Bandi Linea A


Observation of the Alpine cryosphere: advanced network of high-altitude monitoring stations to enhance understanding of a sensitive region
Gestione risorse montane
Scheda del progetto
Start date
Total value
245.367,21 €
18 months
Investment nodes
144.121,69 €

Given the current condition of Alpine regions, particularly the cryosphere, due to climate change, the HIKE project aims to monitor high-altitude nivometeorological and glacial dynamics. It plans to achieve this by designing integrated systems for innovative monitoring of solid precipitation and digital optical analysis of glacial dynamics and snow cover. Additionally, HIKE aims to implement automated procedures for data quality control and cross-validation, along with developing a web platform for sharing acquired data and information. Activities will focus on the Monte Rosa massif, a hotspot for water-based economic activities (e.g., ski resorts, hydroelectric power), with the prospect of developing digital systems and tools applicable to other mountainous contexts as well.





Mauro Reguzzoni

The challenge

Implement advanced systems for monitoring Alpine cryospheric dynamics and innovative digital solutions for the collection, management, and dissemination of environmental information. These solutions should be beneficial not only to research and monitoring organizations but also to stakeholders and the general population.

Why is it innovative

The systems design is based on identifying research-grade instrumentation (TRL9) capable of serving as the control center, ensuring the proper operation of the monitoring network, and managing energy demand effectively in relation to available resources. Additionally, automated procedures for remote data transfer and processing will be implemented. The system will gather, process, and transfer glacier surface velocity data, measured using state-of-the-art Digital Image Correlation (DIC) algorithms.

Impact on users

The availability of a comprehensive set of information and observations on mountain environment dynamics is crucial for developing services beneficial to mountain communities, businesses, and decision-makers. The region would have access to maps detailing glacial kinematics, indicating areas with higher deformation rates, thereby enabling the population to be more aware of potential risks.