Territory and surroundings: enhancement, management and promotion of tourist destinations
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UniUPO and Parco della Fantasia together for 5 high-level training meetings in November 2024.
5 meetings: 8, 15, 22 November from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm, 29 November from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm. To participate, you must register by filling out a Google Form; you can attend the sessions either in person or remotely; provision (with participation in 4 out of 5 modules) of open badges from the University of Eastern Piedmont.
The course aims to be multidisciplinary, practical-experiential and integrated, choosing to combine some university professors with professionals and experts who will be able to provide concrete experiences and give an operational edge to the activities.
The modules include content aimed at increasing knowledge of visions, cases and good practices, as well as fueling the push towards self-entrepreneurship or the creation of networks for the development of ideas in the tourism sector, with particular reference to the management and marketing of tourist destinations. Managing and promoting destinations with the right skills to design the future of sustainable and participatory tourism, this in short could be the common thread of the scheduled meetings.
The course will have the possibility of participating in person, at the Forum Omegna (VB) facility, or following remotely via the GoTo platform in collaboration with ArsUniVco ETS.
Participants will have the opportunity to work in groups and learn how the TOEP platform developed within the flagship project of Spoke3 coordinated by UniUPO works. During the last module, for this purpose, three professors from UniUPO and Uninsubria will be present.
Course duration: 4 hours each module | 5 modules in total
Delivery mode: Mixed (in presence and online)
Registration fee: free participation
For information and registration click here