Stakeholder Committee

Stakeholder Committee - Panel discussion
The meeting was opened by Professor Barbara Pozzo, responsible for the NODES project for Spoke 3, who wanted to present the current state of the initiative. In particular, he underlined that the project provides for the definition of a series of specialization courses as well as life learning initiatives to be held in agreement with the companies. The goal must be to outline a training offer that is in line with the actual needs of the territory and of the companies themselves.
The teacher explained that to achieve the goal of creating a real synergy between universities and businesses, it is necessary to implement a concrete passage and transfer of knowledge. The training initiatives could be financed by the PNRR. During the meeting it emerged that, for the companies that are part of the Stakeholder Committee, the issue of sustainability and sustainability communication is of great importance, therefore it deserves to be studied further by organizing specific training courses. The working table was important for developing new themes and new synergies in accordance with local realities.