Bandi Linea A


Heritage Monitoring in Como
Heritage conservation
Lifestyle tourism
Scheda del progetto
Start date
Total value
18 months
Investment nodes
€ 213.689,3

The HEritage MOnitoring in Como (HEMOC) project proposes the creation of a system for the collection and use of data useful for the conservation of cultural heritage. Thanks to innovative digital technologies such as virtual reality, satellite data, IoT sensors and cloud computing, HEMOC will allow the structural stability of areas and buildings of high artistic and architectural value to be verified. In particular, the project will focus on the historic center of the city of Como, affected by slow subsidence phenomena. The proposed solution will allow monitoring the millimetric movements of critical points by integrating different monitoring technologies, including the global positioning satellite system (GNSS), satellite interferometry (InSAR), drones and traditional topographic surveys. Furthermore, thanks to the development of specific interfaces also based on virtual reality, HEMOC will streamline access to the information collected, thus simplifying the interpretation and consequent management of the monitored cultural heritage.




Eugenio Realini

The challenge

GReD and DkR will develop software improvements of fundamental importance in order to make both the processing of GNSS data more effective in the context of monitoring cultural heritage and the access and interpretation of the results through modern interfaces also based on virtual reality. HEMOC will be part of "game ready" 3D modeling, i.e. the management of large three-dimensional models and their correct execution on low-power devices, such as 3D viewers. You will be able to count on the consultancy of the Polytechnic of Milan with regards to the conceptualization of the system, integration of data sources and technical-scientific interpretation activities.

Because it is innovative

The digital transition is the foundation of the HEMOC project, aimed at increasing the resilience of communities thanks to the advantages of the technologies and innovative paradigms it proposes. The use of a latest generation GNSS IoT monitoring system, the integration of different monitoring technologies and the use of all the data collected through virtual reality are the distinctive elements of a project that invites us to reflect on the importance of the concepts of prevention, restoration and maintenance of historic buildings and monuments that characterize the Italian artistic-cultural heritage.

Impact on those who use it

Thanks to the data resulting from the integration of different monitoring technologies and the development of modern dedicated visualization interfaces, the HEMOC project will make it possible to optimize the restoration and maintenance interventions of the monitored historic buildings, addressing in particular the phenomenon of subsidence which characterizes part of the historic center of the city of Como and its effects on the architectural heritage. In this process, dissemination and dissemination activities of the results are envisaged, addressing issues such as the preservation of buildings of cultural importance, the application of virtual reality in professional and educational contexts, the use of satellite data for territorial observation.