Circular waste, processing of Mineral and Organic Biowaste
Do you work in the construction and demolition industry and disposing of waste is a big issue? Are you an innovator in ceramic materials? Are you looking for soil without agricultural soil depletion?

Our researchers are transforming:
- CDW: Construction and Demolition Waste
- EWQ: Extractive Quarry Waste
- MSWI: Incinerated Municipal and Special Waste
- CMW: Ceramic Material Waste
- OBW: Organic BioWaste
What are they going to obtain?
- Recycled aggregates for road pavements
- Biofertilizers
- Artificial substrates as technogenic soils
- Secondary raw materials for the replacement of virgin raw materials in the field of the so-called Critical Raw Materials.
You can discover our results and products through our databases, reports, and a list of pilot sites.
Contact us to learn more about RM1!