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NODES Academy - 3rd edition: Tourism, Culture and Fashion

Course holder
ComoNext Innovation Hub - Elena Zaffaroni, Sara Lucca, Marina Fabre Morales, Elisa Alemagna, Alfio Gabriele
Info utili
Open to everyone
Registration deadline
Course category
Training programs

Third edition of the practical and free approach to entrepreneurship, within the ComoNext Innovation Hub, organized for the NODES – Digital and Sustainable North West project.
This edition aims to welcome in particular ideas and projects relating to the themes of tourism, culture and fashion, while there are no restrictions for participants, the edition is open to all, but the available places are limited.

The course includes 5 days of full immersion which will alternate frontal training sessions and laboratory moments useful for applying the information acquired to practical cases.

The topics that will be covered during the 5 days of the Academy will be the following:

•    Focus and analysis of the market needs to be responded to
•    Value proposition analysis and relevant stakeholder analysis
•    Analysis of potential customer segments and first market test
•    Critical analysis of internal skills and skill gaps for time to market
•    Business model focus

At laboratory level, the academy includes individual or project team work sessions assisted by ComoNExT tutors, in dedicated spaces within the Hub.

Objective of these moments: to translate the concepts learned in the plenary session into your own business project, making use of operational tools such as: Business Model Canvas, Swot Analysis, Presentation Pitch, market testing tools, chronological planning (development roadmap and Gantt of the project).

Course duration in hours: 40 (14-15-21-22-25 October 2024)

Course delivery language: Italian 

Delivery method: in presence

Min. number participants: 20

Registration fee: free participation

To register and for further information, please visit the link