

Immagine Turismo al To(e)p!

On Wednesday 29th January at 2:00 pm at the Nuovo Polo Università della Valle D'Aosta, Room B4, an interesting workshop will be held entitled: "Tourism at TO(E)P!".


The workshop, organized within the Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry, of the NODES project by the University of Valle d'Aosta (UniVdA) and the University of Eastern Piedmont (UPO), aims to explore innovative strategies to promote cultural and experiential tourism in mountain and lake destinations.


The event will be an important opportunity to present the results of the research conducted in recent years thanks to the flagship project TOEP (Tourism Open-ended Experimentation Platform) of the Spoke 3 of NODES, which has paid particular attention to the enhancement of local cultural heritage through the use of advanced technologies, the development of digital communication and the adoption of innovative and sustainable tourism management practices inspired by participatory placebranding.


During the meeting, industry experts, academics and tourism operators will share experiences and perspectives on the future of tourism in fragile areas such as mountain and lake areas, illustrating how the TOEP platform can support businesses and institutions in improving the attractiveness and competitiveness of the territory.


Admission to the event is free. For further information, please contact the address

Locandina Turismo al TO(E)P!