Spoke 5 Assembly: online appointment on January 10, 2024

Spoke 5 - Industry of Health and Silver Economy - organizes an online meeting on January 10, 2024, to closely evaluate, with the groups and their partners, the state of work of the Spoke in preparation for the General Assembly of the Ecosystem.
Among the planned activities, the Progress Report for the Work Packages (Boosters), the analysis of the state of the art and the progress made by the Spoke for each task and each partner according to the NODES Project Program - North West Digital and Sustainable - financed by the MUR funds of the PNRR-NextGenerationEU in which they will be examined:
- Ecosystem’s engagement and development by Spoke
- Research Booster
- Competente Booster
- Innovation Booster
- Acceleration Booster
- Monitoring, evaluation and impact
During the Spoke Assembly, Working Group will also be created on the themes of ''Internalization'' and ''Entrepreneurial Development'' able to put together ideas, experiences, good practices and proposals to be promoted among all the Spoke of the Ecosystem during the General Assembly on 13 February 2024.
Webinar only reserved for Spoke partners and experts.
Spoke Project Managers, Research and Innovation Manager, Spoke Administrators, WP Leaders, Task Leaders, D&C Managers, Data Managers and Spoke Governance, representatives of Ecosystem Partners are invited to partecipate (Spoke and Affiliates and SUD partenrs) and all those who want to contribute to the success of the initiatives.
Are you part of Spoke 5 - Industry of Health and Silver Economy?