
All the news about NODES and its innovation ecosystem: projects, partners, announcements, and events.

1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
1. Aerospazio e mobilità sostenibile
Spoke 1, ricerca industriale e applicata, accademia e industria si incontrano a Catania
Il 6 novembre, presso Università di Catania, si è tenuto il seminario "Power Electronics per la mobilità elettrica". Unict è parte integrante del Flagship Project Electro, il progetto di ricerca dedicato alla mobilità elettrica. Il team di ricerca dell'università, guidato dal professor Giacomo Scelba, ha presentato i progressi sulle soluzioni per l'On-board Battery Charging basate su tecnologia GaN ad aziende e ricercatori del pubblico. Un approfondimento più ampio sull'intero progetto Electro è consultabile qui. Il seminario ha trattato in profondità le attività dei gruppi di ricerca di Convertitori, Macchine e Azionamenti Elettrici ed Elettrotecnica di Unict e in particolare i risultati dei due gruppi per l'elettronica di potenza. Spoke 1 ha presentato gli obiettivi e i risultati ottenuti con il finanziamento della ricerca industriale e per la formazione di reti e connessioni tra gli attori dell'innovazione del territorio, per facilitare la conoscenza dei progetti e la collaborazione ricerca e industria, tra attori di eccellenza del nord e del sud Italia.   I progetti di ricerca  
1. Aerospazio e mobilità sostenibile
Scenari, il flagship ELECTRO nella Guida Green Economy - IlSole24Ore
Un approfondimento sulle tante sfaccettature di ELECTRO, il Flagship project di Spoke 1 per la mobilità elettrica. Nella Guida Green Economy pubblicata sul supplemento Scenari de Il Sole 24 Ore, è possibile scoprire le linee di ricerca del progetto, che seguono le traiettorie della mobilità elettrica con un ampio spettro, in modo da coprire il numero più ampio possibile delle necessità tecnologiche del mercato. Il Flagship Electro contiene infatti più team di ricerca, al lavoro su differenti aree strategiche e componenti dei veicoli elettrici, che insieme portano ad una proposta comune integrata, che mira a sostenere il cambiamento imposto all'intera filiera. La ricerca spazia infatti dallo sviluppo di dispositivi, a nuovi materiali innovativi, allo studio di modelli di business e sviluppi commerciali. Electro è coordinato dal Politecnico di Torino, con partner Università degli Studi di Torino, Fondazione Links e Università di Catania. L'approfondimento, a pagina 14, è disponibile cliccando qui:     Guida Green Economy  
1. Aerospazio e mobilità sostenibile
Stelle e strade portano alla Notte della Ricerca. Aerospazio e la Mobilità sostenibile nel centro di Torino - Unight 2024
Il 27 e il 28 settembre la Notte della Ricerca porta consiglio. L'evento riunisce ricercatrici e ricercatori degli atenei del territorio e permette di scoprire nuove tecnologie e sviluppi della ricerca, che andranno a cambiare la nostra vita quotidiana nei prossimi anni. la Notte Europea delle Ricercatrici e dei Ricercatori di Torino è targata anche quest'anno UNIGHT - United citizens for research ed è realizzata da Università di Torino e Politecnico di Torino. Eventi simili sono stati tenuti in molte città europee sempre nello stesse date. Durante l'evento, organizzato negli spazi esterni dei Musei Reali, anche la ricerca di Spoke 1 si è messa in mostra, e il personale del progetto ha esposto al grande pubblico i suoi ampi progetti di ricerca, i "Flagship Project" e i temi contenuti al loro interno. I partecipanti alla Notte hanno potuto scoprire l'apporto della ricerca su temi di grandi attualità come la Mobilità Sostenibile, sia in chiave elettrica che relativamente al meno conosciuto idrogeno verde, sia sulla New Space Economy, la nuova economia spaziale alla portata non solo del pubblico ma anche del privato. Ricercatrici e ricercatori del progetto hanno illustrato le tecnologie che vengono studiate e sviluppate se come queste avranno ripercussioni sulla realtà di tutti i giorni, più in fretta di quanto si tenda a pensare. Il programma completo della Notte: Unight ( I Flagship Project di Spoke 1: Spoke 1 - Flagship Projects | Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile  
1. Aerospazio e mobilità sostenibile
Spoke 1, la ricerca su idrogeno e mobilità elettrica a Next Generation Mobility 2024
I Flaghsip Project dedicati alla Mobilità sostenibile presentano i loro progressi durante Next Generation Mobility 2024 Next Generation Mobility è dedicato alla filiera della mobilità e all'incontro tra gli attori dell'innovazione, cioè aziende, start up, università e istituzioni, che potranno confrontarsi su innovazione, sulle opportunità di business, su compliance e riforme del settore. Spoke 1 ha portato due Flagship Project dedicati alla mobilità, partecipando alla conferenza Conferenza Nazionale sull’idrogeno e gli e-fuels e alla conferenza su e-Mobility e bio-combustibili. Durante la seconda Conferenza Nazionale sull’idrogeno e gli e-fuels, la professoressa Marzia Quaglio, ha presentato il progetto H2Mobility, sull'Idrogeno Verde, uno dei vettori energetici chiave nel percorso di transizione energetica, necessario per la progressiva riduzione delle emissioni nei prossimi decenni, specie per i mezzi più pesanti.
1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
Problem solved! with a Students challenge dedicated to sustainable mobility solutions
The Spoke 1 Students Challenge carried out by students from Politecnico di Torino with Gruppo Iren ends with great satisfaction. The challenge was multifaceted and concerned two crucial aspects of the energy landscape: electric mobility and renewable energy communities. The future penetration of electric vehicles equipped with two-way charging (V2G) technologies can provide flexibility to the grid and become a relevant component for “energy communities.” In this context, electric vehicles can be viewed as batteries on wheels, useful for maximizing self-consumption of locally generated energy, increasing energy flexibility by storing and releasing electricity as needed. The operational objectives of the challenge were multiple and complex; the teams worked to formulate technologically feasible and profitable market solutions, identify technological limitations of the current market, simulate application scenarios, build a technology roadmap of future developments, define business models that can generate value for all key players, and finally, define effective remuneration methods for electric vehicle owners within the EC. The teams demonstrated remarkable creativity, developing innovative solutions with great commitment. Indeed, critical factors were addressed, from the stochasticity of available electric vehicles to the specific mobility needs of users requiring innovative charging stations. The Students Challenges are an opportunity for companies to develop innovative solutions together with students to meet challenges. The goal of the Challenges is twofold, both to give students the opportunity to interact with the business community, public institutions, associations, and third sector entities in NODES project areas through the “learning by doing” method, and to give companies and other stakeholders the opportunity to meet young talents and discover innovative solutions applicable in their realities. Spoke 1 awaits new challenges, any company in the sectors (aerospace or sustainable mobility) can submit its problem and apply by visiting the     Dedicated page      
1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
Toward new discoveries, universities and business, Spoke 1 meeting is a success
Ecosystem players meet to find interesting new ways forward together, identifying the skills, synergies and needs of players in the Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility supply chains. The event "Projects and Progress. Academy and Industry dialogue" on June 19 was a great success in terms of participation and discussion among Spoke 1 actors, representatives from innovative companies and applied research presented projects funded through NODES, and then looked together for new developments and applications, comparing possibilities for cooperation and complementary skills.
1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
New Challenges with students of University of Turin
A new opportunity to build a challenge with Spoke 1, Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility. An occasion for companies to develop innovative solutions together with students to solve industry problem with the "Students Challenges." The goal of the Challenges is twofold, both to give students the opportunity to interact with the business world, public institutions, associations and third sector entities in the NODES project areas through the "learning by doing" method, and to give companies and other stakeholders the opportunity to meet young talents and discover innovative solutions applicable in their realities.   More information  
1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
Hydrogen, mobility and transport - supply chain stakeholders meet during ENVIH2DAY with Spoke 1
ENVIH2DAY was held on April 5, an event that proved to be a great opportunity for discussion among European and local NODES Ecosystem actors involved in the hydrogen supply chain. In addition to Environment Park and Politecnico di Torino, a number of researchers participated in the 16th IEA Task 30 Electrolysis Workshop, which aims to identify the prospects and opportunities of the hydrogen supply chain at the international level. During the meeting, there were project pitches and networking moments, as well as visits to Environment Park laboratories, which allowed for the knowledge and meeting of local and European realities. Spoke 1 and its Partners, within the NODES Ecosystem, are working on the development of the hydrogen supply chain in the Northwest, in relation to the European market, taking advantage of its ever-growing network and the cutting-edge research and innovation projects carried out within it.
1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
Space is ever closer with Spoke 1 and Biennial Technology
The Spoke 1 appointments for Bienniale Tecnologia ended with great participation. Project Partners and researchers brought us into contact with one of the great challenges of this era, Space, no longer as the domain of superpowers, but as a reality close to those with ideas to take to the top. During the two meetings The Space Near Us and Startup to Space, participants learned about the impact of the New Space economy on everyone's daily life, with its very high technological content today and its potential for expansion tomorrow, personified by the young people who will be its creators and whom the I3P Incubator allowed them to meet and get to know. The NODES ecosystem and its Spoke 1 remain the ideal link to exploit the great opportunities brought by the new paradigms of the sector, within a network of entities and people, for new integrated solutions to the challenges of today and tomorrow.
1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
Review of the goals and commitment to the area, Spoke 1 meeting adjourned
Spoke 1's 2024 begins with the assembly of Project Partners, an excellent opportunity to update priorities by looking at the needs of the ecosystem's industrial actors, relative to Aerospace and Sustainable mobility. During the meeting, the progress and state of the art of the project, the results of past business funding initiatives and upcoming and current opportunities were reported, but most importantly, the future goals of Spoke 1 were reviewed and defined, particularly in regard of internationalization and business development. The Spoke Partners defined a new schedule of activities useful for strengthening the fabric of the Ecosystem, with the link between research and innovation always at the center, for the resilience of existing supply chains, and support for the development of business potential. In the next the upcoming NODES General Assembly, all Spokes will have an opportunity to exchange views to identify critical issues and solutions to be put in place to continue to contribute to the growth of an ever increasingly Digital and Sustainable Northwest. The event was hosted by I3P on January 23, 2024
1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
National Energy Technology Cluster, NODES at the assembly for the Cluster's Innvoation Roadmap
The National Energy Technology Cluster organized a dynamic meeting aimed at promoting collaboration and innovation in the energy sector. The event, which brought together industry leaders, experts and stakeholders, focused on experience and knowledge sharing, highlighted by a presentation that outlined the Cluster's technology and development roadmap. The event also brought to light the role of different NRP-related activities related to the sector. The NODES Ecosystem had the opportunity to present the different actions, partners, and collaborations of actors in the Northwest of Italy. Miriam Pirra, coordinator of activities dedicated to Ecosystem Engagement and Development actions for Spoke 1, highlighted the importance of regional collaboration and the work of the different Ecosystem Spokes in achieving sustainable energy goals. As a platform for dialogue, networking, and exchange of ideas, the event not only facilitated meaningful connections but also created an environment conducive to promoting positive changes in the energy sector. This collective effort represents a step forward in the shared pursuit, at all geographic levels, of a more sustainable and resilient energy future.
1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
Presented and exemplified the services that can be funded with Line B - Spoke 1 Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility
Spoke 1 Partners, Aerospace and Sustainable mobility, presented the Catalogue of Fundable Innovation Services for Businesses, illustrating with practical examples the opportunities for grant funding of cascade call Line B. During the Infoday, Spoke 1's scientific coordinator, Giuseppe Scellato, described the project's thematic areas and the b-line for fundable services for innovation and business development, with its dedicated catalog. Spoke 1 Partners, Politecnico di Torino/Environment Park, University of Turin, Fondazione Piemonte Innova (Polo ICT), and business incubator I3P later illustrated the services through practical, real-world examples Participating companies later had the opportunity to engage directly with ecosystem partners. The recording of the event is available on the Ecosystem NODES YouTube channel.   Click here to watch the even (ita)   Foto by Patrick Fore onUnsplash  
1. Aerospazio e mobilità sostenibile
Mobilità sostenibile e Nanotecnologie, Spoke 1 a NanoInnovation 2023
I ricercatori dello Spoke 1 portano le loro conoscenze a NanoInnovation, edizione 2023. Un evento nazionale di riferimento dedicato alle nanotecnologie e le loro applicazioni nei diversi settori, dalle scienze materiali alle scienze della vita, con un programma di quest'anno è fortemente orientato all'innovazione e agli aspetti di mercato, pienamente in linea con gli obiettivi dell’Ecosistema. L’evento è uno spazio di confronto tra accademia, ricerca, imprese e stakeholder, con le ultime novità nella ricerca applicata su micro e nanotecnologie. Sulle le aree tematiche di Spoke 1, ricercatrici e ricercatori hanno organizzato un simposio dedicato al ruolo dell’idrogeno e dell’energia elettrica per il mondo dei trasporti di domani. In particolare, sono stati trattati temi quali il grande potenziale dell’idrogeno sulla mobilità su terra, aria e mare, ma anche l’ottimizzazione dei sistemi di stoccaggio di energia relativi ai motori elettrici, sempre più diffusi. L’evento è stato un’ottima occasione di confronto tra accademia e industria, per arrivare più velocemente a sistemi e infrastrutture di trasporto più puliti, più verdi e più connessi.   Scopri di più   Hanno partecipato il professor Giuseppe Scellato, coordinatore scientifico di Spoke 1, la professoressa Paola Rizzi e il professor Gabriele Ricchiardi, di Università di Torino, e la dottoressa Enrica Fontananova, ricercatrice senior presso CNR-ITM
1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
Spoke 1 for Southern Italy, funding opportunities for businesses
On Thursday, June 22, Spoke 1, Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility, showcased opportunities dedicated to southern Italian companies. The event was hosted by the Politecnico di Bari, with the participation of all Southern Italian Partners, namely the University of Catania and the Institute for Membrane Technology (CNR) of Rende (CS). Spoke representatives explained the different characteristics of the ecosystem, thematic areas and Spoke and the calls related to them. Raffella Di Nardo, research and innovation manager of the NODES ecosystem, illustrated the goals of the Ecosystem and the value of the Partners, as well as the structure of Ecosystem. Giuseppe Scellato, scientific coordinator of Spoke, described the three flagship projects of Spoke (Space4You, H2Mobility and Electro), with the support of the scientific leaders of the Southern Partners for the three projects. Giuseppe Pascazio, scientific leader for Politecnico di Bari for Space4You, illustrated PoliBa's work for NODES on thermodynamic design, autonomous planetary surface exploration systems, photonic systems and smart structures, and business models of the New Space Economy. Enrica Fontananova, scientific leader for H2Mobility, illustrated the work of CNR-ITM on the sustainability of membranes with regard to hydrogen for mobiility; these have a high environmental impact and their role for industrial innovation is crucial. Giacomo Scelba, scientific leader for University of Catania, presented the goal of his research group, which is dedicated to realizing ac/dc converters, made with high efficiencies and power intensity, to guarantee up to 800 volts.
1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
Buongiorno Polo: fundings and opportunities for companies within the NODES Ecosystem
Fondazione Piemonte Innova organised a "Buongiorno Polo" dedicated to news from the Innovation Ecosystem NODES, with highlights on the funding opportunities available for research, start-ups, spin-offs and businesses. The event was held on Wednesday 3 May and was moderated by Miriam Pirra, Senior Business Analyst Fondazione Piemonte Innova, who presented the NODES ecosystem and the main research and innovation topics of the various Spokes. Andreea Timaru, Senior Business Analyst Fondazione Piemonte Innova, followed, illustrating to the member companies of the ICT Innovation Cluster and other potential beneficiaries the new cascade calls financed with the funds of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) to support research and development projects (Line A) aimed at fostering collaborations between the business and research worlds, and the acquisition of innovation services (Line B) to foster SMEs' innovation. Rewatch the event (in Italian):