International Symposium - Technology and society: Boon or Bane?

On January 23 and 24, the ninth edition of the Business Systems Laboratory International Symposium was held in Varese, at the University of Insubria, entitled Technology and society: Boon or Bane?
The focus of the conference was to highlight how technology has unequivocally transformed the dynamics of interactions, lifestyles, work environments, social relationships and business operations. Playing a fundamental role in society, technology continues to evolve, promising new advances that will reshape our lives and professional scenarios.
The event, organized by Prof. Patrizia Gazzola (University of Insubria) and Prof. Gandolfo Dominici (Business Systems Laboratory and University of Palermo), with the collaboration of Drs. Stefano Amelio, Daniele Grechi, Iulia Iliashenko and Francesco Gentile; brought together international experts to reflect on the role of technology in society, between progress and complexity, offering crucial insights for European and global policies.
Among the most significant moments, the speech by Prof. Eka Sapashvili (Tbilisi State University, Georgian Parliament), who presented the research "The Current Global Migration and Technological Challenges: Advantages or Threat to the European Union Social Security". The study analyzes global migratory phenomena and their demographic impact in the EU, exploring the technological and social security implications through the SDGs. An innovative perspective that highlights challenges and opportunities for the future of Europe.