ReDFIT – Research & Development Financing Tools
Info utili
The participant has a research background and intends to develop the essential skills to finance their research and exploit their know-how also through fundraising. The financial education for those who innovate through an institution or a start-up is structured to facilitate the acquisition of prior knowledge about technology and knowledge transfer, funding opportunities and industry players.
This course aims to strengthen participants in the management of economic, financial and search skills for public or private funding opportunities needed to support research activities. These skills are of interest to those who design and develop new innovative or entrepreneurial ideas but also within academic or corporate contexts.
During the course, knowledge of:
- Definition of basics related to the estimation of financial needs
- Analysis of public and private investment models
- Strategic case management analysis
- Impact analysis
All these tailor-made contents meet the development of a complex and innovative NODES ecosystem by proposing an activity aimed at a switch of mentality that allows the researcher to enter a stimulating and multi-participating environment.
Thanks to the course, the participant can gain knowledge of aspects related to the fundraising of innovation projects.
The problem-solving approach allows the shaping and validation of an idea from a ‘concept’ phase into a prototype and finished product in complex environments, through analytical methodologies and a continuous design and monitoring approach (plan | do | check | act).
- Course duration in hours
24 hours in 6 meetings - Course delivery language
Italian - Mode of delivery
Face-to-face - Min. number of participants
15 - Registration fee
Free of charge
Classes will be held from 14:00 to 18:00, face-to-face at the 2i3T headquarters (Via Nizza 52, Turin)
24/10/2024 – AULA ARISTOTELE
Kick off intro e glossario
Modelli di finanziamento pubblici – Bandi e opportunità
31/10/2024 – AULA ARISTOTELE
Research Budgeting
I modelli di finanziamento europei, nazionali e regionali
7/11/2024 – AULA GALILEO
Valorizzazione della proprietà intellettuale
Testimonianza pratica
14/11/2024 – AULA ARISTOTELE
Crowdfunding, modelli di investimento in equity privati con casi su conto terzi
Negoziazione: intro e strumenti
21/11/2024 – AULA MENDEL
Valorizzazione know-how attraverso spin off
Modelli di finanziamento equity creazione company
28/11/2024 – AULA MENDEL
Modelli di finanziamento canale bancario
Pitch Deck