Politecnico di Torino coordinates the Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility Spoke, and its expertise is complemented by the specific and indispensable expertise of its partners.

PoliTO is the first engineering school in Italy and one of Europe's leading universities for education and research in engineering, architecture, design and land planning.
PoliTO coordinates the three Flagship projects and contributes to all activities through the Manufacturing 4.0, 3D Mobility and Aerospace, Circular Economy and Technologies for Sustainability platforms, as well as with its Departments.

The University of Turin, founded in 1404, is an Italian mega-university, covering all disciplines except engineering and architecture.
UniTo provides the expertise of its 27 departments for all Flagships, activating multidisciplinary contributions in all fields of research, both humanistic and scientific. Also cooperating are NIS, for Materials Science, and ICxT, ICT for Business.

LINKS is a foundation created by Compagnia di San Paolo and PoliTO to operate in applied research, innovation and technology transfer in support of the territory.
LINKS applies its expertise in engineering and transport planning, environment, electronics, mathematics and computer science. It participates in the SPACE4YOU and ELECTRO flagships.

the Environmental Technology Park established in Turin more than 20 years ago. Envipark's mission is to be a reference point for public and private actors engaged in innovation processes for environmental sustainability. Envipark's activities are divided into two main areas: real estate management of the campus and the development of services for innovation.
EnviPark participates in the development and testing of innovative solutions for mobility with reduced environmental impact and, in particular in the H2Mobility Flagship, for the use and production of hydrogen for applications in the automotive and aerospace sectors.

FPI aims to support the most promising companies in the development of business strategies and research projects, fostering dialogue between research and innovation, business and finance.
FPI will involve the mobility and aerospace industries. It also plays a transversal role within NODES regarding to the involvement of SMEs with ICT skills and solutions.

CIM4.0, selected through the Ministry of Economic Development's call for tenders (today MIMIT), is a highly specialized national competence center that provides guidance, technical support and continuous training on Industry 4.0 issues.
CIM4.0 fosters the innovation of companies in their maturation path in technological processes and product, SMEs especially, supporting them with all the necessary for their digital and green transition: test before invest, upskilling and reskilling of human capital, technical and managerial consulting.

I3P's mission is to support the entrepreneurial ecosystem to improve economic growth and employment in highly innovative sectors.
I3P provides 20 years of experience in supporting hi-tech entrepreneurial projects (based on research results), technology transfer, and the management of open innovation projects for large enterprises and SMEs.

Politecnico di Bari is an Italian state university founded in 1990 and is one of the leading institutions for the study of engineering and architecture in Italy.
The research activities of Bari Polytechnic University focus on Space4You, the Flagship project related to aerospace.

The University of Catania is one of the oldest academic institutions in Italy, with 17 departments and a university center for outstanding students. It has well-established relationships with the industrial sector due to its high-level research expertise.
UniCT has provided researchers from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Computer Science (DIEEI), they on different aspects of the ELECTRO Flagship project.

The National Research Council (CNR) is the largest public research organization in Italy. its Institute for Membrane Technology (ITM) in Rende, Cosenza work with the Ecosystem.
CNR-ITM is internationally recognized for its multidisciplinary expertise in member science and technology, which it makes available for research in the energy sector, for the H2Mobility Flagship.