Technology Integration in healthCARE

Department of Translational Medicine (DIMET)
Scientific Leader
Prof. Alberto Dal Molin, Associate Professor, University of Eastern Piedmont
The project "TINCARE" is rooted In the certainty that investment in healthcare In the NODES territories can help contribute both to the development of endogenous potential and to the promotion of social inclusion and quality of life. All aspects of this project require a multidisciplinary approach that aims to improve resource efficiency and sustainability in the healthcare system.
The main ambitions of the TINCARE project, in line with the research and innovation program "Health Industry & Silver Economy", focus on the following topics: personalized medicine (precision and forecast); biomaterials, biotechnology and technologies for early diagnosis; mountain medicine (telemedicine, telenursing, homecare and assistance for the chronically ill).
"TINCARE" proposes to develop innovative and digital strategies to improve the health care of fragile subjects, through the development of wearable devices and dedicated software for remote telemonitoring of these people. The project aims to optimize telemedicine and telenursing solutions, as well as implement the digitization of care services, with a specific emphasis on monitoring chronic conditions and preventing complications.
Expected Results
TINCARE aims to achieve the following results within 3 years:
- development and evaluation of an innovative and multidisciplinary monitoring program to reduce hospital admissions;
- development of an innovative prototype nanoceramic t-shirt for measuring vital parameters;
- development of an algorithm capable of predicting the risk of falling of frail elderly Individuals;
- development of an innovative non-invasive ventilation system for the home setting;
- development of a digital platform for cognitive training;
- development of a system for remote control of hearing aids;
- development of new paradigms in which doctors, nurses and patients can interact in the 'metaverse', without the need to physically move from their actual locations.
Impact on the territory
TINCARE will promote collaborative partnerships with healthcare institutions as well as with companies specialised in the development of innovative products and services dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis, care and management of patients, which will all be enhanced in the context of the ecosystem. Spoke 5 aims to promote industrial research and technology transfer within the field of healthcare, focusing efforts on the implementation of digital innovations, machine learning, and artificial intelligence for remote monitoring and therapeutic management of fragile patients. The main objective is to develop sustainable strategies that improve the management of patients with complex healthcare needs.
Università del Piemonte Orientale:
- Medicina Traslazionale (UPO - DIMET)
- Scienze della Salute (UPO - DISS)
- Scienze e Innovazione Tecnologica (UPO - DISIT)
Università di Torino:
- Neuroscienze (UNITO)
- Psicologia (UNITO)
- Scienze Chirurgiche (UNITO)
Politecnico di Torino:
- Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale (POLITO - DIMEAS)
- Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni (POLITO-DET)
- Automatica e Informatica (POLITO -DAUIN)
- Ingegneria Gestionale e della Produzione (POLITO - DIGEP)
- Scienze Matematiche (POLITO - DISMA)
Istituto Auxologico Italiano di Piancavallo (IRCCS):
- Divisione di Neurologia e Neuroriabilitazione (IRCCS Auxologico di Piancavallo)
- Centro di Medicina del Sonno (IRCCS Auxologico di Piancavallo)
Ospedale Maggiore della Carità di Novara (AOU):
- Medicina Interna (AOU Maggiore della Carità)
- Direzione delle Professioni Sanitarie (AOU Maggiore della Carità)
- Nefrologia (AOU Maggiore della Carità)
- Cardiologia (AOU Maggiore della Carità)
- Pneumologia (AOU Maggiore della Carità)
Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero S.p.A., Società Benefit – (bioPmed)