Sustainability Performance Measurement and Reporting Systems. From environmental and social impacts to governance models, in the secondary agroindustry.
Info utili
Sustainability: driver of change
The uncertainties that characterize the competitive arena, the changes in social and environmental dynamics, as well as the institutional pressures towards greater sustainability in corporate governance, are modifying the traditional visions of competitiveness, survival and profitability of the secondary agro-industry system.
The greater attention to social and environmental issues has pushed these companies to undertake paths of change that must be accompanied by adequate managerial, planning, monitoring and reporting tools, which allow them to support management in decision-making processes to guide activities and to make people responsible for achieving short- and long-term economic, social and environmental sustainability objectives.
Sustainability: an objective to measure, monitor and communicate
Through multidimensional performance measurement systems and integrated reporting methods, secondary agri-industry companies must commit to contributing to the creation of value for the entire agri-food supply chain in an innovative way and with the involvement of all stakeholders, both internal and external.
Sustainability reporting is the final part of a broader process that involves the definition of a medium-long term strategy from which to derive the accounting models and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to be used to manage, monitor and report company results, supporting management in planning, monitoring and implementing increasingly complex activities and processes. complex.
In other words, the principles of sustainability must be operationally integrated into the company's management control system, and must be integrated into existing business processes so as to become an integral part of the business. Even more so, by virtue of the entry into force of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which has defined standard rules on sustainability reporting, which are being extended to a growing number of companies, with significant involvement for the secondary agri-industry sector.
The professional refresher course is organized within the scope of NODES Spoke 7 and, in particular, involves the entrepreneurial system of the secondary agri-industry, which is increasingly called upon to pursue economic, social and environmental sustainability objectives, activating twin transition processes, consistent with the objectives of NODES, namely sustainability and innovation as strategic factors of competitiveness and resilience for the entire sector.
In this context, the system for measuring company performance must be consistent with the strategic orientation towards sustainability, through the integration of the economic, social and environmental, the enrichment of the corporate management control system with objectives, indicators and targets that allow to measure, together with financial performances, also those related to the consumption of natural resources and the different impacts and dependencies that the corporate activity has on the natural and social environment.
Course objectives
The figures will be trained in order to learn and know adequate managerial tools to support decision-making processes that will help generate positive results and outcomes throughout the agri-food system, enhancing:
- natural capital,
- the regeneration of biodiversity,
- social inclusion
- justice and food security
as essential values.
To achieve this goal, the involvement of all stakeholders of the NODES ecosystem will be essential, therefore, not only companies in the secondary agri-industry, but also researchers, professionals and the public sector as facilitators of training processes.

Useful information
Course duration: 32 hours
Language: Italian
Delivery method: mixed (16 hours in person, 16 hours online)
Minimum number of participants: 5 (max 25)
Registration fee: free