Micro-hydropower generation systems, regulation, and supervision for alpine refuges, villages, and mountain pastures of renewable energy networks.

Scheda del progetto
The SMARTIDROALPI project addresses the water and energy needs of small mountain communities (refuges, mountain pastures, small villages) by developing innovative digital solutions and tools for the efficient integration of intermittent renewable sources (solar, wind, etc.) into their energy systems. Specifically, the project aims to prototype a TRL6-level digital micro-hydropower generation system interfaced in parallel with other electricity production sources such as photovoltaic solar and small wind turbines.
Enrico Ainardi
Testing of a TRL6 prototype of a digital micro-hydropower generation system efficiently interfaced with other electricity production sources (photovoltaic solar and small wind).
greater application potential and enhanced integration and optimization of electricity management.
overcoming customization challenges (high costs, long lead times, lack of flexibility in use).