
From Results to Impact: A Look to the Future with the Fifth General Assembly in Pollenzo.

general assembly pollenzo
The fifth General Assembly opens a window to the future, encouraged by the numbers of an Innovation Ecosystem that works.

On Monday, February 3rd, at the Red Hall of the prestigious University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, located between Langhe and Roero, the General Assembly of the NODES Innovation Ecosystem took place.

Now in its fifth edition, the event demonstrated the strong response from the NODES community to the invitation, with a large and enthusiastic participation. Over a hundred attendees were present, including representatives from universities, innovation hubs, research centers, incubators, and competence centers, who engaged in discussions on an increasingly crucial topic: the results achieved and their impact on the future.

The project, initially set to conclude in September 2025, is now in its 27th month and has received an extension from the Ministry of University and Research until December 31, 2025. What, then, are the expectations for the final year of activities, and what vision is there for the future, even beyond 2025?

The Rector of the University of Gastronomic Sciences, Prof. Nicola Perullo, welcomed the Assembly, emphasizing how NODES – North-West Digital and Sustainable – represents a highly significant project for the University, "a long journey that we hope will bear fruit even beyond the NRRP, paving the way for new and exciting collaborations."

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pollenzo GA

On a beautiful, almost spring-like day, the work was opened by the General Director of NODES, Eng. Chiara Ferroni, who began by saying, “We even rented the sun this morning,” setting the mood for the entire room and hinting at the encouraging results that would soon be presented.

The data closing out 2024, the second year of activity, once again confirms a positive trend. In particular, 56% of the funds committed by NODES partners have already been spent, amounting to 41 million euros out of the 73.7 million forecasted. Notably, 15 flagship projects and over 141 full-time equivalent years of work have already been employed. Scientific results are also significant, as evidenced by publications, patents, and collaborations with businesses. View all the data.

However, areas for improvement and minor shortfalls have not been overlooked, particularly regarding partners from Southern Italy. Everyone was encouraged to engage in productive cooperation to make the Ecosystem as efficient as possible, from North to South.

Finally, the unique training pathways in the field of Competence offered to the region were emphasized, making the Ecosystem "one that works," as Ferroni highlighted. She expressed special gratitude to all those who continuously support and commit to the success of the activities, with a particular thanks to the administrative departments involved in an extremely demanding effort.

Chiara Ferroni
General assembly Pollenzo

The session continued with contributions from the 7 Spokes, which initiated a collective discussion to delve deeper into the results achieved and reflect on the tangible impact the NODES Ecosystem is generating in various sectors.

The speakers, in order, were: Giuseppe Scellato (PoliTo), Cristina Prandi (UniTo), Barbara Pozzo (Uninsubria), Marco Alderighi (UniVdA), Anna Osello (PoliTo), Stefano Tedeschi (UniVdA), Roberto Bosio (PoliTo), Marco Invernizzi (UPO), Hermes Giberti (UniPv), and Dario Vallauri (Miac - Agrifood Hub).

Each of them, representing their respective Spokes, shared success stories from flagship projects and applied research, highlighted the courses launched within the Competence Booster framework, the immersive labs, and the activities that have spurred growth. They also discussed the challenges in promoting dialogue between universities and businesses and the awareness-raising initiatives aimed at both the local community and the broader public on NODES themes. Each contribution concluded with reflections on the next steps to be taken and a vision for the future in relation to their area of expertise.

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Thus began a shared journey between HUB and SPOKE, aimed at reflecting on the actual impact and outlining future prospects, with a strong focus on how the changes generated by the project will be measured and communicated in 2025. This is an essential aspect for the visibility and long-term sustainability of the initiative.

The floor was then given to Elisa Copertino, the HUB representative for monitoring indicators and impact measurement for the NODES Program. She announced the creation of a task force specifically on the topic of “Impact.” This working group will involve key figures from the Spokes and the Hub and will focus on the "changes" produced by the NODES Project: both the cross-cutting impact benefiting the entire Ecosystem, its networks, and partners, as well as sector-specific impact, evaluating technological and scientific innovation and market development for each Spoke’s area of expertise.

All of this will need to be properly communicated, as emphasized by Luca Agostino, Communication & Dissemination Manager for HUB NODES, who highlighted the strong numbers generated by the NODES channels and the rich calendar of initiatives planned for 2025: events, publications, and campaigns that will showcase the tangible outcomes of the Ecosystem.

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After the lunch break at the Academic Tables of the University, the Spokes continued in the afternoon by presenting in more detail the results achieved in the various Work Packages.

Giuseppe Scellato (PoliTo), for Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility, highlighted the interaction with businesses through Roadshows, the creation of startups, and the fruitful collaboration with UniTO for the Students' Challenges.

Edoardo Braccio (UniTo), for Green Technologies and Sustainable Industry, focused on Roundgrip, internationalization, and the competence activities that are having a strong impact on the region.

Barbara Pozzo (Uninsubria), for Tourism and Cultural Industry, continued on the theme of internationalization with a project aimed at creating a network among UNESCO Cities, Silk Museums, Textile Museums, and the University.

Marco Alderighi (UniVdA), for Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain, highlighted the successes of several projects and the growth in the Competence Booster.

Marco Invernizzi (UPO), for the Industry for health and Silver Economy, focused on evaluating the successes achieved, despite delays due to necessary phases of experimentation.

Hermes Giberti (UniPv), for Primary agroindustry, and Luisa Torri (UniSG), for Secondary agroindustry, presented a SWOT analysis of the weaknesses and critical issues facing the NODES project, emphasizing the essential need to find an effective business model so the project can become self-sustaining in the future, while also considering internationalization themes.

Impact and future were, therefore, the key words of the event. In closing, Eng. Chiara Ferroni, referring to upcoming milestones and deadlines, invited everyone to the next General Assembly. Where? The location is yet to be determined, but the real challenge is the project itself: a journey with a destination yet to be discovered, and still to be written.

So, what's next?

Ga chiusura Pollenzo