Registration open
Introduction to plastics materials
Course holder
Proplast Consortium | Lecturer: Eng. Maria Luana Montalbano (R&D Project manager Proplast)
Info utili
Registration deadline
Course category
Training programs
What is plastics: introduction
General introduction to the world of plastics: an overview of the most common materials, their main characteristics and how they are used.
The course is aimed at all those who wish to acquire the basic concepts on plastics and in particular at marketing, purchasing and sales people in all industries (automotive, electronics, consumer goods, etc.), those working in industrial design, packaging, construction and furniture.
The course provides an in-depth look at Green issues covered crosswise in the NODES Project Spoke.
Useful info
Course duration: 3 hours (10:00-13:00)
Language: Italian
Mode of delivery: online
Minimum number of participants: 4
Registration fee: 100€ + VAT + registration fees.