
Discover all the events organized by NODES, the Spokes, and its ecosystem, and participate from North to South.

5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Clone of Open Factories Piemonte 2024 - October 24-25-26th
NODES - Spoke 5 supports the ''Open Factories Piemonte" initiative thanks to the partnership with bioPmed.   Spoke 5 is pleased to announce its support for the initiative "Open Factories Piemonte", promoted and organized by Regione Piemonte which will take place in October - Thursday 24th, Friday 25 and Saturday 26th. This event, now in its fifth edition, is an extraordinary opportunity for the public to visit the places of industrial production in Piedmont.  Over the years, "Open Factories Piemonte" has attracted over 21.500 visitors, offering direct experience in the manufacturing processes of the participating companies. This event not onlu promotes transparency and openness of industries but also strengthens the link between business and the local community.    The partnership between Spoke 5 and bioPmed is fundamental to support this initiatives, which aims to enhance innovation and excellence in the Piedmontese industrial sector and it contributes to promote the economic and technological development of the region by facilitating access to its facilities and production processes.  Interested companiesare invited to participate at "Open Factories Piemonte" opening the doors of their factories to share the history, their sussesses and their industrial practices with the public.    Expression of interest must be submitted by July 20th, 2024, through the form available on   This is a unique opportunity for Piedmontese companies to show their innovation and commitment to industrial transparency. 
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
The researchers of Spoke 5 are organizing an ''open doors'' day on Saturday, July 6, 2024, at Serming Arsenale della Pace, located at Piazza Borgo Dora 61, Turin. The event aims to delve into the various aspects involved in the management of Multiple Sclerosis through experts, stories and multisciplinary approaches.  Participation is free until seats are filled. The event will also be available via live streaming (by scanning the QR code on the poster).  The initiatives is part of Spoke5's focus on developing innovative and digital strategies for the care of vulnerable individuals and for industry/university collaboration.  Aimed at all citizens, patients and experts in the field, the event, sponsored by Biogen, will offer an opportunity to present also the Cleo App and the ''Io non Sclero'' project, which will be the setting for a series of multidisciplinary interventions, to deepen the many aspects that determine the quality of life of those who face every day Multiple Sclerosis.   Starting from the immunological aspects that are the basis of the disease, different issues will be addressed: from the importance of nutrition and physical activity exercise, game competition, show cooking and moments during which participants will have the opportunity to meet experts and share their own life experiences with MS. 
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
On May 24, 2024, in Novara at the SIMNOVA center located in Via Bernardino Lanino 1, students from the first and second years of the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery will have the opportunity to participate in an event titled ''UPO ANATOMY TALENTS''.   The talent, organized as part of the flagship porject INNDIANA coordinated by Professor Francesca Boccafoschi, aims to be a fundamental moment in learning anatomical knowledge.    Through high quality simulations, questionnaires and dissections of anatomical specimens, students will explore the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system and splancnology, consolidating knowledge of micro and macro-anatomy.   The SIMNOVA center will become the stage for advanced simulations, offering to the students a preview of real practice. The design od practical and educational simulations will allow them to apply theoretical knowledge in realistic scenarios. One of the key aspects will be Team Work, with students divided into teams engaged in simulation stations of increasing complexity, promoting collaboration and individual growth.  The distinctive feature of the event is the inter-university collaboration, with the participation of students from different Italian universities, offering an opportunity for sharing experiences and multidisciplinary understanding.  This deep immersion in the detailed study of the human body will allow to the students to integrate theory and practice in a controlled and educational environment, allowing medical students to approach subjects in subsequent years with greater awareness.    The flagship INNDIANA is strongly committed to research projects in the field of biomedical sciences with particular attention to regenerative medicine, where knowledge of human anatomy establishes an indispensable link.  
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Spoke 5 Assembly: online appointment on January 10, 2024
Spoke 5 - Industry of Health and Silver Economy - organizes an online meeting on January 10, 2024, to closely evaluate, with the groups and their partners, the state of work of the Spoke in preparation for the General Assembly of the Ecosystem. Among the planned activities, the Progress Report for the Work Packages (Boosters), the analysis of the state of the art and the progress made by the Spoke for each task and each partner according to the NODES Project Program - North West Digital and Sustainable - financed by the MUR funds of the PNRR-NextGenerationEU in which they will be examined: Ecosystem’s engagement and development by Spoke Research Booster Competente Booster Innovation Booster Acceleration Booster Monitoring, evaluation and impact
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
BioFit 2023 | the leading European partnering event for early-stage deals and investment rounds in the Life Sciences field
Building connections and opportunities in the world of Life Sciences: this is how BioPmed innovation pole will represent NODES and in particular Spoke 5.  BioFit, scheduled for December 12-13, 2023, in Marseille, confirms itself as the leading event in Europe in the life sciences sector. With over 1000 partecipants from over 35 countries, the event provides an unprecedented opportunity to build relationships, discover new solutions and explore business opportunities.  The event features a rich program that includes one-to-one meetings, project-CEO matching sessions, conferences and roundtables, networking moments, pitches and sector-specific presentations. With over 80 stands in the exhibition area, participants will have the opprtunity to explore the latest innovations and projects.     The ''bioPmed'' innovation cluster, partner of Spoke 5 ''Health Industry and Silver Economy'' of NODES,will be present at the event with a stand. This participation will provide a unique opportunity to disseminate the ongoing projects of the cluster.   In particular, during the event, the focus will be on Spoke 5. The presentations will focus on the key activities of the Spoke, offering an in-deèth view of the initiatives taken and the successes achieved. From identifying new opportunities to promoting collaborative synergies, every aspect will be axplored.   In addition, a dedicated flyer will be available to summarize the activities carried out, cascade calls and more. The active partecipation in BioFit 2023 will represent a significant step towards the construction of lasting collaborations and the realization of cutting-edge projects in the life sciences field.    More information available at the following  link:
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
UPO meets Novara: the prevention of falls
In an effort to increase awareness and promote falls prevention, the University of Piemonte Orientale, as part of the flagship project ''TINCARE'' (research module 3) of the project NODES, the project ''Aging'', and in collaboration with the Municipality, will organize a series of meetings with the citizens of Novara on topics related to healthy aging.    The first event will take place on October 30, 2023, at 4:30 pm at Teatro Sant'Andrea, located at Via Turbigo, 8 in Pernate (NO).    During the event, which will be open to everyone, will be distributed decalogues containing recommendations and suggestions to prevent the phenomenon of falls. These guidelines include information on how to promote balance, avoir risk situations, and take preventive measures to minimize the likelihood of falls.  The researchers will present their aims and objectives, providing a unique opportunity for the audience to learn more about the latest technologies and discoveries in the field of fall prevention.  Falls prevention is a significant challenge, but with the collaboration and awareness of the community, it will be possible to significantly reduce the incidence of this serious health problem. 
5. Industria della salute e silver economy
Unisciti a noi per un'esperienza di apprendimento e innovazione: La #SettimanadellaRicerca in #UPO termina con il terzo appuntamento NODES - OpenLab ad Alessandria
Alessandria ospiterà la terza tappa di OpenLabs nella serata di venerdì 29 settembre. Dalle 21:00 alle 23:00, il DISIT aprirà le sue porte al pubblico, offrendo l'opportunità di immergersi nel mondo della #scienza e dell'#innovazione. Le visite ai laboratori offriranno ai partecipanti l'opportunità di addentrarsi nei laboratori stessi.  L'evento è pensato per tutti i desiderosi di conoscere e comprendere come le sfide e le soluzioni tecnologiche stanno guidando l'innovazione in diverse aree della ricerca.  È un'opportunità unica per scoprire i progetti di ricerca più recenti e come i loro risultati possono e potranno migliorare il nostro mondo.   ? Per ulteriori informazioni puoi visitare il seguente link: ?          
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Join us for a learning and innovation experience: The #ResearchWeek at #UPO opens with the second appointment NODES - OpenLab in Vercelli
Are you ready to immerse yourself in a world of #knowledge, #innovation, and #discorery through the PNRR-NODES project?  On Monday, September 25th, the OpenLabs event moves to Vercelli. From 5:00 pm, you'll have the opportunity to visit the laboratories of the University of Piemonte Orientale and the research center ''Built'' Buzzi.  Discover the latest innovations and state-of-art research projects by receiving information on innovative research in progress.    To ensure a quality experience, visits are limited. Make sure to book your seat in advance at the following link:   ? For more information you can visit the following link:  ?      
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Join us for a learning and innovation experience: The #ResearchWeek at #UPO opens with the first appointment NODES - OpenLab in Novara
We are excited to announce an opportunity to expand your knowledge:  we are opening the doors of #CAAD (translational Research Center on Autoimmune and Allergic Diseases) at Corso Trieste 15/A in Novara Saturday 23 September from 10:00 to 18:00 with the opportunity to visit the #laboratories, have information on ongoing #researchprojects and participate in #interactiveactivities with #researchers.    For more information you can visit the following link: ?        
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Presentation of Cascade Calls for enterprises by NODES
Next June 21 at 2:00 pm, the SEN (Silver Economy Network) is organizing an online meeting dedicated to the presentation of NODES ecosystem (North West Digital and Sustainable) and the cascade calls for enterprises of the Spoke 5 ''Health Industry and Silver Economy''.  Among all ecosystem, NODES is one of the first to have launched the first cascade calls that are made available to companies and the research system to collaborate together.  This workshop is considered important in depht, to identify potential synergies for the national Silver Economy supply chain.     Speakers: Marco Invernizzi, Associate Professor of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale.    Chiara Ferroni, Managing Director, NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile      Iscriviti    
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Updates Traslational Medicine
On May 25, 2023, the accredited course ECM ''Updates Traslational Medicine'' will take place at the Representation Hall of the Azienda Ospedaliera SS. Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo in Alessandria, located at Via Venezia, 16.    The event will start at 2:00 pm with the Institutional Greetings by the President of the School of Medicine, Professor Gianluca Gaidano and the Director of the Department of Science and Technological Innovation, Professor Leonardo Marchese.    Following this, there will be a Lectio Magistralis on the various research activities carried out in the field of Translational Medicine by the Disease Units of DIARI.    During the lecture, Professor Marco Invernizzi will also speak, presenting a report on NODES-Spoke 5, titled ''Research and Technological Transfer in the Healthcare Sector'', to promote new collaborations.  Iscriviti    
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Tuesday, May 9th: NODES project presents opportunities for enterprises in the Southern Italy region in Lecce: Health, tourism and culture
The University of Piemonte Orientale, in collaboration with the University of Indubria and the University of Salento, will present in Lecce the cascade calls of Spoke 5 (Health Industry and Silver Economy) and Spoke 3 (Tourism and Culture Industry) of NODES project, which will make almost 2.5 million Euros available to businesses in Southern Italy.   The event ''Health, Tourism and Culture: presentation of the calls of the project PNRR-NODES dedicated to enterprises of the South'' will be hosted at the Rectorate of the University of Salento, NODES partner for the South, Tuesday, May 9th, 2023 from 10:00 to 12:00 (Tancredi Square 7, Lecce)  The event will be in mixed mode, in presence at the conference room of the Rectorate and at distance by linking to this link:     Click here to sign up   
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Tuesday, April 4th: presentation of calls and activities within the Health Industry and Silver Economy - Spoke 5
The event is aimed to present the activities of Spoke and cascade calls directed towards local entities within NODES.  Presentation of the mission and the topics of Spoke 5 The launch event of Spoke 5, organized by UPO, will take place in person at the Aula Magna of the University of Piemonte Orientale in Novara (Via Perrone n.18) on Tuesday, April 4, 2023 starting at 10:30 am.  The following will be: NODES project as a whole; the organization, the mission, the objectives of Spoke 5, the site, the calls and the initiatives in favour of enterprises.       
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Spoke 5, Industry of Health and Silver Economy: Kick-off Meeting and Stakeholder Committee
Two working tables for the start of the research activities of Spoke 5 and for the involvement of stakeholders in the Committee.  On November 30, 2022, the kick-off meeting of Spoke 5 dedicated to the Health Industry and Silver Economy took place.  The event was organized by UPO, in presence, in the Council Room of the Perrone Campus in Novara with the participation of the main project partners: UniTo, PoliTo, Polo bioPmed, Auxologico, AOU-Maggiore della Carità.  The objective of the meeting was the start of activities on the project. Following the welocme by the Project Coordinator, Professor Marco Invernizzi, the structure of NODES and Spoke 5 was described and the Scientific Roadmap and Communication Plan were presented.  In the afternoon, the working table involved the Stakeholders, who were formally invited to join the Stakeholder Committee with the role of active members in support of strategic decisions on cascading calls for entities outside the Ecosystem.  <<I'm very satisfied with this kick off event of the Spoke 5>>, says Marco Invernizzi, project coordinator. <<It was an excellent opportunity to start the works in a coordinated and constructiveway, also taking advantage of the opportunity to meet in person>>.