Spoke3 Young 2nd edition - Students meet enterprises and the territory
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Thanks to the Spoke 3 Young training course, students meet businesses and the territory.
The initiative was created with the aim of having students actively dialogue with the world of businesses and cultural and research institutions.
The course is structured in 5 seminars and will focus on creativity, digital innovation, logistics and sustainability, which will translate into cases and operational proposals with which students will be able to come into direct contact thanks to the speakers involved.
November 4th at 10:00 am | De Bernardi Gianni, Del Duca Andrea and Moroso Siria - Ecomuseum Cusius Lago d’Orta and Mottarone
November 18th at 10:00 am | Poletti Alberto - Fondazione PARCO Omegna
November 21st at 2:30 pm | Caiello Simone and Lacqua Francesca - UNIMIB
November 25th at 10:00 am | Costa Stefano - ANCI Piemonte
November 28th at 2:30 pm | Caiello Simone and Lacqua Francesca - UNIMIB
The course was designed as an in-depth path within the NODES Spoke 3 project to spread knowledge of innovative and sustainable entrepreneurial realities in the field of digital tourism and the management of some Piedmont destinations and territories, such as Lake Orta. The figures trained will be the participating students.
The following topics will be addressed through 5 seminars: enhancement of the historical memory of traditions; knowledge of the material culture and the environmental context favorable to business development; transfer of innovative skills for communicative and relational sustainability; examples of alternative energy, mobility and sustainable tourism; digital transition projects in the cultural and tourism fields.
Course duration: 16 hours
Minimum number of participants: 15
Participation fee: free
For information and registration write to stefania.cerutti@uniupo.it