Updates Traslational Medicine

On May 25, 2023, the accredited course ECM ''Updates Traslational Medicine'' will take place at the Representation Hall of the Azienda Ospedaliera SS. Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo in Alessandria, located at Via Venezia, 16.
The event will start at 2:00 pm with the Institutional Greetings by the President of the School of Medicine, Professor Gianluca Gaidano and the Director of the Department of Science and Technological Innovation, Professor Leonardo Marchese.
Following this, there will be a Lectio Magistralis on the various research activities carried out in the field of Translational Medicine by the Disease Units of DIARI.
During the lecture, Professor Marco Invernizzi will also speak, presenting a report on NODES-Spoke 5, titled ''Research and Technological Transfer in the Healthcare Sector'', to promote new collaborations.