliance      Hardware and software infrastructures for agents and multi-agent systems      Industrial applications of agents and MAS      Next generation socio-technical systems      Agent-based enabling technologies      Intelligent tools and devices for smart collaboration      AI-supported models and tools for remote working      Digital and Sustainable Mountain      Multi-agent systems for remote working in mountainous territories
4. Montagna digitale e sostenibile
Spoke 4 Assembly: appuntamento a Torino per il 17 Gennaio 2024
Lo Spoke 4 - Montagna digitale e sostenibile - si riunirà il 17 Gennaio 2024 a Torino per valutare da vicino, con i gruppi e i propri Partners, lo stato dei lavori dello Spoke in vista della General Assembly dell'Ecosistema. Il dettaglio del programma è in corso di definizione e sarà reso disponibile nei prossimi giorni. Tra le attività previste, lo Stato di avanzamento per i Work Package (Booster), l'analisi dello stato dell’arte e dei progressi compiuti dallo Spoke per ciascuna task e da ciascun partner secondo il Programma del Progetto NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile - finanziato dai fondi MUR del PNRR-NextGenerationEU in cui saranno esaminati:   Ecosystem’s engagement and development by Spoke Research Booster Competente Booster Innovation Booster Acceleration Booster Monitoring, evaluation and impact
4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
Regenerating Communities, Territories, Architectures
In St. Marcel, seminar meeting on the regeneration of communities, territories, and architectures. The meeting aims to initiate a multidisciplinary reflection on the enhancement of local production chains (particularly those related to the forest resource) as a possible engine for urban-architectural, social, and economic regeneration of the territory. The morning seminar will be a meeting point for experts who will discuss the potential and issues related to the need to integrate the enhancement of local production resources, constructive cultures, and the redevelopment of spaces serving communities. In the afternoon, through an excursion in the woods of Saint-Marcel guided by industry professionals, there will be an opportunity to delve into the theme of the local forest resource in relation to the development of future scenarios. The meeting will take place in St. Marcel on October 27, 2023, starting at 9:00 AM. Event promoted by the Polytechnic University of Turin - Department of Architecture and Design - research center Institute of Mountain Architecture. With the patronage of the Municipality of Saint-Marcel, GAL Valle d'Aosta, Consortium of Local Authorities of Valle d'Aosta – CELVA
4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
Info Day Spoke 4
Spoke 4 will hold a business INFO DAY on Wednesday, October 4th Spoke 4 - Digital and Sustainable Mountain will hold an online INFO DAY for businesses on Wednesday, October 4th, at 5:30 PM. During the event, businesses will have the opportunity to engage in discussions with partners in anticipation of the October 31st deadline for participating in the cascade funding calls. The meeting will particularly focus on Line B, which involves investment paths in innovation within the Spoke area, with the acquisition of advanced and qualified services. Following the event, businesses can also schedule additional meetings with the responsible individuals of Spoke 4's activities. To register, please fill out the form at:
4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
Presentation of Spoke 4 funding opportunities and participation procedures - Matera
All’Università degli Studi della Basilicata la presentazione dei bandi di finanziamento alle imprese At the University of Basilicata, the Spoke 4 is organizing the presentation of funding opportunities for the Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile (NODES) project and the application process for funding. The calls are aimed at businesses in the Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta, and the provinces of Como, Varese, and Pavia. The event will take place on May 22 at 10:30 AM in Aula B003, University Campus, Via Lanera 20, Matera. Registrations at the link: Live streaming at the link:  
4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
Presentation of Spoke 4 funding opportunities and participation procedures
At the University of Valle d'Aosta, the presentation of funding opportunities for businesses Spoke 4 is organizing the presentation of funding opportunities for the Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile (NODES) project and the application process for funding. The calls are aimed at businesses in the Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta, and the provinces of Como, Varese, and Pavia. The event will take place on April 17 at 3:30 PM at the University of Valle d'Aosta, Saint Christophe campus (AO), Le Grand Chemin 181. Remote participation is also possible, and registration is required in both cases.
4. Montagna digitale e sostenibile
Kick off Meeting dello Spoke 4
Kick off Meeting Nello splendido contesto del Forte di Bard, le attività scientifiche e di team building si sono perfettamente integrate con momenti di convivialità per consentire ai partner di conoscersi e avviare un confronto operativo sulle diverse tematiche del progetto.   Tavoli di lavoro per gruppi omogenei si sono alternati a momenti di sintesi comune.