H2Mobility focuses on technologies and systems for production, storage and distribution of green hydrogen.
Green hydrogen and green bio-chemicals and e-chemicals can play a substantial role in alleviating emissionsin the coming decades, and represent a crucial link in the energy transition journey of otherwise difficult-to-decarbonize sectors such as some transports.

The European Union (EU) has been encouraging a clean economy in Europe by 2030, through strategic policy initiatives such as the European Green Deal, the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the Fit for 55 Package, and the first ever European Hydrogen Strategy, this includes the automotive sector and the mobility sector.
The European climate strategy and the transition to a decarbonised economy in 2050 will entail deep transformations of the production, storage, and consumption of energy in Europe, and the decarbonisation of transport, buildings, and industry. This transition will require H2 and green chemicals deployment on a large scale, with internationally competitive prices.
Scientific Leader
Fabrizio Candido Pirri, Full Professore, DISAT, Politecnico di Torino
Marzia Quaglio, Associate Professor, DISAT, Politecnico di Torino
The H2Mobility project aims at the development of robust and reliable technologies and the related tech-transfer activities to support the transition of the regional supply-chain towards the integration of new systems for the distribution and use of low-carbon and sustainable fuels, like Hydrogen. The activities of H2Mobility include the use of robust and established technology pathways to produce system to store (e.g. adsorption and absorption in different matrices, chemical storage), to distribute and to use (fuel cells, internal combustion engines) green hydrogen. This implies innovation activities for the development of new solutions for components and subsystems in order to lower costs, fostering the market acceptance and supporting the creation of local supply chains. The Flagship also focuses on CO2 and other vectors recovery and conversion into RFNBO, Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin, and Technologies.
The main objective of this H2Mobility is to contribute to improve the technological readiness to the exploitation of H2 as the renewable energy vector for the future mobility system. This goal willdetermine a strong demand for new technologies, new components, and innovative services. The goal is also to promote the growth of new supply chains for green, hydrogen-based mobility with the strategic inclusion of SMEs. The applied research activities are meant to favor technology transfer and the process of adoption of new technologies and solutions for green hydrogen by established SMEs operating in the mobility supply chain.
The project will take advantage of joint and synergic collaborations with already consolidated applied research initiatives. This approach will allow the further development of new technologies and supply chains, starting from existing research infrastructures with lower Technology readiness Level (2-4). The project will promote the growth of new skills and technological capabilities to sustain the competitiveness of the local mobility cluster and position itself in the European and international context.
Expected Results
The research activities are meant to improve the knowledge background within each partner’s research group in order to support an effective technology transfer towards companies. The outcomes will also include improved opportunities for companies to develop POCs in collaboration with the partners as well as access to testing infrastructures that are essential for the design of new systems and subsystems for the transition towards green hydrogen. Specific innovation-based activities will be conducted to support involvement of companies in the project, including strategic advisory to scale up and integrate new technologies within companies’ core technical and business strategies.
Impact on the territory
The project will ensure the transfer of technology and knowledge to enhance the innovation ability of companies, particularly SMEs, facilitating the adoption of new solutions for sustainable mobility, also contributing to the development of new skills and specialized personnel, ensuring highly qualified employment positions over time. Some solutions resulting from the Project's research activities will be supported by an in-house development process with the goal of creating new startups.
H2Mobility will have cross-cutting impacts. It shall support the economic growth and the technological advancement of the local ecosystem. It will deal with activities related the climate crisis, such as the production of green fuel resulting from the conversion of CO2, with connection tothe transport sector, and the production and storage of H2. This will allow the reduction of CO2 emissions, concurrently with its capture and reuse, having a positive impact on the environment and increasing the country's energy independence, in line with the recommendations of the PNRR. Ensuring the Italy’s leadership in these key strategic research areas, increasing the percentage of news jobs in innovative companies and the number of advanced products and services offered by the Country.
Politecnico di Torino:
- DISAT Department of Applied Science and Technology
- DENERG Department of Energy
- DIMEAS Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Università di Torino:
- Department of Chemistry
- NIS Inter-department Centre
Environment Park
- Advanced Energy Laboratory (Hysylab)
CNR - Institute on Membrane Technology