
Discover all the events organized by NODES, the Spokes, and its ecosystem, and participate from North to South.

3. Culture and tourism industry
3. Culture and tourism industry
BIT 2025: Spoke 3 takes part in the Milan International Tourism Exchange
From Sunday 9 February to Tuesday 11 February 2025, Rho - Milano Fiera hosts the 45th edition of BIT - International Tourism Exchange, one of the most important Italian events dedicated to Tourism.   Spoke 3 - Tourism Industry and Culture participates in this edition by promoting research and innovation of the ecosystem and the University of Insubria by giving visibility to innovative projects in the field of tourism and culture in order to create new synergies with exhibitors and visitors interested in the enhancement and promotion of tourism and culture; factors widely present in the North West through the use of new technologies.   BIT is the main B2B and B2C marketplace for the tourism industry. The three days of the event will be dedicated to commercial operators for BUSINESS, NETWORKING and TRAINING. One day (Sunday 9 February) is also open to travelers who visit the event to discover new experiences and find inspiration for their next trips.   At booth H07 - Hall 9, NODES Spoke 3 will present innovative prototypes and research materials, showcasing NODES projects including the flagship projects TOEP (Tourism Open-ended Experimentation Platform) and CIRIL (CULTURAL-INDUSTRY REGENERATION IMMERSIVE LAB) and academic POCs in the field of Tourism and Culture. Academic POCs include: DIGITALIMM (Digital Muse for Museums), PLANET (Planner Leisure App for Natural & Experiential Tourism), AIACE (Artificial Intelligence Assistant for Cultural Tourism Enhancement), HISTORYGRAPHIA, ITM (Immersive textile museum), CERR (Cultural Extended Reality Routes).   Some researchers will be present to illustrate their innovations to the public; among them there will be some representatives of the University of Insubria, University of Turin, University of Eastern Piedmont and University of Valle D'Aosta.  
3. Culture and tourism industry
On Wednesday 29th January at 2:00 pm at the Nuovo Polo Università della Valle D'Aosta, Room B4, an interesting workshop will be held entitled: "Tourism at TO(E)P!".   The workshop, organized within the Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry, of the NODES project by the University of Valle d'Aosta (UniVdA) and the University of Eastern Piedmont (UPO), aims to explore innovative strategies to promote cultural and experiential tourism in mountain and lake destinations.   The event will be an important opportunity to present the results of the research conducted in recent years thanks to the flagship project TOEP (Tourism Open-ended Experimentation Platform) of the Spoke 3 of NODES, which has paid particular attention to the enhancement of local cultural heritage through the use of advanced technologies, the development of digital communication and the adoption of innovative and sustainable tourism management practices inspired by participatory placebranding.   During the meeting, industry experts, academics and tourism operators will share experiences and perspectives on the future of tourism in fragile areas such as mountain and lake areas, illustrating how the TOEP platform can support businesses and institutions in improving the attractiveness and competitiveness of the territory.   Admission to the event is free. For further information, please contact the address
3. Culture and tourism industry
TOEP in Tour
Spoke 3 restarts for the presentation of the TOEP Platform in other locations. After the launch on November 29th in Omegna (VB), the University of Eastern Piedmont (UPO) with the support of NOVARECKON will present the web and mobile APP created as part of Spoke 3 Tourism and Culture Industry of the PNRR NODES Project (Digital and Sustainable North West).   The first appointments of 2025 with institutions, tourism companies and operators will be on January 27th in Alba (10.30 am, at Banca d'Alba) and on January 29th in Aosta (from 2.00 pm, at the University of Valle d'Aosta). The interventions will be coordinated by Prof. Cerutti (UPO): on the 27th Prof. Luigi Portinale (UPO) and Dr. Christian Violi (NOVARECKON), while on the 29th Prof. Stefania Cerutti (UPO) and Prof. Stefania Benetti (UPO).   The heart of Spoke3 is human creativity, a fundamental element for innovation in the tourism and culture industries, also in light of economic transformations, globalization processes and climate change. It is in this framework that the TOEP platform was implemented: it includes a web interface for suppliers and a mobile application for users, both integrated with a flexible and cloud-based MongoDB database for scalability. The mobile and web applications were developed using modern technologies (such as Ionic Framework, Node.js, Firebase and TypeScript), to manage user requests, user interface design and communication with the database. A recommendation system was also implemented using machine learning algorithms to analyze user data and generate personalized recommendations.  
3. Culture and tourism industry
International Symposia: "Technology and Society: Boon or Bane?"
Spoke 3 - Tourism Industry and Culture organized an International Symposia entitled: Technology and Society: Boon or Bane? on 23 and 24 January 2025 at the University of Insubria, Varese headquarters. The objective of the conference is to highlight how technology has unequivocally transformed the dynamics of our interactions, lifestyles, work environments, social relationships and business operations. Playing a vital role in society, technology continues to evolve, promising new advancements that will reshape our lives and professional landscapes. While technology facilitates seamless communication, access to information, travel, sharing of ideas and creation of knowledge, there is growing apprehension about its potential negative impacts on society in the future. In particular, concerns have emerged regarding the potential negative consequences of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation. Additionally, the influence of social media on mental health and well-being, especially among younger generations, is of growing concern. In this regard, we point out the following track   Among the publication possibilities, we also highlight ONLINE BUSINESS ECONOMY - Business and Management Science International Quarterly Review, a magazine in which it will be possible to publish your paper in both English and Italian. It will be possible to register for the conference starting from 15 October 2024 To register, fill out the form at link   For further information see the link
3. Culture and tourism industry
Presentation of the volume: "Che Impresa, la Creatività!" Geographies and narratives of creative projects for the development of talents, businesses and territories
The University of Eastern Piedmont, partner of Spoke 3, presents the volume: "Che Impresa, la Creatività!" Geographies and narratives of creative projects for the development of talents, businesses and territories. Creativity is a fundamental skill in contemporary society, but its many facets make it difficult to understand. During the event, Professor Stefania Cerutti, scientific director of Spoke 3 and editor of the volume, will illustrate the content of the volume: Che Impresa, la Creatività!, born following the advanced training course of the same name that took place last spring. The volume will be presented on Saturday 14 December at the Forum of Omegna (VB) at 11.00, and aims to be a compass to orient oneself in the vast world of creativity, exploring its different faces and potential. Through geographies, stories, practices and models, the text offers ideas and questions to understand how creativity can contribute to the development of talents, businesses and territories. Combining methodologies, empirical reflections and dissemination, each chapter enhances the original talent and creative autonomy of each author. An exciting journey, which invites the reader to immerse themselves in a multifaceted and stimulating universe, dedicating a Rodari-like wish: "Will he go far? Will he make his fortune? Will he straighten out all the crooked things in this world? We don't know […] We can only wish him, with all our hearts: "Have a good trip!"" (Rodari G., Il Giovane gambero, 1962). When: Saturday 14 December, 11:00 Where: Omegna (VB) at Forum, Parco P.Maulini 1 Contributions by: Stefania Cerutti (UPO, editor of the volume), Alberto Poletti (director of the P.AR.C.O Foundation) and Simone Fornara who wrote the preface to the volume. Free admission.  
3. Industria del turismo e cultura
L’Intelligenza Artificiale nel settore Tessile – Human in the Loop or Changing the Loop?
ComoNext Innovation Hub, partner di Spoke 3 - Industria del Turismo e della Cultura ha organizzato per martedì 3 dicembre 2024 a Villa Del Grumello (CO) un evento dal titolo: L'evento "Intelligenza Artificiale nel Settore Tessile – Human in the Loop or Changing the Loop?".   La conferenza esplora il ruolo rivoluzionario delle tecnologie di frontiera, con particolare attenzione all'intelligenza artificiale generativa nella trasformazione del settore tessile. Nel corso della giornata verranno trattati i temi della digitalizzazione dei processi produttivi, della sostenibilità aziendale e dell'innovazione nel design, evidenziando come l'AI contribuisca a ottimizzare l’efficienza e ridurre gli sprechi. Si illustrerà un'applicazione pratica dell’AI nel settore tessile riferita alla gestione intelligente degli archivi dei prodotti, supportata da moduli di computer vision e AI generativa. Sarà discussa l'importanza di un approccio di Governance, Risk & Compliance per gestire i rischi associati all’introduzione di tecnologie disruptive, garantendo una trasformazione digitale armonica e sostenibile.    Le nuove tecnologie di frontiera stanno rivoluzionando il modo di comunicare, di produrre e di vivere qualsiasi processo di business. Grazie all’iniezione armonica della digitalizzazione, le aziende ottimizzano i processi produttivi, migliorano l'efficienza e riducono i costi. In particolare, l'AI generativa e altre forme di intelligenza artificiale stanno trasformando il modo in cui i prodotti vengono progettati, realizzati e distribuiti. L'adozione dell'intelligenza artificiale, anche generativa, può portare a innovazioni radicali nel design dei prodotti, consentendo una risposta più agile e flessibile alle esigenze del mercato.  Inoltre, l'intelligenza artificiale può migliorare la sostenibilità delle operazioni aziendali.    Attraverso l'ottimizzazione delle risorse e la riduzione degli sprechi, l'AI contribuisce a creare processi più ecocompatibili, che sono sempre più richiesti dai consumatori e dai regolatori. L’introduzione di tecnologie innovative ci pone il problema di come ridisegnare un processo di business mantenendo l’uomo con un ruolo nel loop (human in the loop). D’altro canto, l’innovazione cambia il “loop” e questo aspetto deve essere governato, tenendo l’uomo al centro e lavorando, in maniera armonica, sui tre assi della Trasformazione Digitale (Persone, Organizzazione/Processi e Strumenti). Cambiando il loop cambia la richiesta di hard e soft skills in ambito professionale rendendo quindi necessario un approccio digitale alla formazione. Tra le varie applicazioni, oltre a quelle focalizzate all’ottimizzazione dei processi produttivi, la narrazione dell’evento si concentrerà su un caso tipico del mondo tessile che soddisfa la necessità di gestire, in maniera smart ed efficace, il proprio archivio di prodotti. Grazie a una soluzione innovativa, si gestisce in maniera più efficace l’archivio (AI Computer Vision) e si arriva in tempi più rapidi, grazie al modulo di AI Generativa, al disegno di una proposta basata sull’analisi della storia (interno ed esterno), dello stile (interno ed esterno) e del sentiment del mercato.   - Sessione 1: ore 9.30 – 13.00 - Sessione 2: ore 14.30 – 18.00     La partecipazione all'evento è a titolo gratuito   Iscriviti qui
3. Culture and tourism industry
Spoke 3 presents the TOEP platform
Spoke 3 presents the TOEP Platform. On November 29th at 5:00 pm, in Omegna (VB), at the Parco della Fantasia Gianni Rodari (Parco Maulini, 1) on the occasion of the conclusion of the advanced training course "Territory and surroundings", the University of Eastern Piedmont (UPO) will present the web and mobile APP created as part of Spoke 3 Tourism and Culture Industry of the PNRR NODES Project (Digital and Sustainable North West).   The heart of Spoke3 is human creativity, a fundamental element for innovation in the tourism and culture industries, also in light of economic transformations, globalization processes and climate change. It is in this framework that a SaaS infrastructure is being implemented that can provide research, training and development services for the analysis of structured and unstructured data for tourist flows, as well as tools for the best positioning of the tourist offer on the web through the integration of different applications in a collaborative platform.   It will be possible to discover TOEP Tourism Open-ended Experimentation Platform with all its active features by connecting online on the GOTO platform to the following link
3. Culture and tourism industry
The prized white truffle of Alto Monferrato as a driving force of the economy and symbol of the territory - IV edition
The University of Eastern Piedmont has organized a meeting entitled: The prized white truffle of Alto Monferrato as a driving force of the economy and symbol of the territory for November 23, 2024 at the Trinità auditorium in Nizza Monferrato (AL).   The prized white truffle of Alto Monferrato is a spontaneous product, typical of the area of ​​the Municipalities straddling the provinces of Alessandria and Asti. Historical documents attest to its fame since the end of the eighteenth century and the high quality that qualified it to be honored even at the Court of Savoy, as an expression of the territory and its culture. The Nodes project aims to develop initiatives around this product for the cultural and social enhancement of the Alto Monferrato territory. Slow gastronomic tourism, made up of the rediscovery of natural environments and social traditions, has, in fact, become central to the economic development of the internal areas, especially in the era of the so-called "overturism" in which the classic destinations of global tourist flows are now congested and overexploited.   The conference aims to take stock of these aspects, as well as to highlight further profiles of scientific interest in the relationship between the product and the territory. The nutritional profiles of truffle consumption will therefore be examined in the context of food lifestyles; the contribution of new technologies to ensure product traceability and authentication; the results of research also in the chemical and biological fields for the characterization of local truffles, with a view to building a real tourism driver for the territory.   Speakers: Maria Cesarina Abete, IZS Piemonte Liguria e Valle d'Aosta with a presentation entitled "Presence and concentration of heavy metals in truffles: a research project funded by the Ministry of Health to guarantee the safety and exportability of Italian truffles", Marco Guidi, UniTelma Sapienza - Rome "The Blockchain to guarantee the traceability of the prized white truffle of Alto Monferrato", and Guido Lingua and Maurizio Aceto, University of Eastern Piedmont with "Results of the research on the analytical traceability of the prized white truffle of Alto Monferrato".   Conclusions by Vito Rubino, University of Eastern Piedmont; at the end of the meeting there will also be an award ceremony for guests and testimonials 2024. Participation is free. For organizational reasons, confirmation of attendance is required by email to
3. Culture and tourism industry
Nodes on Display, Images of Sustainability
From Thursday 14 November 2024 until Sunday 17, the fourth edition of the exhibition "NODES in mostra. Immagini di sostenibile" will be held at the Polo Espositivo Bossatis in Volveranno (TO).   After the first few days of opening to the public, the exhibition will welcome local schools to stimulate reflection on the socio-cultural aspects of environmental sustainability.   The exhibition brings together 32 posters from the International Poster Biennial in Mexico, an important graphic design event that, in collaboration with the United Nations Office for the Environment (UNEP), dedicates an important competition to themes related to the defense of the environment and biodiversity, with the participation of artists and graphic designers from all over the world.   These emblematic images are used in an innovative way to critically reflect and promote a change in cultural paradigm that relocates human societies in the network of interdependencies that makes life possible on our planet.   The posters are accompanied by five textual panels that present the exhibition sections by integrating naturalistic and socio-cultural dimensions.   The exhibition is conceived and organized by Annalisa D’Orsi, cultural anthropologist, NODES research fellow at the University of Eastern Piedmont, as part of Spoke 3. This edition is sponsored by the Municipality of Volvera.   The exhibition is open to everyone and is completely free.
3. Culture and tourism industry
Roadshow Mezzogiorno "Tourism and culture: innovation for the South"
On November 13, 2024, from 10:30 to 16:00, the event "Tourism and culture: innovation for the South" will be held at the University of Sannio, a partner of Spoke 3 - Industry of Tourism and Culture, organized as part of the Roadshow Mezzogiorno initiative. During the event, Prof. Piercarlo Rossi of the University of Turin and Prof. Stefania Cerutti of the University of Eastern Piedmont will present the results obtained to date with the two flagship projects CIRIL and TOEP. Several companies operating in southern Italy will also be present, which have had the opportunity to win funds from cascade calls through which they have been able to start interesting industrial research and experimental development projects. The companies will present their progress, and will explain to those present how new technologies are revolutionizing the tourism and culture sector in Southern Italy. At the end of the meeting there will be an interesting round table that will allow researchers and companies to discuss the possible actions to be undertaken in the territory in order to promote new opportunities for the territory in a perspective of technological innovation and digitalization. To participate in the event remotely click qui
3. Culture and tourism industry
Invisible Biases: How Invisible Biases Affect Work and Limit Business Performance. Practical Solutions for Curious Minds.
Attracting the best talent, making the best decisions, understanding customer needs, developing creativity and innovation are among the goals that every company sets for itself. Achieving them can become difficult due to invisible barriers linked to our way of thinking and acting, biases. Recognizing them, reducing them and overcoming them are the minimum actions that every company projected to build value in the long term must adopt. The workshop, dynamic and practical, aims to develop the understanding of the biases hidden in the folds of business dynamics, in order to allow organizations to achieve better results.   The event will be held in the Sala Spazio of ComoNExT (Via Cavour 2, Lomazzo), Wednesday 16 October starting at 16:00. Program Introduction by Sara Lucca and Elena Zaffaroni – ComoNExT: Opportunities for companies and calls for proposals on social sustainability Speakers: Laura Nicolini – Creative Mind, copywriter: Broad and non-hostile language Alessandra Vitagliano – AV&Partners, lawyer and DEIB consultant: Diversity Equity Inclusion Belonging Participation in the workshop is completely free. Registration Link*w4n537*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTM1NTM4NzA2MC4xNzI3MTgyMjcw*_ga_TQVES5V6SH*MTcyNzE4MjI3MC4xLjAuMTcyNzE4MjI3MC4wLjAuMA..
3. Culture and tourism industry
Fashion Tuesdays
The University of Insubria, leader of Spoke 3, has organized in collaboration with the Silk Museum of Como a cycle of three conferences entitled: "Fashion Tuesdays". The events, which will be held at the Silk Museum, Via Castelnuovo 9 - Como, will focus on three women active in the fashion world, bearers of messages of female emancipation. Rosa Genoni, Emilie Flöge and Coco Chanel were able to combine the creative role with that of interpreter of women's needs and their desire for emancipation. Their figures will be analyzed during the seminars in the light of the different historical and legal contexts existing in Italy, Austria and France in order to provide a picture of their contribution to the movements for equality that were developing in the first part of the twentieth century. The specific objective is to emphasize, from a historical point of view, the role that women have played in the textile supply chain in order to present three salient figures in the sector, who have combined the creativity of design with that of bearers of new ideals of economic independence and social emancipation at a time when the fight for rights was becoming more bitter. Three stylists were chosen: an Italian, Rosa Genoni, an Austro-Hungarian, Emilie Flöge, and a Frenchwoman, Coco Chanel, to show how the struggles that women workers led in Italy for a decent salary in the textile world were combined with new dictates for the emancipation of bourgeois women in contexts that were also different from ours. The conferences will be held from October 15 to December 17, 2024 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. Below are the titles of the individual days. October 15, 2024: Rosa Genoni, the inventor of Made in Italy who fought for women's rights November 12, 2024: Emilie Flöge, Klimt's muse and the Reformkleid as a tool for emancipation December 17, 2024: Coco Chanel, the working woman, the shoulder bag and comfortable fabrics To register, fill out the form below link
3. Culture and tourism industry
Spoke 3 Researchers' Night - "The textile industry and its culture between past and future"
On the occasion of the Researchers' Night 2024, the University of Insubria, leader of Spoke 3, in collaboration with Confindustria Varese and the City of Busto Arsizio organized a conference entitled: "The textile industry and its culture between past and future". The event will be held on 27 September 2024 from 4.00 pm to 6.30 pm in the splendid setting of the conference room of the Textile Museum located in via A. Volta 6/8 in Busto Arsizio (VA). The textile industry has been and continues to be fundamental to the local economy; numerous projects and research are launched every year in order to enhance a continuously growing sector, an excellence that crosses national borders. During the afternoon, participants will have the opportunity to learn about the history of the textile industry and its evolution over time thanks also to the use of new techniques and digitalisation. There will be no shortage of economic, historical, cultural and artistic moments; it will also be possible to take a guided tour to discover the museum and its magnificent collection. The event is open to all, to register log in to link
3. Culture and tourism industry
Nodes Challenges: students and businesses for technological innovation
On Thursday 11 July 2024, from 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm, a meeting entitled: Nodes Challenges: students and companies for technological innovation will be held at Villa Toeplitz in Varese. The event, organized by the University of Insubria, leader of Spoke 3, was designed to present to citizens, businesses and researchers the results of 3 challenges which involved some Uninsubria students in the last two months. Specifically, these are twenty-four students from the Department of Economics of the course on Economics and Management of Innovation and Sustainability (CLEMIS) and the course on Economics, Law and Corporate Finance (CLEDIFI) and fifteen students from the department of Law, Economics and Cultures of the Hospitality for Sustainable Toruism Development course who had the opportunity to collaborate with important companies present in the area such as ComoNext Innovation Hub, (partner of Spoke 3) and Logos Centro Studi srl. The three challenges: "Sustainability reporting", "Skills" and "Museum innovation based on extended reality and generative artificial intelligence", had the aim of confronting the children with the completeness of the problems that companies and institutions encounter on a daily basis in their business and development journey and therefore to develop targeted projects. For example, as regards the challenge on museum innovation, the students had to develop a targeted augmented reality experience project that would enhance the culture of textiles in the world. Como area promoting the tourist attractiveness of the area.  During the event, professors, students and representatives of the companies involved will discuss the challenges and objectives and results achieved; Furthermore, there will be space for the presentation of the flagship projects and the numerous opportunities for businesses resulting from the Nodes project.   Iscriviti all'evento  
3. Culture and tourism industry
Transhumance: language, memory and innovation. Research and valorization of cultural narratives for sustainable tourism from Italy to the North-West
The University of Turin, partner of Spoke 3 Industry of Tourism and Culture, organized in collaboration with the Ecomuseo della Pastorizia of Pontebernardo (CN) a two-day conference entitled: Transhumance: language, memory and innovation. Research and valorization of cultural narratives for sustainable tourism from Italy to the North-West. The event will be held on 21 June 2024 from 9.00 to 17.30 at the University of Turin while on 22 June it will move to the Ecomuseo della Pastorizia of Pontebernardo to continue with the study day which will begin at 8.00 for then end at 2.30 pm. There will be numerous experts involved from Italy and abroad; the organizing committee is made up of: Matteo Rivoira (University of Turin), Guido Canepa (University of Turin), Sara Rubeis (Unione Montana Valle Stura), Miriam Rubeis (Ecomuseum of Pastoralism), Alberto Ghia (University of of Turin), Mauro Bernardi (Unione Montana Valle Stura). Transhumance, which recently became part of UNESCO's intangible heritage, is a practice that has characterized the economy of various areas of our country and of Europe more generally. Like other phenomena that have led to the meeting of people (migrations, itinerant professions, etc.), it has implied quite a few linguistic and cultural reflections. The conference aims to bring together the research of scholars who have recently focused on these aspects and to involve the institutions that have locally valorised the memory of the practice of transhumance, such as the Ecomuseum of Pastoralism of Pontebernardo in Valle Stura. The prospect is to enhance scientific-cultural contents with a view to promoting local tourist and cultural resources. The initiative will offer an opportunity for dialogue and meetings between scholars and the local population; it will make the territory and its specificities known to the scientific community that deals and has dealt with the topic; it will make the local population and bodies involved in valorising local specificities aware of experiences and contents of wider interest; it will be a training moment for local operators involved in the linguistic and cultural protection and promotion of the upper Stura di Demonte Valley. Participation in the conference is free and open.