INNovative DIagnostic and therApeutics for regeNerAtive medicine.

Dipartimento Scienze della Salute (DISS)
Scientific Leader
Prof.ssa Francesca Boccafoschi, Full Professor, University of Eastern Piedmont (UPO)
The INNDIANA flagship project focuses on the development of innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to regenerative medicine. In particular, it aims to contribute to the development of new approaches to translational research in the field of ageing and the health industry, shortening the process from bench to bed with relevant implications in terms of sustainability and reduction of direct and indirect health costs.
The main ambitions of Spoke 5, in line with the research and innovation program "Health Industry& Silver Economy", focus on the following topics: personalized medicine (precision and forecast; biomaterials, biotechnologies and technologies for the treatment of pathologies related to ageing and for early diagnostics; nutraceuticals, nutrigenomics and functional foods.
The objectives of this project are multiple in that the aim is to develop innovative and sustainable diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to promote a better allocation of treatments that are already available. The project aims to improve diagnostic tools, support the development andadvanced certification of medical devices, promote regenerative medicine, develop new matrices and tissues useful for tissue regeneration and encourage the development and characterization ofdrugs with new technological strategies.
Expected Results
INNDIANA aims to achieve the following results within 3 years:
- Development of innovative materials and treatments for osteoarthritis and sarcopenia;
- The filing of at least one patent claiming organ-on-chip technologies, effective compounds in autoimmune diseases with a high degree of novelty or mode of drug administration; effective agents in autoimmune diseases validated in preclinical studies (TRL4);
- Founding of at least one spin-off/start-up company whose core business is one of the fields developed inside the flagship project;
- Functional food characterization for healthy ageing;
- Characterization of new molecules useful for advanced diagnostics.
Impact on the territory
INNDIANA will promote collaborative partnerships with healthcare institutions as well as with companies specialized in the development of innovative products and services dedicated to prevention, diagnosis, care and patient management, which will all be enhanced in the context ofthe ecosystem.
Based on scientific and technological foresight, Spoke 5 aims to stimulate industrial research and technology transfer on different aspects of the health service by implementing digital innovation, machine learning and artificial intelligence in big data management and therapeutic monitoring of fragile patients, with the aim of developing sustainable strategies that improve the management of patients with greater healthcare needs.
Università del Piemonte Orientale (UPO):
- Scienze della Salute (UPO-DISS)
- Scienze del Farmaco (UPO-DSF)
- Scienze e Innovazione Tecnologica (UPO-DISIT)
Politecnico di Torino:
- Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale (POLITO-DIMEAS)
- Scienza Applicata E Tecnologia (POLITO-DISAT)
Università di Torino:
- Scienze Cliniche e Biologiche (UNITO-DSCB)
- Scienza e Tecnologia del Farmaco (UNITO-DSTF)
- Scienze Mediche (UNITO-DSM)
- Neuroscienze (UNITO-DNS)
Istituto Auxologico Italiano di Piancavallo (IRCCS):
- Divisione di Neurologia e Neuroriabilitazione (Auxologico)
Ospedale Maggiore della Carità di Novara (AOU):
- Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione (AOU Maggiore della Carità)
- Medicina Interna (AOU Maggiore della Carità)
- Gastroenterologia (AOU Maggiore della Carità
Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero S.p.A., Società Benefit – (bioPmed)