Grants for projects


MATErial Rheology Investigation And Life cycle assessment of a Zero Emission Driving system
Scheda del progetto
P.i Scientific Resp.
Prof.ssa Associata - Massimiliana Carello
Politecnico di Torino
RTD-A - Henrique De Carvalho
Assegnista - Giovanni Imberti
Start date
14 months
Approved value
€ 130.652,61
Investment nodes
€ 130.652,61
Politecnico di Torino

The system stems from the need to reduce the overall environmental impact of cars during their lifetime by mitigating secondary emissions from braking systems, which, for the latest generation of combustion vehicles, produce a portion of particulate matter comparable to that of the engine itself.

The challenge

The PoC intends to carry out a detailed costing study, Life-Cycle Assessment on the developed magneto-rheological (MR) brake capable of changing its viscosity as the applied magnetic field changes.


It is important to emphasise, once a new technology has been developed to reduce the emissions generated, how effective it is not only in the operational reduction of emissions but also considering the useful life of the brake and the vehicle. It is therefore essential to carry out a detailed costing study, Life-Cycle Assessment on the developed solution ; it is also essential to carry out detailed tests on the MR fluid, the key to the proposed technology, which is capable of changing its viscosity as the applied magnetic field changes.

Why is it innovative

The technological development expected during MATERIALIZED is an improvement in braking performance thanks to the benchmarking analysis of the different magneto-rheological fluids on the market, the validation of the fluid's durability in relation to the braking application, and an approach to the final product thanks to careful costing and design for manufacturing.


Crucial to the finalisation of the project will be the creation of a durability test bench, capable of testing the magneto-rheological fluid under actual conditions of use in the brake for a time compatible with simulating the service life of a braking system.
Secondly, it is critical to combine in-house expertise and know-how with costing professionals to achieve an optimal costing, design for manufacturing and LCA analysis.

Impact on users

The ZEDS solution, Zero-Emissions Driving System, was designed and optimised specifically for automotive applications. The aim is to reduce the environmental impact of cars by reducing secondary emissions with a solution that produces no pollutants during its operating cycle. ZEDS represents an innovative concept of managing the longitudinal dynamics of a car, considering the fact that the solution, consisting of an in-wheel electric motor and a magneto-rheological brake, is able to manage both traction and deceleration demands.