Tourism and Culture Industry

Digitalization of the tourism industry and enhancement of cultural and environmental heritage

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Spoke 3 Tourism and Culture Industry

Spoke 3 promotes the development of the tourism and culture industry through the digitalization of tourism businesses, the introduction of the culture of sustainability and the enhancement of Made in Italy.

It is coordinated by the University of Insubria and sees the collaboration between universities, research centers and organizations

Spoke 3 - industria del turismo


Positive balance for Spoke 3 at BIT
Spoke 3 - Tourism Industry and Culture participated in the 45th edition of BIT - International Tourism Exchange, attracting great interest among visitors.   During the three days of the fair, researchers and professors from the University of Insubria, the University of Turin, the University of Eastern Piedmont and the University of Valle D'Aosta took turns, who had the task of illustrating to visitors prototypes and innovative research materials in the field of tourism and culture.   At the Spoke 3 stand, it was possible to view several projects that, thanks to the use of augmented reality, will be able to promote tourism and culture in the North West.   The use of new technologies has encouraged the study and development of new applications specifically designed for the construction of itineraries to discover the beauty of the area or to take virtual trips inside museums.   The presence of Spoke 3 at the International Tourism Exchange was preparatory to create new contacts with exhibitors and visitors who welcomed the Nodes project and the positive effects it will have on the territory in terms of valorization and promotion of tourism and culture.  

Spoke 3 partecipa alla Borsa Internazionale del Turismo
Da domenica 9 febbraio a martedì 11 febbraio 2025, Rho - Milano Fiera ospita la 45esima edizione della BIT - Borsa Internazionale del Turismo, uno dei più importanti eventi italiani dedicati al Turismo.     Lo Spoke 3 - Industria del Turismo e cultura partecipa a questa edizione promuovendo la ricerca e l’innovazione dell’ecosistema e dell’Università degli Studi dell'Insubria dando visibilità ai progetti innovativi nel campo del turismo e della cultura al fine di creare nuove sinergie con espositori e visitatori interessati alla valorizzazione e alla promozione del turismo e della cultura; fattori ampiamente presenti sul territorio del Nord Ovest mediante l'utilizzo di nuove tecnologie.     Presso lo stand H07 - Padiglione 9, lo Spoke 3 di NODES presenterà prototipi e materiali di ricerca innovativi, esponendo i progetti NODES tra cui i flaghship project TOEP (Tourism Open-ended Experimentation Platform) e CIRIL (CULTURAL-INDUSTRY REGENERATION IMMERSIVE LAB) e POC accademici nell'ambito del Turismo e della Cultura. Tra i POC accademici figurano: DIGITALMM (Digital Muse for Museums), PLANET (Planner Leisure App for Natural & Experiential Tourism), AIACE (Artificial Intelligence Assistant for Cultural Tourism Enhancement), HISTORYGRAPHIA, ITM (Immersive textile museum), CERR (Cultural Extended Reality Routes).   Infine, alcuni ricercatori saranno presenti per illustrare le loro innovazioni al pubblico; tra di loro ci saranno alcuni rappresentanti dell'Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Università degli Studi di Torino, Università del Piemonte Orientale e Università della Valle D'Aosta.

International Symposium - Technology and society: Boon or Bane?
On January 23 and 24, the ninth edition of the Business Systems Laboratory International Symposium was held in Varese, at the University of Insubria, entitled Technology and society: Boon or Bane?   The focus of the conference was to highlight how technology has unequivocally transformed the dynamics of interactions, lifestyles, work environments, social relationships and business operations. Playing a fundamental role in society, technology continues to evolve, promising new advances that will reshape our lives and professional scenarios.   The event, organized by Prof. Patrizia Gazzola (University of Insubria) and Prof. Gandolfo Dominici (Business Systems Laboratory and University of Palermo), with the collaboration of Drs. Stefano Amelio, Daniele Grechi, Iulia Iliashenko and Francesco Gentile; brought together international experts to reflect on the role of technology in society, between progress and complexity, offering crucial insights for European and global policies.   Among the most significant moments, the speech by Prof. Eka Sapashvili (Tbilisi State University, Georgian Parliament), who presented the research "The Current Global Migration and Technological Challenges: Advantages or Threat to the European Union Social Security". The study analyzes global migratory phenomena and their demographic impact in the EU, exploring the technological and social security implications through the SDGs. An innovative perspective that highlights challenges and opportunities for the future of Europe.  

"Artificial Intelligence in Textiles – Human in the Loop or Changing the Loop?"
On December 3, 2024, the event organized by ComoNext Innovation Hub, partner of Spoke 3, was held at Villa del Grumello (CO): "Artificial Intelligence in the Textile Sector – Human in the Loop or Changing the Loop?".   The event explored the revolutionary role of frontier technologies, with particular attention to generative artificial intelligence in the transformation of the textile sector.   The speakers accompanied the participants in the issues related to the digitalization of production processes, corporate sustainability and innovation in design, highlighting in particular how Artificial Intelligence contributes to optimizing efficiency and reducing waste.   The intervention of the Galli Academy highlighted the importance of artistic and technological training to preserve and enhance cultural heritage. The historical movements that reacted to industrialization, promoting craftsmanship and innovation, were taken into consideration, and the need to transform industrial and artistic archives into cultural resources was underlined. The integration of tradition and artificial intelligence emerges as a lever for innovative and cultural change.   PA Expertise illustrated a practical application of artificial intelligence in the sector, connected to the intelligent management of product archives and the generation of new drawings already in report in a few minutes (starting from the interpretation of existing details, such as texts and/or images), all supported by computer vision and generative AI modules.   Finally, Legnani Legal introduced the importance of a Governance, Risk & Compliance approach to manage the risks associated with the introduction of disruptive technologies, ensuring a harmonious and sustainable digital transformation.

Boost your competence

3. Culture and tourism industry
Startup Lab - How to pitch your idea
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Università degli Studi dell'Insubria - ComoNext Innovatio Hub
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3. Culture and tourism industry
Startup Lab: Turn Your Idea Into Reality - 1st Edition 2025
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ComoNext Innovation Hub - Elena Zaffaroni, Sara Lucca, Marina Fabre Morales, Elisa Alemagna, Alfio Gabriele
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Training programs


Tourism, between precariousness and precariousness
On Wednesday 26 March at 10:30 am in the Aula Magna Campus SAA-Via Ventimiglia 115 of the University of Turin, the podcast entitled: Tourism, between precariousness and precariousness will be presented.   Filippo Monge, associate professor of Economics and Business Management at the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures and Modern Cultures of Unito will animate, through a workshop, the presentation of the podcast written in collaboration with the tourism historian Paolo Gerbaldo and the researcher Robin Vanzolini and recorded in the studios of Radio 110, the Web-radio of Unito. The aim of the podcast is to illustrate the first results of the research activity on the issues of financial sustainability of tourism businesses and the contextual precariousness generated by the structural weakness of the sector.   Precariousness due to seasonality, effect of the precariousness of the sector: the tourism sector, in Italy, is still dominated, in fact, by individual businesses. Many of which are too fragile, undercapitalized and distant from managerial management. This structural weakness has repercussions on the professional horizon choices of the new generations. Willing to work in tourism, yes. But as a temporary occupation towards new and less precarious horizons.   The conference, which will take place in the Aula Magna of the SAA campus (formerly the School of Business Administration of the University of Turin), will be attended, among others, by experts, professionals and representatives of the productive world such as Federico De Giuli, former president of the Tourism Group of the Industrial Union of Turin and, now, manager of the Confindustria Piemonte system and the journalist Riccardo Staglianò, author of the book “Hanno vincere i ricco”, Einaudi, 2024.   Professor Marco Novarese of the University of Eastern Piedmont will also speak to comment on the data, sharing, with the audience present and connected remotely, the results obtained so far in the TOEP project, in particular the new open-ended tourism platform.   It will be possible to participate in the event remotely by connecting to the link  

Gender Equality Certification: Between Opportunities and Challenges
Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry presents the workshop entitled: "Certification of gender equality: between opportunities and challenges".   The event will be held on Monday 17 March 2025 from 9.00 to 12.30 in the splendid setting of Villa Toeplitz, Viale Giovan Battista Vico - Varese and is open to entrepreneurs and researchers who want to increase their cultural background in the field of gender equality certification.   The "Gender equality certification system" is an intervention of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) under the ownership of the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, which aims to accompany and encourage companies to adopt adequate policies to reduce the gender gap in the world of work.   The workshop, organized by DIDEC (Department of Law, Economics and Cultures), DISUIT (Department of Human Sciences and Innovation for the Territory) of the University of Insubria in collaboration with Studio Bini Engineering srl of Gemonio (VA), includes a series of interventions that have as their object key themes including: the regulatory context; the certification procedure; testimonials and good practices declined with specific reference to companies.   The opening greetings will be held by Prof. Paola Biavaschi Director of the Department of Human Sciences and Innovation for the Territory of the University of Insubria.   The workshop will be held by the professors of the Department of Law, Economics and Cultures of the University of Insubria: Prof. Barbara Pozzo, Prof. Lilli Viviana Casano, by the lawyer Anna Danesi, councilor for equality and delegate of the Province of Varese, by Dr. Barbara Bini of Studio Bini Engineering and by Eng. Marco Bini and Venere Srl in addition to Dr. Alessandro Buzzi, entrepreneur and PhD student on gender equality at the University of Insubria.   The aim of the workshop is to contribute to the promotion of a culture of equality in the workplace, actively supporting companies, especially small businesses, which may encounter greater difficulties in undertaking a certification process. The experience of companies that have already undertaken this path confirms the usefulness of the certification path for identifying the obstacles that, at the individual company and system level, undermine substantial gender equality and the full and satisfactory participation of women in professional growth opportunities, essential elements for the promotion of social sustainability. Sign up qui

Wonderwood Challenge 2025 - II edition
The Wonderwood challenge 2025 is proposed by the University of Eastern Piedmont (UPO), under the scientific responsibility of Professor Stefania Cerutti.   Students from two courses will participate: - Tourism Geography Laboratory (DISUM UPO) Professor Cerutti - Landscape, Tourism, Sustainability (DISSTE UPO) Professor Cerutti and Professor Benetti   The challenge, which is also aimed at students from the University of Insubria of the Tourism Business Marketing course held by Professor Roberta Minazzi, will take place at an innovative Piedmontese facility: the Wonderwood Park.   The park, located a few km from the lakeside town of Cannero Riviera, has been offering a different and diversified use of the mountain area behind Lake Maggiore since 2019, aiming at family-friendly, outdoor, slow and sustainable tourism. Founder and manager of the management company Dr. Massimiliano Freddi.   The aim of the Challenge is to involve students in identifying possible destination management and marketing strategies aimed at making Wonderwood the gateway for mountain tourism in the lake area of ​​north-eastern Piedmont, starting from Lake Maggiore and involving Lake Mergozzo and Lake Orta. A particular focus will be on the Terre Alte, marking the border between Lake Maggiore and the Val Grande national park.   PHASES 1. INTRODUCTORY PHASE: students are trained at their universities on the reality of the Wonderwood Park and the aims of the challenge; this is an activity carried out in the classroom, with the presence of the teachers involved and the Park representative Dr. Freddi. UPO VERCELLI 10 MARCH 2025 2. EXPLORATION AND CONTACT PHASE: students are accompanied to the Wonderwood Park with a dedicated coach; at the facility they will be able to visit the immediate surroundings, map the existing tourist attractions, better understand the mix of attractions of the park and start brainstorming on potential developments. UPO and UNINSUBRIA 6 MAY 2025 3. PROCESSING PHASE: students are divided into work groups/teams; the content of the challenge and therefore the project required of them will be detailed. 4. RETURN PHASE The projects will consist of presentations accompanied by any attachments/insights. The documents will be both presented de visu and delivered via PDF. Materials such as videos, printed materials, etc. can be used in support. 5. EVALUATION PHASE AND IDENTIFICATION OF THE WINNING SOLUTION At the end of these phases, and of the activities that fall within them, the Wonderwood park team will select a winning project. In addition, a press release will be issued with the main learnings of the initiative and the key points identified by the winning group. UPO VERCELLI 17 JUNE 2025  

Spoke 3 presents the days dedicated to Sustainable Tourism - II edition
From March 3, 2025 to April 17, 2025, Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry will hold a series of seminars entitled: "Sustainable Tourism" at the University of Insubria in Como (Via Valleggio and Sant'Abbondio locations).   Specifically, 4 study meetings on the topic of sustainability in tourism and for the development of the territory.   The focus of these meetings will be sustainability in tourism as applied to the territory; sustainable tourism in mountain areas, the sustainable redevelopment of important city areas as well as the role of some associations such as FAI for tourism aimed at sustainability.   The mission of these meetings is to integrate the skills of the students of the three-year and master's degree courses and to help stimulate interest and raise awareness among high school students, operators in the sector and citizens on the topic of sustainable development of the territory.   The event is organized by the professors of the Department of Law, Economics and Cultures: Roberta Minazzi, Sebastiano Citroni and Valentina Albanese who will be responsible for acting as discussants during the speeches of the guests; among them there are several managers and experts in the sector.   Click here to participate in the seminar from April 16, 2025