
A Spoke 6 Assembly full of guests from SMEs

spoke 6 assembly
Focus on Success Stories with guests from SMEs

On Monday, January 27th, the University of Pavia successfully hosted the Spoke 6 Assembly online. The event was attended by 50 people, including researchers involved in the flagship projects and Academic PoCs, and staff from some of the SMEs involved. 

After a presentation on the state-of-the-art of Spoke, which highlighted how the Spoke has already achieved several KPIs, guests from companies told their “Success Stories” in the framework of NODES Spoke 6. 


The 9 “Success Stories” involved:

1) Francesco Biale (Calatroni Vnini) and Elisabetta Tumminelli (University of Pavia – NODES PhD candidate), who talked about the research they are carrying out on the flagship project VINO ("don't waste the waste") and the training course for professionals working in businesses titled “Vegetable Extracts and Health”, held in February 2024
2) Paolo Bazzano (Eco srl) and Graziano Rossi (University of Pavia), who talked about how they are collaborating on the OLIOP project, funded by a NODES cascade call, and about the successful course on frontier olive growing in Oltrepò Pavese, which is part of the training programme for businesses proposed by Spoke 6
3) Paolo Landolfo (ProLogic Inofrmatica) and Simone Allasia (AlpiRobot), who talked about early detection of vine diseases and machines for harvesting plums, describing the status of the projects DIVINE and EVA, respectively, funded by the NODES cascade call
4) Mattia Masseroni (Veronesi-AIA), who is managing the DIGIFARM project on behalf of Azienda Agricole le Colombaie, and spoke about digital and efficient farms
5) Alberto Lasagna (Confagricoltura) and Valentina Vaglia (University of Pavia – NODES researcher), who spoke about the industrial doctorate they are supervising together, to understand how to mitigate the effects of climate change and manage the cultivated areas of Oltrepò Pavese
6) Paolo Monti (Api dei Monti) and Elisa Conz (University of Pavia – head of the Advanced Digital Marketing course), who highlighted the benefits of the Students Challenges organized by Spoke 6 both for local micro-businesses and for the students involved
7) Alessandra Todisco (CAI Nutrizione) and Antonio Gallo (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore), who spoke about the success of the NODES Spoke 6 training courses for companies operating in the livestock sector
8) Sara Lucca and Marina Fabre (ComoNext), who talked about the academies organized within Spoke 6 to introduce researchers to entrepreneurship
9) Nicola Giulietti (University of Pavia), who talked about his new startup RDKore, established following the participation in UNIVENTURE 2023 where he obtained a prize funded by NODES Spoke 6 to finalize his technology

The Spoke 6 Assembly proved to be a crucial opportunity to showcase many of the activities carried out so far and those that will take place between now and the end of the project. 
Participants also showed a lot of interest for the Spoke 6 NODES Roadshow that will take place in March 2025 in Pavia.

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