UPO meets Novara: the prevention of falls

In an effort to increase awareness and promote falls prevention, the University of Piemonte Orientale, as part of the flagship project ''TINCARE'' (research module 3) of the project NODES, the project ''Aging'', and in collaboration with the Municipality, will organize a series of meetings with the citizens of Novara on topics related to healthy aging.
The first event will take place on October 30, 2023, at 4:30 pm at Teatro Sant'Andrea, located at Via Turbigo, 8 in Pernate (NO).
During the event, which will be open to everyone, will be distributed decalogues containing recommendations and suggestions to prevent the phenomenon of falls. These guidelines include information on how to promote balance, avoir risk situations, and take preventive measures to minimize the likelihood of falls.
The researchers will present their aims and objectives, providing a unique opportunity for the audience to learn more about the latest technologies and discoveries in the field of fall prevention.
Falls prevention is a significant challenge, but with the collaboration and awareness of the community, it will be possible to significantly reduce the incidence of this serious health problem.