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The European Regulation n. 2023/2411 relating to the protection of geographical indications for artisanal and industrial products

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Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
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On 27 October 2023, "Regulation (EU) 2023/2411 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 October 2023 on the protection of geographical indications for artisanal and industrial products and amending the regulations" was published in the Official Journal of the European Union. (EU) 2017/1001 and (EU) 2019/1753” (“Regulation”) which introduces for the first time, for artisanal and industrial products with certain characteristics, a uniform protection system in all Member States.

The introduction of ad hoc forms of protection for artisanal/industrial excellence had been under consideration by the Commission for many years, so much so that the first public consultations took place as early as 2013.
According to the initial recitals of the Regulation, the purpose of the GIs is to guarantee greater legal certainty in the protection of excellent artisanal and industrial products, with benefits for consumers and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (“MSMEs”). 

The new regulation aims to incentivize quality production, strengthening competitiveness between companies, offering consumers more effective means to verify the authenticity of products, with a virtuous impact on employment. Among the purposes of the legislation there is also that of enhancing the cultural heritage, productive and commercial traditions, increasing tourism and generating new jobs. Being a Regulation, the EU regulation does not require further implementation legislation on the Italian side. The first registrations of the new Geographical Indications will be possible starting from December 2025. In this phase, in which the Italian Government will make specific funds available to the interested bodies aimed at supporting the registration process of the new GIs, it is important that all stakeholders are informed of the new rules. 

The objective of the workshop is to inform industrial associations, local authorities and businesses about the potential of the Regulation. The new regulation aims to incentivize quality production, strengthening competitiveness between companies, offering consumers more effective means to verify the authenticity of products, with a virtuous impact on employment.

Among the purposes of the legislation there is also that of enhancing the cultural heritage, productive and commercial traditions, increasing tourism and generating new jobs. In particular, starting from September, the Italian Government will make funds available with a specific decree for associations, businesses and all interested parties who want to register local excellences as new GIs.

In this perspective, the workshop, which includes the presence of teachers who participated in the drafting of Regulation 2023/2411 itself and other experts on the subject, including a round table of lawyers who could concretely follow the registration of the new GIs, will allow you to be informed and trained on the potential that the new legislation offers.


Registration link

For further information, consult the program on the attached poster.

Course duration in hours: 4

Course delivery language: Italian 

Delivery method: in presence at the University of Insubria, Como Sant'Abbondio

Min. number participants: 20

Registration fee: free participation

Locandina workshop: Il Regolamento Europeo n. 2023/2411 relativo alla protezione delle indicazioni geografiche per i prodotti artigianali e industriali