Bandi Linea A


Advanced and sustainabLe CPAP ventilator with vItal aeroSol containmEnt and low-Oxygen consumption
Eco healthcare
Scheda del progetto
Start date
Total value
€ 530.000,00
18 months
Investment nodes
€ 370.573,45

Alise02 project focuses on industrial research and experimental development of a respiratory medical assistance device based on CPAP (Continuos Positive Airway Pressure) therapy with a new strategy of non-invasive closed-loop ventilation. 

The lead partner APR will contribute its expertise in manufacturing, flow management and procurement strategies; Phoenix will provide fundamental electronic engineering skills crucial for the development of the electromedical device. In addition, POLITO will support the project with knowledge, methodologies, and tools for applied engineering research with biomedical focus.  




Danilo Ainardi 

The goal

The goal of Alise02 is to design and develop hardware and software components of the medical device starting from a laboratory prototype that has already been developed, to obtain the first closed-loop non-invasive ventilation device capable of maintaining therapeutic positive pressure inside: a unique potential when it will enters the market.  

Why is it innovative

Alise02 will revolutionize non-invasive CPAP therapy by adopting an innovative approach with a closed-loop system that provides oxygen consumption and noise. 

Thanks to its closed geometry, it minimizes the risk of contamination, making the device ideal even for infectious disease wards. In addition, Alise02 preserves the patient's quality of life by reducing the need for invasive ventilation and offers a flexible and economical solution for healthcare facilities, promoting the transition from invasive ventilation. 

Impact on the users

The aim is to make a traditionally hospital-based therapy accessible at the patient's home, fostering the digitalization of healthcare, ensuring patient safety and optimising therapy management. This also promotes an inclusive approach to health. 

Adopting the device could revolutionize healthcare, improving effectiveness and reducing costs. Additionally, it will have a positive social and environmental impact by limiting the spread of hospital-acquired iinfections and enhancing the quality of patients's life.