
Gender Equality Certification: Between Opportunities and Challenges

Immagine Certificazione parità di Genere

Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry presents the workshop entitled: "Certification of gender equality: between opportunities and challenges".


The event will be held on Monday 17 March 2025 from 9.00 to 12.30 in the splendid setting of Villa Toeplitz, Viale Giovan Battista Vico - Varese and is open to entrepreneurs and researchers who want to increase their cultural background in the field of gender equality certification.


The "Gender equality certification system" is an intervention of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) under the ownership of the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, which aims to accompany and encourage companies to adopt adequate policies to reduce the gender gap in the world of work.


The workshop, organized by DIDEC (Department of Law, Economics and Cultures), DISUIT (Department of Human Sciences and Innovation for the Territory) of the University of Insubria in collaboration with Studio Bini Engineering srl of Gemonio (VA), includes a series of interventions that have as their object key themes including: the regulatory context; the certification procedure; testimonials and good practices declined with specific reference to companies.


The opening greetings will be held by Prof. Paola Biavaschi Director of the Department of Human Sciences and Innovation for the Territory of the University of Insubria.


The workshop will be held by the professors of the Department of Law, Economics and Cultures of the University of Insubria: Prof. Barbara Pozzo, Prof. Lilli Viviana Casano, by the lawyer Anna Danesi, councilor for equality and delegate of the Province of Varese, by Dr. Barbara Bini of Studio Bini Engineering and by Eng. Marco Bini and Venere Srl in addition to Dr. Alessandro Buzzi, entrepreneur and PhD student on gender equality at the University of Insubria.


The aim of the workshop is to contribute to the promotion of a culture of equality in the workplace, actively supporting companies, especially small businesses, which may encounter greater difficulties in undertaking a certification process. The experience of companies that have already undertaken this path confirms the usefulness of the certification path for identifying the obstacles that, at the individual company and system level, undermine substantial gender equality and the full and satisfactory participation of women in professional growth opportunities, essential elements for the promotion of social sustainability.

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Locandina certificazione della parità di genere - tra opportunità e sfide