Industrial PoCs

Discover the projects and services funded by the NODES cascading grants. Select the areas of your interest and explore the 183 proposals involving more than 310 entities from Northwest to Southern Italy, with a total funding of 36.4 million euros. List under update.

Bandi Linea A
TOT-AL project, developed by Innovo and SurgiQ with the advice of the University of Piemonte Orientale, aims to develop an innovative digital platform to manage the patients' care pathway from hospitalization to discharge. This initiative seeks to improve healthcare management thorugh supportive health and wellness pathways for individuals.  Innovo will develop a tool for the analysis of the care continuity thanks to the previous knoledge of process mining, while SurgiQ, with experience in artificial intelligence, will take care on optimizing transportation.   Finally, the Alessandria Hospital, as end user, will use the platform to achieve the expected outcomes.    Contact: Elisa Ervas
Eco healthcare
Bandi Linea A
Alise02 project focuses on industrial research and experimental development of a respiratory medical assistance device based on CPAP (Continuos Positive Airway Pressure) therapy with a new strategy of non-invasive closed-loop ventilation.  The lead partner APR will contribute its expertise in manufacturing, flow management and procurement strategies; Phoenix will provide fundamental electronic engineering skills crucial for the development of the electromedical device. In addition, POLITO will support the project with knowledge, methodologies, and tools for applied engineering research with biomedical focus.       Contact: Danilo Ainardi 
Eco healthcare
Bandi Linea A
The DA_DES project aims to promote and realize the digital and sustainable transition of imaging diagnostics based on instrumental techniques (magnetic resonance, TAC, ultrasound, scintigraphy, etc..) and dedicated probes.  DA_DES involves the collaboration between Bracco Imaging which will handle the scale-up preparation and characterization of contrast agents, as well as the design and development of digital procedures to optimize their usem and CAGE Chemicals that will contribute with innovative and sustainable synthetic approaches to obtain the necessary chemical compounds for their preparation.  The collaboration with three research organizations (UPO, UNiPV, Policlinico San Matteo) will ensure specialized expertise, the solutions identified in the preclinical field can have a rapid application in the clinical field.    Contact: Francesco Blasi
Eco healthcare
Bandi Linea A
The DPLaBs project aims to improve pathological anatomy (AP) by developing innovative technology for  pathologists and healthcare facilities  Aequip guiderà il progetto sviluppando i prodotti STAINS e ASSIST, basati su un approccio proprietario misto denominato MDI - Matchematical driven Intelligence che combina l'intelligenza artificiale con metodi mematico-statistici, per supportare gli anatomopatologi nella routine quotidiana.  Aethia integrerà il sistema in un Laboratory Information System (LIS) utilizzando soluzioni di High Performance Computing.  Il Laboratorio di Genomica della Fondazione Edo ed Elvo Tempia analizzerà i marcatori genetici per una diagnosi più accurata.  Le unità di Anatomia Patologica di Torino e Biella acquisiranno immagini per la Digital Pathology tramite scanner e saranno destinate delle soluzioni sviluppate.    Contact: Massimo Salvi  
Eco healthcare
Bandi Linea A
The project aims to: Develop a portable electric vehicle charging device with high capacity and power, implemented with Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) and Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) capabilities; Equip the device with second-life batteries to extend the life and introduce smart charging algorithms, thereby optimizing energy efficiency and reducing peak loads on the power grid; Test and validate the integrated system and define the business model to be adopted to roll out the solution and define sales procedures.   Contact: Gabriele Bergoglio
Mobilità sostenibile
Bandi Linea A
The project concerns the monitoring of flood events, and proposes two specific areas of work: Direct Risk Identification (Landslides): Mark landslide-prone areas for strategic installation of ground-based sensors (GNSS) targeted for infrastructure monitoring; Improve temporal granularity of satellite information for more accurate assessment. Indirect Risk Identification (Spread of Infectious Diseases): Estimate the increased spread of insect-borne infectious diseases following flood events.   Contact: Stefano Marangoni
New space economy
Bandi Linea A
The project focuses on indoor autonomous electric micro-mobility and aims to develop a Fleet Management Platform to monitor fleets of autonomous vehicles, create new vehicle dynamics, based on omnidirectional pivotal wheels, and implement wireless rapid electric charging for self-driving vehicles. Implementation of the project will optimize the management of autonomous vehicles, which are deployed in various fields such as the hospital, airport and tourism/museum sectors, and at the same time improve their technical characteristics.   Contact: Federica Sassone
Mobilità sostenibile
Bandi Linea A
The project consists of integrating within an electric L7 quadricycle and an electric scooter the hardware and software aimed at enabling V2X communications to exchange data between vehicles and with the road infrastructure. The goal of such integration is to improve the safety and efficiency of light passenger vehicles through the use of vehicular communication technologies and systems that enable the exchange of information between vehicles and the road infrastructure.   Contacts: Alice Zanasi
Mobilità sostenibile
Bandi Linea A
The project for the Piedmont automotive market is dedicated to the development of an innovative battery pack. The product will enable advantages in managing charge/discharge cycles over the life cycle through a new thermal management system (BTMS).   Contact: Michele Perlo
Mobilità sostenibile
Bandi Linea A
The project proposes the implementation of a digital scheduling and orchestration platform that optimizes the use of autonomous vehicles. This will avoid conflicts, overlaps and downtime and improve the working conditions of human operators.   Contacts: Maurizio Griva
Mobilità sostenibile
Bandi Linea A
The project aims to define, develop at the prototype level, and validate a transportable, multifunctional H2 charging system capable of meeting the charging needs of drones, vehicles, motorcycles, and electric boats.   Contact: Ilaria Luciano
Mobilità sostenibile
Bandi Linea B
The service consists of the advanced design and prototyping of an opto-mechanical system aimed at streamlining, automating and improving the processes of functional verification of star sensors (star trackers) to be carried out in the laboratory, either by the manufacturer or the customer/end user. Contact: Gabriella Caporaletti
New space economy
Linea A - Mezzogiorno
The project involves the development of a Cubesat-class nanosatellite based on the use of digital twin for mission control and management and capable of performing optical band monitoring of target satellites. This capability is one of the key enabling elements for all future in-orbit service operations, both from the perspective of satellite maintenance and space debris removal.   Contacts: Maurizio Cao
New space economy
Linea A - Mezzogiorno
The MARIS project activity is expressed in the study and development of a prototype that will be able to detect and analyze the main pollutants affecting marine areas. This study will lead to the development of a simulator, which appropriately installed on experimental tanks, will make it possible to reproduce the real conditions in which the pelagic marine environment is found and therefore, to estimate the evolution of Oil-Spill events.   Contact: Paolo Vita
New space economy
Linea A - Mezzogiorno
The company Astradyne wants to optimize the SolarCube 3U 1.0, an advanced unfoldable solar panel with origami pattern, designed through the adoption of FRET (a material created by combining high-strength fabric and distributed electronics) as an electro-mechanical substrate.  The proposal thus has two main objectives: The refinement of SolarCube's solar panel design to ensure optimal compatibility with standard cubesat platforms and dispensers; The development of an integrated EPS system intended to be housed within SolarCube.   Contact: Giammarco Alessandrino 
New space economy
Linea A - Mezzogiorno
The platform proposed for this project aims to optimize bus routes and schedules based on the actual pattern of user demand or passenger flows. The basic idea is to collect and interpolate all kinds of data, including very heterogeneous data, that can quantify the presence of passengers on board in terms of route and time of day. The system will be designed with adapters to easily add new data sources. Processing will be done through Artificial Intelligence systems in a cloud environment, and the service will be in SaaS mode.   Contact: Concetto Bonafede 
Mobilità sostenibile
Bandi Linea A
AI-EV-Char.Me is a technological solution that can uniquely manage the entire mix of technologies present in the many charging stations and, on the other hand, automate the "Load Balance" process in order to optimize the resources allocated for the electric charging stations, avoiding waste or energy inefficiency for its corporate customers.   Contacts: Franco Barbieri,  Jonathan Junior Agyekum,  
Mobilità sostenibile
Bandi Linea A
ARIES proposes extensive and synergistic industrial research and experimental development, having ARGO star sensors and related digital validation procedures as its core.  ARGO sensors are intelligent cameras for attitude determination of Small Satellites.   Contact: Gabriella Caporaletti,  
New space economy
Bandi Linea A
The project aims to develop a centrifugal compressor that is smaller in size than normal applications for the fuel cell mobility sector. Such a compressor will consist of three main components: the centrifugal impeller, electric motor, and slotted air mounts, and will open up new market strands in the hydrogen sector as it represents a key technology for increasing overall fuel cell efficiency in mobile applications.   Contact: Alessandro Chiesa,  
Mobilità sostenibile
Bandi Linea A
The Project aims to implement innovative image analysis, cross-cueing and replanning solutions and algorithms to be validated aboard small stratospheric platforms. The aim is to enable tip&cue applications, i.e., automatic coordination techniques between satellite platforms, stratospheric platforms, or a combination of the two. Through such techniques, aircraft identify targets of interest and share them with each other by planning the execution of more accurate, faster and potentially continuous land observation.    Contacts: Victor Miherea,  
New space economy
Bandi Linea A
The HEritage MOnitoring in Como (HEMOC) project proposes the creation of a system for the collection and use of data useful for the conservation of cultural heritage. Thanks to innovative digital technologies such as virtual reality, satellite data, IoT sensors and cloud computing, HEMOC will allow the structural stability of areas and buildings of high artistic and architectural value to be verified. In particular, the project will focus on the historic center of the city of Como, affected by slow subsidence phenomena. The proposed solution will allow monitoring the millimetric movements of critical points by integrating different monitoring technologies, including the global positioning satellite system (GNSS), satellite interferometry (InSAR), drones and traditional topographic surveys. Furthermore, thanks to the development of specific interfaces also based on virtual reality, HEMOC will streamline access to the information collected, thus simplifying the interpretation and consequent management of the monitored cultural heritage.     Contacts: Eugenio Realini
Heritage conservation
Lifestyle tourism
Bandi Linea A
Ski lovers will be able to use an experimental and interactive "fun slope" in which they will be the participants of a game that has the ski slope as its competition field. The course will include tests of skill, dexterity, precision, speed and style. Each skier will be identifiable thanks to an adhesive mark and will be followed by a network of cameras placed along the entire route. The cameras will exploit a system that uses artificial intelligence, which will assign, in real time, a score to the various tests taken. The route will initially cover a single section of the "fun slope" and in the final phase of the project it will be extended for the entire length (approximately 1800 m.). The experimental "fun slope" will optimize the use of the slopes and increase travel times, allowing savings in land, water and electricity.     Contacts: Daniel Grosjacques
Digital tourism
Lifestyle tourism
Bandi Linea A
Q-INSTINCT will allow us to optimize the image acquisition processes and will therefore be able to extend the intervention cases in the field of tissue quality control, by typology, by type of defects or characteristics to be detected, and by operating conditions. The improvement of control processes, thanks to the use of AI, will increase the efficiency of detection and limit subsequent correction interventions, leading to a reduction in time and costs. The project will also use Blockchain technology to archive and certify the Quality Control report, which will allow the traceability of processes and goods, and will prepare the supply chain for the upcoming implementations of the Digital Product Passport and digital labeling in the textile sector. With video communication in live mode at high resolution and quality, it will finally be possible to have remote collaborative sessions, capable of providing the detail and colorimetric rendering necessary for quality assessments.     Contacts: Mattia Platini 
Eco fashion
Bandi Linea A
The TEIA project aims to introduce Key Enabling technologies into the tourism sector, such as Artificial Intelligence, capable of identifying and proposing new quality tourist experiences, creating a new destination management model based on the knowledge already available online and through the analysis of big data. TEIA will create a new Data-Driven digital approach to creating authentic experiences that maximize returns for local communities. Artificial intelligence will therefore be able to automatically create a new tourist offer even in territories less known by operators, promoting the uniqueness of a territory and its culture and facilitating flows towards less known areas of value (having a positive impact on problems of over- and under-tourism), and promoting the importance of the human relationship between professionals and travellers.     Contacts: Mirko Landolfo  
Digital tourism
Lifestyle tourism
Bandi Linea A
The TRAINS project aims to develop a Digital Twin based on Artificial Intelligence capable of improving the development process of recycled yarns and automatically estimating their color. The DT will support process decisions, to accelerate and streamline the development of yarns from recycled fibres. Its development will lead to the definition of AI algorithms capable of predicting the color of yarns starting from certain types of input fibers. There will be a significant reduction in the number of expensive physical experiments, because it will be possible to preliminarily measure impacts with a set of product and process indicators. The Marchi & Fildi company will carry out the application coordination of the project, while Kiwifarm will lead the design of the experiments for the training and validation of the Digital Twin's AI.     Contacts: Luca Cinguino    
Eco fashion
Bandi Linea B
Ship To Cycle
Cycle tourism reveals a new way of enjoying the territories. Sport and Event Logistics' Ship to Cycle project supports this trend by creating a door-to-door service to ship bicycles around the world safely and efficiently, relieving enthusiasts of the stress of transporting their bike to the airport or on the train. It also avoids the added inconvenience of hotel transfers. The service is made possible thanks to the creation of digital marketing strategies and the improvement of process automation. This is a project created to meet the needs of cyclists and to give voice to environmental issues by simplifying travel for professionals and cycling enthusiasts. At the same time it supports sustainable mobility, respect for the environment and cultural promotion, because it is able to recommend users places to visit based on their profiles.       Contacts: Luciana Oreglia      
Digital tourism
Lifestyle tourism
Linea A - Mezzogiorno
The CAMELIA project will develop and validate an end-to-end infrastructure capable of facilitating the provision and use of tourist content, with particular regard to cultural tourism. Solutions based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will be developed for the acquisition of territorial knowledge from unstructured sources (texts, open data, web pages, videos, etc.) and its transformation into systems that allow more effective research and usability of information. tourist information, suggesting, for example, routes, stages, travel/visit ideas, places of interest and content in line with the visitor's interests. The services offered by CAMELIA will be integrated and usable through the prototype of a cloud-based platform and validated by end users thanks also to the collaboration of four municipalities, in Puglia (Apulian baroque area) and Sardinia (park and museum of historical mining sites) .   Contacts: Domenico Truppi    
Digital tourism
Lifestyle tourism
Linea A - Mezzogiorno
The VATE (Virtual Assistant for Territorial Experience) project aims to improve tourist satisfaction through the development of innovative technological tools, with the aim of improving the general tourist offer and optimizing the quality of information and the accessibility of resources attractions, receptive and environmental, also highlighting lesser-known sites and promoting new ways of use. This will be achieved through the creation of a system with a virtual assistant that interacts naturally with the tourist, providing support and orientation during the visit to the tourist destinations in the area. It is important to underline that VATE does not aim to replace specialized tourist guides, but rather integrates the tourist offer, extending it to the whole territory and facilitating integration with the different aspects of the territory. The final objective is to offer a more complete tourist experience aligned with visitor expectations.   Contacts: Dario Panariello       
Digital tourism
Lifestyle tourism
Linea A - Mezzogiorno
The MINERVA project aims to develop an integrated framework for the creation of innovative and personalized virtual exhibitions, enriched by gamification to increase public involvement. The platform will be developed on the basis of an existing infrastructure, which allows operators in the tourism and cultural supply chain to manage multimedia catalogs (multilingual texts, photos, videos, 3D models, etc.) through a Content Management System (CMS), and to tourists to access it via web, mobile and eXtended Reality (XR) applications. The main objective is to improve the inclusiveness, accessibility and attractiveness of tourist and cultural heritage by enhancing the ability of operators to expand their digital offer and create more engaging and personalized experiences for visitors.   Contacts: Marco Cozza         
Heritage conservation
Digital tourism
Linea A - Mezzogiorno
Built on the Made in Italy concept, the GALATEA project will be developed by Le Panier, which produces luxury leather goods, and by EDG, with the aim of developing a safe digital ecosystem thanks to the innovation of the company's production processes. The platform used will collect the information and data relating to the production process, allowing the calculation of the process results and enabling its efficiency. Through Blockchain technology it will be possible to create the Digital Twin of creations and enhance artisan know-how, and through Non-Fungible Token (NFT) technology the authenticity and traceability of the product will be guaranteed along the supply chain, encouraging the exchange of information with consumers. The Digital Twin will enable customer content creation, paving the way for new experiences in the Metaverse. Contacts: Michele Lopez  
Eco fashion
Digital narratives
Linea A - Mezzogiorno
The BITE project is based on beacons, mini BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) hardware technology with low energy consumption and great precision in micro-localization, even in indoor environments. In fact, BITE envisages the development of Apps that can be used on mobile devices that will automatically interact with the beacons as soon as the user enters their range of action. Valuable data will be obtained on tourist flows (even in areas without telephone signal), and thanks to proactive notifications it will be possible to interact with the cultural heritage and the surrounding environment. The project implements solutions which, through the collection, sharing and analysis of big data on tourist flows, will contribute to optimizing the allocation of resources and reducing congestion and wear and tear on tourist destinations. The creation of immersive and sustainable tourist experiences, in fact, together with the responsible interaction between tourism businesses and visitors, will promote the conservation of nature and the well-being of local ecosystems.   Contacts: Andrea Bertuzzi   
Digital tourism
Linea A - Mezzogiorno
VirtuArc aims to design and implement an integrated system that allows the "digital twin" of the archaeological site or property to be restored or restored to be reproduced in virtual reality, in order to make the construction site design phases more efficient and faster, as well as the traceability and retraceability of the progress of the works. It is also proposed to strengthen the analytical and decision-making phases through the shared simulation of alternative scenarios. In addition to making the operational and management phases more efficient, the VirtuArc system will at the same time represent the information and technological basis for implementing an immersive use service for the museum ecosystem, multiplying the possibilities and ways of enjoying the cultural heritage. Contacts: Ivan Rossato     
Heritage conservation
Digital tourism
Bandi Linea A
AET was born from the experience of Integrated and Free Tourist Solutions. The project aims to transform educational and study trips into annual learning paths, enriched by augmented reality (AR) and an adaptive LMS (Learning management system) platform. The project includes a pre-visit phase, in which students receive digital materials and publications to familiarize themselves with the places and themes of the trip, and a post-visit phase, in which the evolution of students' knowledge will be assessed, through contents and assessment. Families and teachers will also be involved, allowing them to evaluate the soft skills acquired. The educational journey will therefore evolve into an educational path ("learning path"), capable of "listening" to the participants through the analysis of the feedback received. The results acquired from the project will be shared publicly, to promote further experimentation through open knowledge.          Contacts: Matteo Dispenza  
Digital narratives
Digital tourism
Bandi Linea A
Adequate monitoring of artistic heritage guarantees undoubted economic advantages, including the reduction of restoration costs over time and insurance costs. A well-maintained heritage also increases the number of visitors, facilitating the sustenance of the institution itself. The project will develop advanced models for monitoring and conservative documentation of works of art through high-resolution 3D scanning and the application of artificial intelligence algorithms for the automatic recognition of degradation. In particular, the algorithms will take care of finding the differences between two scans of the same object and identifying the anomaly according to a recognized technical classification. These technologies, individually available on the market but not integrated and optimized, would allow an efficient, low-cost and extremely effective monitoring process. The system would not replace the use of experts for an assessment of the damage and any restoration activities, but would allow the execution of large-scale campaigns in an extremely short time, suggesting to restorers which works to concentrate their attention on.          Contacts: Maurizio Rea    
Heritage conservation
Digital tourism
Bandi Linea A
The project aims to develop an advanced system for managing and optimizing the digital printing process, through the development of innovative RIP (Raster Image Processing) printing software. After the phase of defining the technological architecture for the centralized management of the RIP, a recipe color profile will be developed to guarantee uniform and high-quality printing results. The software will then be validated on an EPSON Monnalisa printer. The objective is to develop a color recipe control system based on artificial intelligence, which will allow managing context variables and improving the interpolation formulas used in the printing process. The effectiveness of this AI model will be validated for both accessories and apparel products in a real production environment. There will be an advancement of knowledge in the field of color management and artificial intelligence applied to digital printing with the expectation of a significant impact on the companies involved, through the introduction of new products and more efficient processes that will lead to an increase in turnover and a greater market share.          Contacts: Laura Bottinelli    
Eco fashion
Bandi Linea A
Perfect Selfie is an application for perfect photos: the work of art is framed perfectly and the visitor is perfectly posed: without the crowd and the rush around, without foregrounds or blurry backgrounds, without blur. It also means more time for the visitor to dedicate to contemplating the works, a more regular flow of visits and greater safety for the museum, with a better overall experience. The result is guaranteed by an AI for cropping, segmentation and merging of images. It uses the Blockchain to certify and make the images obtained unique. The project will study different options for exploiting the results, from standalone applications for individual museums, to vertical applications for cultural heritage, to 'white label' remote services, to functions for generalist applications.          Contacts: Flavio Trione      
Digital tourism
Bandi Linea A
The objective of PARADIGMA is to create a web platform which, through the use of a WebGIS component, allows the use of the territory of Livorno Ferraris and its surroundings, also through integration on the aforementioned platform with the material necessary to provide an exhaustive narrative of the municipality and its surroundings. It will be possible to explore the main points of interest thanks also to the availability, again through the use of WebGIS, of cycle tourism itineraries that branch off from Livorno Ferraris. The ultimate aim is to offer those who use the platform the possibility of remotely using a means useful for providing a broader and more detailed understanding of the rural and historical landscape component of the Vercelli municipality.     Contacts: Enrico Eynard enrico.eynard@ithaca.hearth        
Digital tourism
Lifestyle tourism
Bandi Linea B
The project intends to develop and consolidate innovative services accessible from the online platform (M3P - Material Match Making). The aim is to combat the vulnerability of waste supply chains and promote the culture of sustainability and recycling. The ChatM3P project aims to digitize the Circular Economy services provided by the Multilab area of ​​Centrocot. Digitalisation will serve to increase the testing services connected to the recycling and recovery and reuse of waste materials destined for landfills and/or incinerators. Centrocot, through the platform, will have the opportunity to connect with research centers of excellence, with businesses, with machinery manufacturing companies and with waste collection centers in order to create a virtual center (M3P Platform) capable of give value to scraps and waste by creating products and/or semi-finished products that can be placed on markets.     Contacts: Claudio Brugnoni          
Eco fashion
Bandi Linea B
The project aims to create a complete platform that includes both a dedicated website and an app for iOS and Android devices, called "Hello Canavese". The main objective is to integrate tourist information from the Canavese area to create a unified vision, enhancing Digital Tourism and enhancing cultural and landscape routes. The first phase of the project involves the creation of the CMS Platform which will serve to manage and enhance data by creating a cloud infrastructure, configuring and customizing the CMS, and providing training, maintenance and technical assistance. In the second phase, Canavese Piemonte Digitale will be strengthened, with the design of an attractive user interface and the development of the application.     Contacts: Fabrizio Gea            
Digital tourism
Lifestyle tourism
Bandi Linea A
The ELEVATOR project aims to address the limitations in upper limbs and hands, which affect daily autonomy and impact the psycho-emotional and social sphere. The project will require the use of less expensive resources, such as webcams, and innovative libraries of body/hand tracking with the aim of promoting a wide and suatainable home spread of exergames, promoting a daily and personalized use to counteract motor-cognitive decline, especially in active ageing.  The collaboration between Synarea, CNR-IEIIT and the end-users of ELEVATOR will focus on researching new software, algorithms, and platforms for body/hand tracking. The aim is to develop simpler and most cost-effective solutions in the field of cognitive-motor rehabilitation.    Contact: Danilo Soprani  
Eco healthcare