Bandi Linea A


Artificial Intelligence for damage detection and reporting in artistic Heritage
Heritage conservation
Digital tourism
Scheda del progetto

Werea srl


Centro per la conservazione e il restauro dei beni culturali “La Venaria Reale”

Start date
Total value
15 months
Investment nodes
€ 525.800,33

Adequate monitoring of artistic heritage guarantees undoubted economic advantages, including the reduction of restoration costs over time and insurance costs. A well-maintained heritage also increases the number of visitors, facilitating the sustenance of the institution itself.
The project will develop advanced models for monitoring and conservative documentation of works of art through high-resolution 3D scanning and the application of artificial intelligence algorithms for the automatic recognition of degradation. In particular, the algorithms will take care of finding the differences between two scans of the same object and identifying the anomaly according to a recognized technical classification. These technologies, individually available on the market but not integrated and optimized, would allow an efficient, low-cost and extremely effective monitoring process. The system would not replace the use of experts for an assessment of the damage and any restoration activities, but would allow the execution of large-scale campaigns in an extremely short time, suggesting to restorers which works to concentrate their attention on.




Maurizio Rea



The challenge

The project involves the integration of various technologies and digital solutions such as web apps, to guarantee easy access for all operators to information derived from 3D and analysis tools; the computational analysis of data and subsequent processing, which requires particularly high-performance hardware capable of adapting to the workload; blockchain technology to guarantee the legal value of information; the use of machine learning algorithms to manage massive analyzes on large quantities of works of art. The project therefore has the objective of supporting easier and more widespread access for cultural heritage operators to digital technologies that can facilitate and make the maintenance and care of the assets themselves more effective.


Because it is innovative

The innovations brought by the project concern the need to enhance cultural, tourist and educational routes in order to encourage the construction of new ways of using them, together with new ways of interacting with users, focused on different types of targets. The importance of caring for and protecting cultural heritage will no longer be conveyed through the story of "open-door restorations" but through a more sustainable interpretation of the topic of protection. Digital will be the protagonist and the enabling tool of this sustainable approach to the care of cultural heritage. Lower costs and shorter intervention times, effectiveness and efficiency of protocols, data sharing, collaborative work spaces, artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

Impact on those who use it

To date, there are no efficient, effective and less time-consuming methods and tools available for the management of documentation to support the protection of cultural heritage, capable of integrating data of different nature, and of making different actors collaborate in the recording in a single platform. of the conservation conditions of the works over time. Furthermore, new museum experiences will be offered to the public capable of communicating the importance of preventive conservation actions and the potential of 3D surveys both for virtual accessibility functions and for timely documentation of works of art.