
All the news about NODES and its innovation ecosystem: projects, partners, announcements, and events.

2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
BioInvestIT 2025 Torino: a success story of innovation and strategic connections
The energy of innovation filled the 2i3T - Innovative Companies Incubator of the University of Turin in Turin last 5 March, on the occasion of the second stage of the BioInvestIT 2025 Roadshow. An event that confirmed its role as a catalyst for start-ups, innovative SMEs and research projects in the circular bio-economy, offering them a concrete opportunity to get in touch with investors and key players in the sector.
Hub Nodes
8 Marzo 2025 Festa della Donna
Auguri a tutte le donne dell'Ecosistema NODES! In occasione della Festa della Donna, vogliamo dedicare un pensiero speciale a tutte le donne che fanno parte del nostro Ecosistema e che, con il loro impregno, la loro passione e professionalità contribuiscono a renderlo un progetto innovativo, inclusivo e sostenibile. Siamo convinti che il futuro del Progetto si costruisca giorno per giorno grazie alla creatività, professionalità e determinazione di tutti quelli che ci lavorano, ma oggi, vogliamo sottolineare quanto l'apporto femminile possa dare un contributo fondamentale per affrontare le sfide globali e per costruire un domani migliore per tutti.   Un grazie di cuore quindi a tutte le donne che, con la loro visione, ispirano e rendono possibile il cambiamento.   Buona Festa della Donna da tutto il team NODES!
4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
Cambiamenti climatici e montagna: concluso il corso sulla gestione delle risorse idriche
Si è conclusa il 26 febbraio 2025 la prima edizione del corso di formazione "Cambiamenti climatici e montagna: impatti sulla disponibilità delle risorse idriche e sulla loro gestione", organizzato dall’Università degli Studi di Torino con il supporto di FORMONT. Il corso ha riscosso grande interesse, registrando il tutto esaurito in pochi giorni dall’apertura delle iscrizioni. Trenta professionisti tra ricercatori, tecnici e operatori del settore hanno partecipato al percorso formativo, suddiviso in due fasi: le lezioni teoriche si sono tenute il 24 e 25 febbraio presso l’Aula Zodiaco del Castello del Valentino (Torino), mentre il 26 febbraio i partecipanti hanno potuto mettere in pratica le conoscenze acquisite con un’uscita sul campo presso l’Istituto Scientifico Angelo Mosso (2.901 m s.l.m., Alagna Valsesia – Comprensorio Monterosa Ski). Il corso ha approfondito il tema degli impatti del cambiamento climatico sulle risorse idriche in ambiente montano, con particolare attenzione alla loro gestione sostenibile. La combinazione di teoria e pratica ha permesso ai partecipanti di confrontarsi con esperti del settore e di osservare da vicino le dinamiche di un ecosistema alpino in evoluzione. L’iniziativa si è rivelata un’importante opportunità di formazione e aggiornamento, confermando l’impegno dello Spoke 4 nella divulgazione scientifica e nella preparazione di professionisti capaci di affrontare le sfide ambientali future. In considerazione dell’elevato numero di richieste, è stata programmata una seconda edizione del corso a settembre 2025. Le iscrizioni apriranno a breve.      
5. Industria della salute e silver economy
Oltre il paziente: prendersi cura della diade con il caregiver per una gestione ottimale delle patologie croniche
In che modo gli interventi di telemedicina possono contribuire a migliorare l'assistenza paziente con scompenso cardiaco e al suo caregiver?    Attualmente, si stima che oltre 64 milioni di persone nel mondo siano affette da scompenso cardiaco, un numero in continua crescita. Questo aumento è legato sia all'invecchiamento delle popolazione, sia ai progressi nella gestione della malattia, che però si presenta sempre più complessa. Di conseguenza, chi convive con lo scompenso cardiaco necessita del supporto quotidiano di una figura di riferimento: il caregiver. Questo ruolo può essere svolto dal partner, da un figlio/a, da un familiare o da una persona vicina al paziente.    Il legame che si instaura tra paziente e caregiver è così stretto da renderli un'unica unità di anaisi, definita ''diade'': qualsiasi cambiamento significativo - sociale, economico o sanitario - che colpisce uno dei due membri ha inevitabilmente un impatto anche sull'altro. Le linee guida internazionali sottolineano da tempo l'importanza di un approccio diadico nella gestione dello scompenso cardiaco, un principio che si applica anche agli interventi di telemedicina.  Negli ultimi anni, la telemedicina ha assunto un ruolo sempre più rilevante, rivelandosi un prezioso alleato nell'erogazione delle cure e nel supporto ai caregiver, anche nel contesto dello scompenso cardiaco. Con il rapido sviluppo di nuovi dispositivi, modalità di erogazione e campi di applicazione, è fondamentale fare il punto della situazione e capire dove siamo arrivati e quali scenari si prospettano per il futuro.  All'interno del Research Module 1 del progetto bandiera TINCARE, il dott. Cristian Vairo e la dott.ssa Ines Basso, sotto la supervisione del Prof. Alberto Dal Molin, stanno conducendo uno studio approfondito sul ruolo degli interventi da remoto nel supporto alla diade paziente-caregiver affetta da scompenso cardiaco. L'obiettivo è comprendere come la telemedicina possa migliorare la gestione della malattia, ottimizzare le cure e alleggerire il carico assistenziale del caregiver.   
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Demo Day ReAction: a success of innovation and sustainability at OGR Torino
The Demo Day of ReAction - Acceleration Program by NODES ended with enthusiasm and great participation, confirming itself as a major event for the sustainable innovation ecosystem. The event, hosted on 21 February 2025 at the Duomo of OGR Torino, highlighted the innovative solutions of start-ups and scaleups committed to the ecological transition and circular economy.
1. Aerospazio e mobilità sostenibile
Nodi della rete: i Partner | I 3 P - Spoke 1 Aerospazio e Mobilità Sostenibile
Spoke 1 rappresenta la collaborazione ai massimi livelli di diversi enti, che portano al tavolo le proprie importanti, e complementari competenze - Spoke 1 introduce: I3P Fondato nel 1999, l'Incubatore del Politecnico di Torino (I3P) supporta la nascita e lo sviluppo di startup innovative con elevata intensità tecnologica e potenzialità di crescita, fornendo servizi di consulenza, mentoring, supporto al fundraising, spazi di lavoro e occasioni di networking.  
7. Secondary agroindustry
Students' Challenge UNISG: Innovation and Sustainability in the Agri-food Sector
At the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo, innovation meets sustainability in an initiative involving students, companies and researchers: the UNISG – PNRR NODES Challenge   This training experience is designed to stimulate the entrepreneurial and creative mindset of students, putting them in front of a concrete challenge in the agri-food sector. For the first edition, the protagonists will be the 2nd year students of the Bachelor's Degree in Gastronomic Sciences and Cultures, who will work in teams to develop innovative solutions with the support of mentors and experts in the sector.   The Challenge: Enhance secondary production products   The company Agrimontana srl, leader in the processing of fruit for high-end pastry, catering and ice cream, has launched an important challenge: to identify new processes to enhance secondary production products, with a focus on reducing waste and environmental and economic impact.   Through a tutoring and training program, participants will analyze the context, study possible solutions and present concrete proposals to make the production process even more sustainable and efficient.   A Path Rich in Comparison and Growth   The program includes several phases: February 25, 2025 – Kick-off and launch of the Challenge to students March - May 2025 – Meetings with mentors and development of concepts June 2025 – Delivery of proposals July 2025 – Final presentation to Agrimontana srl   Throughout the journey, the teams will be supported by researchers from Spoke 7 – Secondary Agro-industry of NODES, who will offer skills and tools to face the challenge with a scientific and practical approach. At the end of the Challenge, the best projects will be awarded with awards in products offered by Agrimontana, as a testimony to the commitment and quality of the proposals developed by the students.   This initiative represents a unique opportunity for students to engage with the world of the agri-food industry, develop practical skills and make a concrete contribution to innovation in the sector.  
3. Culture and tourism industry
Positive balance for Spoke 3 at BIT
Spoke 3 - Tourism Industry and Culture participated in the 45th edition of BIT - International Tourism Exchange, attracting great interest among visitors.   During the three days of the fair, researchers and professors from the University of Insubria, the University of Turin, the University of Eastern Piedmont and the University of Valle D'Aosta took turns, who had the task of illustrating to visitors prototypes and innovative research materials in the field of tourism and culture.   At the Spoke 3 stand, it was possible to view several projects that, thanks to the use of augmented reality, will be able to promote tourism and culture in the North West.   The use of new technologies has encouraged the study and development of new applications specifically designed for the construction of itineraries to discover the beauty of the area or to take virtual trips inside museums.   The presence of Spoke 3 at the International Tourism Exchange was preparatory to create new contacts with exhibitors and visitors who welcomed the Nodes project and the positive effects it will have on the territory in terms of valorization and promotion of tourism and culture.  
1. Aerospazio e mobilità sostenibile
Nuove Students Challenge con UniTO, SKF e Teoresi
L’Università di Torino, in collaborazione con le aziende SKF e Teoresi, lancia 2 challenge nell’ambito dello Spoke 1 - Aerospazio e mobilità sostenibile. SKF lancia una sfida sulla Progettazione di spazi innovativi per il benessere lavorativo e l’hospitality nel settore aerospace. Teoresi punta invece a Sviluppare di soluzioni tecnologiche per la mobilità sostenibile e l’aerospazio. L’iniziativa è aperta a studenti e studentesse di laurea triennale, magistrale, a ciclo unico o master di UniTo, con la partecipazione di studenti del Politecnico di Torino, interessati a proporre idee innovative nei rispettivi ambiti. I partecipanti, organizzati in team interdisciplinari e supportati da tutor, affronteranno una challenge di tre settimane (8-29 maggio 2025), con tre eventi principali in presenza, Kick-off, Mentors' Day, Pitch Day. Durante il percorso si terranno incontri con mentor di UniTo, Politecnico, Spoke 1, SKF e Teoresi. Al termine, una commissione premierà l’idea più innovativa. Le Challenge sono un’ottima opportunità per la professionalizzazione, e tutti i partecipanti riceveranno un Open Badge. Le premialità saranno pubblicate a breve. Le iscrizioni apriranno nel mese di marzo, consultare la pagine dedicate per aggiornamenti Maggiori informazioni, iscrizioni e contatti sul sito di UniTo: Challenge SKF   Challenge Teoresi  
6. Primary agroindustry
Interview with the 'DEMETRA' team, winner of the pitch competition in the Spoke 6 entrepreneurship pathway.
Prof. Marco Carnevale, coordinator of the research team behind the academic Proof of Concept (POC) DEMETRA and winner of the pitch competition at the first edition of the NODES Academy: Agroindustria Primaria, shares the latest project developments and upcoming steps.   NB: What is the DEMETRA project about? MC: DEMETRA develops a virtual reality (VR) training environment for agricultural operators. The proof of concept focuses on hazelnut pruning, but the system can be extended to other agricultural tasks and machinery use, allowing training without seasonal constraints or the need for a physical field. *** NB: What are the main advantages of virtual reality training? MC: The first is overcoming seasonal limitations—pruning and similar activities can be learned anytime, reducing costs and improving the availability of skilled workers. VR also ensures standardized training, with performance monitoring and evaluation. Additionally, interactive avatars facilitate learning for users with different languages and backgrounds. Digitization in agriculture can also attract younger workers, reinforcing the sector’s image as technologically advanced. *** NB: What disciplines are involved? MC: The project integrates digital modeling, human-machine interaction, and advanced simulation. Our industrial robotics team developed haptic interfaces that simulate the tactile sensation of cutting branches. Initially, we created a sensorized glove with tactile feedback, later replaced with the integration of real tools, such as the Pellenc pruning shears, to enhance realism. The DICAR Laboratory (DAda-LAB) contributed by designing virtual environments and parametric digital prototypes of plants using LIDAR scans and photogrammetry. Data from the experimental field at Università Cattolica di Milano provided accurate digital modeling. The project also integrates Italy’s first Infinadeck omnidirectional treadmill, allowing users to move freely in the virtual scenario, overcoming traditional VR limitations. *** NB: How has the collaboration with NODES and ComoNExT benefited the project? MC: The NODES grant pushed us to develop both the technology and a business model. Through the Academy and ComoNExT facilitators, we gained market analysis skills, identified competitors, and refined our competitive advantages. We realized our system is valuable not only for agricultural businesses but also for agrarian schools and vocational training centers. This experience helped us transform research into an industrially viable solution. *** NB: What are the next steps? MC: We have won 20 additional hours of incubation support, which we are using to deepen market analysis and validate the product. We are strengthening our partnership with Pellenc, integrating their commercial tool into our platform to fully replace the haptic glove and enhance realism. We are also launching collaborations with agrarian institutes and businesses to test the system in real-world conditions. The I.I.S. Galileo Ferraris Technical Agrarian Institute in Vercelli has already expressed interest in participating in validation, which will help refine educational content and adapt the system to users' needs. Additionally, we are co-designing training modules with industry experts. While the platform currently focuses on hazelnut pruning, we aim to expand it to include agronomic knowledge and enhance operators’ decision-making skills. Finally, we are seeking funding to scale the project, making it accessible to schools, agricultural businesses, and training centers. Our goal is to establish DEMETRA as a reference platform for digital agricultural training, improving workforce skills and driving sector innovation.    
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Spoke 2 and its research at A&T 2025 - from research to enterprise: innovation and sustainability in materials for industry and construction
At the A&T 2025 exhibition, held on 13 February at the Lingotto in Turin, researchers from UNITO's Spoke 2 NODES, in collaboration with CNA, the Confederazione Nazionale dell'Artigianato e della Piccola e Media Impresa, presented an innovative approach to the use of waste materials, demonstrating how research and business can converge for concrete and sustainable solutions.   The meeting of research, tradition and innovation During the talk, researchers Giovanna Antonella Dino, Francesca Gambino and Susanna Mancini from the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, together with Elio Padoan from the Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari, illustrated a project that aims to reuse waste materials from the mining and agricultural industries to create innovative and sustainable products. The meeting with Master Craftsman Nino Longhitano made it possible to combine academic expertise and craftsmanship, developing a product that is completely natural and free of chemical additives.   The importance of time and collaboration One of the most fascinating aspects of the project is the rediscovery of the value of time in research and production. As the researchers pointed out, in the modern industrial world, there is often a tendency to favour speed at the expense of quality and sustainability. However, collaboration with small and medium-sized enterprises has shown that it is possible to adopt sustainable processes, rediscovering traditional techniques in an innovative way. As Francesca Gambino stated, this project functioned as a true research and development laboratory for small businesses, demonstrating that the encounter between academia and craftsmanship can generate innovative and replicable solutions on a larger scale.   Towards a more sustainable future The speech concluded with a reflection on how the synergy between universities, businesses and institutions is fundamental for the transition towards a real and concrete circular economy model. Elio Padoan, an expert in organic waste and biomaterials, highlighted how there are tons of unused biodegradable materials in agriculture that could instead be reintroduced into production cycles with environmental and economic benefits. This project demonstrates once again that the future of sustainability lies in collaboration between research and business, bringing together different competencies to create responsible and lasting innovation.
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Students' Green Challenge - 3rd edition
Michelin & UniTo: The Challenge for a Sustainable Future Spoke 2 - Green Technologies and Sustainable Industries and UniTo present the third edition of the Students' Green Challenge, in collaboration with Michelin, the world leader in the tyres field.   Registrations are open and will close on 16 March 2025   To whom is it addressed? The challenge is open to anyone enrolled in a Bachelor's, Master's or single-cycle degree course at the University of Turin who wants to get involved and propose innovative solutions to reduce the water and energy impact of Michelin's production sites.   Michelin and the Challenge theme In the tyre manufacturing process, water vapour plays a key role in vulcanisation, an essential step in obtaining the final product. Currently, the condensation water produced by this process is not recovered, causing a significant loss of 125,000 cubic metres per year (equivalent to about 50 Olympic swimming pools!). This condense, generated at around 95°C, contains particles of oil, rubber and chemical components. Its recovery represents a great opportunity to improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact. The challenge: to find technical and economic solutions to treat and reuse the condensation water generated in the vulcanisation process. The goal is to contribute to the sustainability strategy of the process, with the aim of significantly reducing water consumption at Michelin's sites by 2030. Join us in redesigning the future of industrial sustainability! At the Challenge launch event on 27 March 2025, the Challenge will be explained to participants in detail by company representatives.   Prizes Students who participated in the challenge will receive a digital Open Badge, the official certification based on the BesTR platform. The badge certifies the soft skills and the value of the experience gained during the challenge.   Prizes for the winning team Participation with Michelin at SMAU (Milan, November 2025), the benchmark event for process engineering. The prize includes paid entry and access to industry seminars. Logistics will be organised with the support of Michelin. Duration: 1 full day.   Exclusive visit to the Michelin plant in Cuneo to discover the company's production processes up close. Duration: 8 hours.   Official Michelin gadget: each member of the winning team will receive a Michelin branded water bottle.   Plus prize for the deserving student An internship or thesis opportunity at Michelin for the student who stands out for their commitment and skills during the challenge. The most suitable academic paths are science and business degrees.   These prizes represent a concrete opportunity to delve deeper into the world of industrial sustainability and build a valuable experience for one's academic and professional career.   Instructions for application Applications must be submitted by 16 March 2025 via online form, subject to availability of 30 places. It is possible to apply either individually or as a pre-formed team (minimum 3, maximum 5 participants). To apply as a team, each member must fill in the form and enter the name of the team in the ‘Notes’ section. Multidisciplinary teams are recommended, with expertise from different fields of study. The organisation reserves the right to change the composition of the teams, which will be officially defined during the kick-off event. The challenges take place entirely in Italian. Participation in the main events and the preparation of a final pitch are compulsory for all participants. SIGN UP HERE Programme Kick-off Day - 27 March 2025 Università degli Studi di Torino - Sala blu Rettorato, Via Po 17, 10124 Torino TO Morning: presentation of the initiative and the actors involved Afternoon: team matchmaking and first session of group work Mentoring event - 3 April 2025 Università degli Studi di Torino - Campus Luigi Einaudi - Aula 3D136  (3° piano), Lungo Dora Siena 100, 10153 Torino TO Afternoon: mentoring sessions with industry experts to refine ideas and proposals. Final pitching and awards event - 16 April 2025 Environment park Torino - Auditorium Kyoto, Via Livorno, 60, 10144 Torino TO Afternoon: all teams will present their solution with a pitch to an evaluation committee composed of representatives of the organising bodies with a final award ceremony. More details and information on the programme of events will be provided in the coming days.   Find out more about the Students' Green Challenge Spoke 2 project and past editions: CLICK HERE
6. Primary agroindustry
Participation in A&T 2025 Fair: DISAFA-UniTO and the Future of Agriculture
The Department of Agricultural, Forestry, and Food Sciences (DISAFA) at the University of Turin participated in the 19th edition of the A&T Fair, a key event for innovation, advanced technologies, and Industry 4.0 and 5.0 skills. During the exhibition, the team presented prototypes, innovative projects, and informational materials, focusing on solutions for more efficient and sustainable agriculture developed within Spoke 6.   In this context, Prof. Paolo Gay took part in the conference "Electrification in Agricultural Machinery: New Challenges and Scenarios," held on February 12, 2025, at A&T Torino - Oval Lingotto Fiere. The event, organized by the University of Turin in collaboration with Arproma and FederUnacoma, provided an important platform for discussions on the opportunities offered by the electrification of agricultural machinery to enhance energy efficiency, reduce emissions, and integrate advanced solutions for precision agriculture.   During the conference, experts and industry professionals analyzed the technological, economic, and infrastructural implications of this transition, highlighting growth opportunities for companies in the sector. The discussion reaffirmed the strategic role of electrification in the future of agriculture, not only in terms of sustainability but also for international competitiveness.
1. Aerospazio e mobilità sostenibile
Nodi della rete: i Partner | Environment Park - Spoke 1 Aerospazio e Mobilità Sostenibile
Spoke 1 rappresenta la collaborazione ai massimi livelli di diversi enti, che portano al tavolo le proprie importanti, e complementari competenze - Spoke 1 introduce: Environment Park Environment Park è il Parco Tecnologico per l’ambiente di Torino. Con i suoi laboratori e spazi per l’insediamento di imprese, da oltre 25 anni lavora a fianco delle aziende e degli enti locali nello sviluppo e adozione di tecnologie innovative in campo energetico ed ambientale. Envipark mette a disposizione gli “open labs” del Parco sull’idrogeno, la chimica verde e il CCUS creati e gestiti in partnership con POLITO e IIT, e il network di imprese del Cluster CLEVER per azioni di trasferimento tecnologico alle imprese della mobilità sostenibile e dell’aerospazio.  
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Round Grip 6th stop: GRIP technologies for decarbonisation at the Politecnico di Torino - how did it go?
The Politecnico di Torino hosted the sixth stop of Round Grip - the Spoke 2 cycle of meetings - dedicated to innovative solutions for CO₂ reduction, recovery and valorisation. Entitled ‘Fixed for CO₂? How to get rid of it with GRIP technologies!’, the meeting brought together researchers, companies, students and institutions to explore the role of Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS) and GRIP technologies in industrial decarbonisation, the subject of GRIP's Research Module 5 (RM5).