Scheda del progetto
Università degli Studi di Torino
Professor Carla Lazzaroni
Professor Davide Biagini
DIGI-FERT aims to demonstrate and validate variable rate (VR) fertilisation strategies for seed crops intended for forage or grain production in a real-world setting. A multidisciplinary team, comprising researchers from various fields with expertise in the technology being tested, collaborates closely with agricultural service companies and local farms to carry out the project.
Contact person
Massimo Blandino
+39 0116708895
Technologies for variable rate (VR) fertilisation are currently available on the market and accessible to farmers through third-party services for creating prescription maps and field application. However, the main challenge of the project is the precise calibration of these services to the local context, evaluating the benefits and facilitating effective technological transfer from the companies offering the service to the end users, namely the farms. This includes training for agricultural operators and third-party service providers, which is essential to ensure the rational and profitable use of the technology in the agricultural market.
The DIGI-FERT project focuses on innovating variable rate (VR) fertilisation technologies, exploring various options to obtain variability maps usable for precise agronomic advice. It is essential to demonstrate the effectiveness of these technologies and compare them in real-world contexts, specifically calibrating them for the North West macro-region. The project will examine the application of digestate and synthetic nitrogen mineral fertilisers through VR, comparing them with conventional fixed rate application.
The demonstration activity is currently taking place at a representative cereal farm in the North West, focusing on evaluating the agronomic and productive impacts, efficiency in fertiliser use, quality for the livestock and food supply chains, as well as economic aspects and environmental sustainability.