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BETWEEN RESEARCH AND BUSINESS: Industrial and academic projects meet

Bringing the world of research into contact with that of business was the ambition of the meeting organized by Sppoke 7 at the Polytechnic of Turin. BETWEEN RESEARCH AND BUSINESS it was an opportunity to meet the faces behind the industrial and academic projects that won the funding made available by NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile and to create a space for discussion between researchers and companies linked to the secondary agro-industry sector.  


The meeting was opened by the presentation of Luisa Torri, Scientific Manager and Project Manager of Spoke 7, who introduced the speech Overview of cascade calls for Line A Spoke 7 NODES by Dario Vallauri and Laura Fuso (Polo AGRIFOOD, M.I.A.C. Scpa).


There then followed three moments of discussion on the themes Green Food, Healthy food and Smart Food, the 3 themes that linked the industrial POCs of Spoke 7. To close the meeting, a B2B - B2R space to connect researchers who won the academic POCs and the companies present at the meeting.