Tourism and Culture Industry

Digitalization of the tourism industry and enhancement of cultural and environmental heritage

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Spoke 3 Tourism and Culture Industry

Spoke 3 promotes the development of the tourism and culture industry through the digitalization of tourism businesses, the introduction of the culture of sustainability and the enhancement of Made in Italy.

It is coordinated by the University of Insubria and sees the collaboration between universities, research centers and organizations

Spoke 3 - industria del turismo


Spoke 3 partecipa alla Borsa Internazionale del Turismo
Da domenica 9 febbraio a martedì 11 febbraio 2025, Rho - Milano Fiera ospita la 45esima edizione della BIT - Borsa Internazionale del Turismo, uno dei più importanti eventi italiani dedicati al Turismo.     Lo Spoke 3 - Industria del Turismo e cultura partecipa a questa edizione promuovendo la ricerca e l’innovazione dell’ecosistema e dell’Università degli Studi dell'Insubria dando visibilità ai progetti innovativi nel campo del turismo e della cultura al fine di creare nuove sinergie con espositori e visitatori interessati alla valorizzazione e alla promozione del turismo e della cultura; fattori ampiamente presenti sul territorio del Nord Ovest mediante l'utilizzo di nuove tecnologie.     Presso lo stand H07 - Padiglione 9, lo Spoke 3 di NODES presenterà prototipi e materiali di ricerca innovativi, esponendo i progetti NODES tra cui i flaghship project TOEP (Tourism Open-ended Experimentation Platform) e CIRIL (CULTURAL-INDUSTRY REGENERATION IMMERSIVE LAB) e POC accademici nell'ambito del Turismo e della Cultura. Tra i POC accademici figurano: DIGITALMM (Digital Muse for Museums), PLANET (Planner Leisure App for Natural & Experiential Tourism), AIACE (Artificial Intelligence Assistant for Cultural Tourism Enhancement), HISTORYGRAPHIA, ITM (Immersive textile museum), CERR (Cultural Extended Reality Routes).   Infine, alcuni ricercatori saranno presenti per illustrare le loro innovazioni al pubblico; tra di loro ci saranno alcuni rappresentanti dell'Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Università degli Studi di Torino, Università del Piemonte Orientale e Università della Valle D'Aosta.

International Symposium - Technology and society: Boon or Bane?
On January 23 and 24, the ninth edition of the Business Systems Laboratory International Symposium was held in Varese, at the University of Insubria, entitled Technology and society: Boon or Bane?   The focus of the conference was to highlight how technology has unequivocally transformed the dynamics of interactions, lifestyles, work environments, social relationships and business operations. Playing a fundamental role in society, technology continues to evolve, promising new advances that will reshape our lives and professional scenarios.   The event, organized by Prof. Patrizia Gazzola (University of Insubria) and Prof. Gandolfo Dominici (Business Systems Laboratory and University of Palermo), with the collaboration of Drs. Stefano Amelio, Daniele Grechi, Iulia Iliashenko and Francesco Gentile; brought together international experts to reflect on the role of technology in society, between progress and complexity, offering crucial insights for European and global policies.   Among the most significant moments, the speech by Prof. Eka Sapashvili (Tbilisi State University, Georgian Parliament), who presented the research "The Current Global Migration and Technological Challenges: Advantages or Threat to the European Union Social Security". The study analyzes global migratory phenomena and their demographic impact in the EU, exploring the technological and social security implications through the SDGs. An innovative perspective that highlights challenges and opportunities for the future of Europe.  

"Artificial Intelligence in Textiles – Human in the Loop or Changing the Loop?"
On December 3, 2024, the event organized by ComoNext Innovation Hub, partner of Spoke 3, was held at Villa del Grumello (CO): "Artificial Intelligence in the Textile Sector – Human in the Loop or Changing the Loop?".   The event explored the revolutionary role of frontier technologies, with particular attention to generative artificial intelligence in the transformation of the textile sector.   The speakers accompanied the participants in the issues related to the digitalization of production processes, corporate sustainability and innovation in design, highlighting in particular how Artificial Intelligence contributes to optimizing efficiency and reducing waste.   The intervention of the Galli Academy highlighted the importance of artistic and technological training to preserve and enhance cultural heritage. The historical movements that reacted to industrialization, promoting craftsmanship and innovation, were taken into consideration, and the need to transform industrial and artistic archives into cultural resources was underlined. The integration of tradition and artificial intelligence emerges as a lever for innovative and cultural change.   PA Expertise illustrated a practical application of artificial intelligence in the sector, connected to the intelligent management of product archives and the generation of new drawings already in report in a few minutes (starting from the interpretation of existing details, such as texts and/or images), all supported by computer vision and generative AI modules.   Finally, Legnani Legal introduced the importance of a Governance, Risk & Compliance approach to manage the risks associated with the introduction of disruptive technologies, ensuring a harmonious and sustainable digital transformation.

The city of Benevento meets companies operating in tourism and culture of southern Italy
On November 13, 2024, the event "Tourism and culture: innovation for the South" was held at the University of Sannio, a partner of Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry, organized as part of the Roadshow Mezzogiorno initiative.   During the day, Dr. Marco Biolatti of the University of Turin and Prof. Stefania Cerutti of the University of Eastern Piedmont showed those present the results obtained to date with the two flagship projects CIRIL and TOEP; projects aimed at enhancing the territory and culture thanks to the use of new technologies.   The main protagonists of the event were the companies operating in southern Italy, which had the opportunity to win funds from the cascade calls through which they were able to start interesting industrial research and experimental development projects. The companies presented their progress, showed some prototypes and explained to those present how new technologies are revolutionizing the tourism and culture sector in the South but also the Made in Italy sector. Interesting and noteworthy are the applications proposed for conscious tourism and for the protection of Made in Italy and the recognition of counterfeit items. The companies also had the opportunity to discuss and network with each other   At the end of the meeting there was an interesting round table that allowed researchers and companies to discuss what has been done so far and possible actions to take in the future.

Boost your competence

3. Culture and tourism industry
Startup Lab - How to pitch your idea
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Università degli Studi dell'Insubria - ComoNext Innovatio Hub
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3. Culture and tourism industry
Startup Lab: Turn Your Idea Into Reality - 1st Edition 2025
Course holder
ComoNext Innovation Hub - Elena Zaffaroni, Sara Lucca, Marina Fabre Morales, Elisa Alemagna, Alfio Gabriele
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Training programs


BIT 2025: Spoke 3 takes part in the Milan International Tourism Exchange
From Sunday 9 February to Tuesday 11 February 2025, Rho - Milano Fiera hosts the 45th edition of BIT - International Tourism Exchange, one of the most important Italian events dedicated to Tourism.   Spoke 3 - Tourism Industry and Culture participates in this edition by promoting research and innovation of the ecosystem and the University of Insubria by giving visibility to innovative projects in the field of tourism and culture in order to create new synergies with exhibitors and visitors interested in the enhancement and promotion of tourism and culture; factors widely present in the North West through the use of new technologies.   BIT is the main B2B and B2C marketplace for the tourism industry. The three days of the event will be dedicated to commercial operators for BUSINESS, NETWORKING and TRAINING. One day (Sunday 9 February) is also open to travelers who visit the event to discover new experiences and find inspiration for their next trips.   At booth H07 - Hall 9, NODES Spoke 3 will present innovative prototypes and research materials, showcasing NODES projects including the flagship projects TOEP (Tourism Open-ended Experimentation Platform) and CIRIL (CULTURAL-INDUSTRY REGENERATION IMMERSIVE LAB) and academic POCs in the field of Tourism and Culture. Academic POCs include: DIGITALIMM (Digital Muse for Museums), PLANET (Planner Leisure App for Natural & Experiential Tourism), AIACE (Artificial Intelligence Assistant for Cultural Tourism Enhancement), HISTORYGRAPHIA, ITM (Immersive textile museum), CERR (Cultural Extended Reality Routes).   Some researchers will be present to illustrate their innovations to the public; among them there will be some representatives of the University of Insubria, University of Turin, University of Eastern Piedmont and University of Valle D'Aosta.  

On Wednesday 29th January at 2:00 pm at the Nuovo Polo Università della Valle D'Aosta, Room B4, an interesting workshop will be held entitled: "Tourism at TO(E)P!".   The workshop, organized within the Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry, of the NODES project by the University of Valle d'Aosta (UniVdA) and the University of Eastern Piedmont (UPO), aims to explore innovative strategies to promote cultural and experiential tourism in mountain and lake destinations.   The event will be an important opportunity to present the results of the research conducted in recent years thanks to the flagship project TOEP (Tourism Open-ended Experimentation Platform) of the Spoke 3 of NODES, which has paid particular attention to the enhancement of local cultural heritage through the use of advanced technologies, the development of digital communication and the adoption of innovative and sustainable tourism management practices inspired by participatory placebranding.   During the meeting, industry experts, academics and tourism operators will share experiences and perspectives on the future of tourism in fragile areas such as mountain and lake areas, illustrating how the TOEP platform can support businesses and institutions in improving the attractiveness and competitiveness of the territory.   Admission to the event is free. For further information, please contact the address

TOEP in Tour
Spoke 3 restarts for the presentation of the TOEP Platform in other locations. After the launch on November 29th in Omegna (VB), the University of Eastern Piedmont (UPO) with the support of NOVARECKON will present the web and mobile APP created as part of Spoke 3 Tourism and Culture Industry of the PNRR NODES Project (Digital and Sustainable North West).   The first appointments of 2025 with institutions, tourism companies and operators will be on January 27th in Alba (10.30 am, at Banca d'Alba) and on January 29th in Aosta (from 2.00 pm, at the University of Valle d'Aosta). The interventions will be coordinated by Prof. Cerutti (UPO): on the 27th Prof. Luigi Portinale (UPO) and Dr. Christian Violi (NOVARECKON), while on the 29th Prof. Stefania Cerutti (UPO) and Prof. Stefania Benetti (UPO).   The heart of Spoke3 is human creativity, a fundamental element for innovation in the tourism and culture industries, also in light of economic transformations, globalization processes and climate change. It is in this framework that the TOEP platform was implemented: it includes a web interface for suppliers and a mobile application for users, both integrated with a flexible and cloud-based MongoDB database for scalability. The mobile and web applications were developed using modern technologies (such as Ionic Framework, Node.js, Firebase and TypeScript), to manage user requests, user interface design and communication with the database. A recommendation system was also implemented using machine learning algorithms to analyze user data and generate personalized recommendations.  

International Symposia: "Technology and Society: Boon or Bane?"
Spoke 3 - Tourism Industry and Culture organized an International Symposia entitled: Technology and Society: Boon or Bane? on 23 and 24 January 2025 at the University of Insubria, Varese headquarters. The objective of the conference is to highlight how technology has unequivocally transformed the dynamics of our interactions, lifestyles, work environments, social relationships and business operations. Playing a vital role in society, technology continues to evolve, promising new advancements that will reshape our lives and professional landscapes. While technology facilitates seamless communication, access to information, travel, sharing of ideas and creation of knowledge, there is growing apprehension about its potential negative impacts on society in the future. In particular, concerns have emerged regarding the potential negative consequences of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation. Additionally, the influence of social media on mental health and well-being, especially among younger generations, is of growing concern. In this regard, we point out the following track   Among the publication possibilities, we also highlight ONLINE BUSINESS ECONOMY - Business and Management Science International Quarterly Review, a magazine in which it will be possible to publish your paper in both English and Italian. It will be possible to register for the conference starting from 15 October 2024 To register, fill out the form at link   For further information see the link