Scheda del progetto
Università degli Studi di Torino
Prof.ssa Associata Eliana Gianolio
This project aims to address the problem of wastewater pollution caused by contrast agents used in medical diagnostics. Although essential for improving the visualisation of tissues and organs in X-ray or MRI imaging, contrast agents containing iodine and heavy metals, such as gadolinium, are a significant source of environmental pollution. Once administered, these agents are excreted through urine and end up in the wastewater system. It is estimated that several hundred million doses of contrast agents are administered each year for X-ray tomography alone, and their increasing use has led to the detection of significant amounts of pollutants in the environment, potentially posing a risk to human health and ecosystems.
Contact person
Angelo Bifone
The project will analyse the entire life cycle of contrast agents, from raw materials to production, clinical use, waste management and excretion products, and assess their environmental impact. In addition, the project will examine the efficacy, technical feasibility, maturity and sustainability of technologies to minimise their dispersion in water, in order to develop environmentally friendly solutions for diagnostic medicine.
The project will be carried out in close collaboration with Bracco Imaging S.p.A., a leading manufacturer of contrast agents, and its network of diagnostic centres. This will allow a factual assessment of the impact and integrability of these technologies in processes at various stages of the supply chain, from production to administration, filtration and recycling.
As a result of the analysis, a detailed implementation plan will be produced, outlining the strategies, costs, benefits and risks associated with the most effective and efficient product and process innovations for a circular management of law enforcement agents, as well as recommendations for the industrial and regulatory policies needed to ensure a more sustainable future in the field of medical diagnostics.