
Discover all the events organized by NODES, the Spokes, and its ecosystem, and participate from North to South.

1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
Spoke 1 of NODES Ecosystem engages the local area in challenge to innovation
Presentation of funding calls and opportunities for businesses, Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility area On April 18, 2023, from 4:30 p.m., at the Auditorium of the Energy Center of the Polytechnic University of Turin, funding calls and opportunities for local businesses in aerospace and sustainable mobility were presented. The event was organized by Spoke 1 of the Northwest Innovation and Sustainable Digital Ecosystem (NRRP).
4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
Presentation of Spoke 4 funding opportunities and participation procedures
At the University of Valle d'Aosta, the presentation of funding opportunities for businesses Spoke 4 is organizing the presentation of funding opportunities for the Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile (NODES) project and the application process for funding. The calls are aimed at businesses in the Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta, and the provinces of Como, Varese, and Pavia. The event will take place on April 17 at 3:30 PM at the University of Valle d'Aosta, Saint Christophe campus (AO), Le Grand Chemin 181. Remote participation is also possible, and registration is required in both cases.
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Thursday 13 April Tech for Good: Innovation in Green Technologies
Spoke 2 of the NODES Innovation Ecosystem presents opportunities for companies through participation in cascade calls On 13 April 2023, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., in Turin, at the Auditorium ALDO MORO in via verdi 41 the University of Turin - coordinator of Spoke 2 "Green Technologies and sustainable industries" - will present, together with its partners and the NODES ecosystem, the activities of the Spoke and the objectives of the research and innovation programme, with a specific focus on funding opportunities for companies, cascade calls and training initiatives. The event is a unique opportunity for companies and researchers to learn about cascade calls, training initiatives, academic PoCs and industrial Phd. But that is not all. The challenge is to create ideal conditions for potential connections between researchers and companies, for the development of innovative green technologies and to foster industrial sustainability. During the event, the NODES and Spoke 2 - Green Technologies and Sustainable Industry ecosystem will be presented, as well as the funding opportunities for companies through the tool of cascade calls illustrated in an in-depth session by the Spoke 2 scientific referees. The event is open to companies, lecturers and researchers, local stakeholders and all citizens interested in the topics discussed. Joining UniTo will be the Polytechnic of Turin, the University of Eastern Piedmont, the University of Insubria, the University of Pavia, Environment Park, Proplast, 2I3T and OGR Tech.
7. Agroindustria secondaria
Mercoledì 12 aprile presentazione dei bandi e delle attività legate al settore dell'Agroindustria secondaria - Spoke 7
L’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche ospita l’evento di lancio dello Spoke 7 L’evento di presentazione dei bandi a cascata per le imprese si tiene il 12 aprile 2023 alle ore 14.30 a Pollenzo (CN) presso la Sala Rossa dell’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche.  Sarà l’occasione per presentare tutte le opportunità che lo Spoke 7 dell’Ecosistema dell’Innovazione NODES, destinerà nei prossimi mesi alle imprese della trasformazione alimentare di Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta e delle province di Pavia, Como e Varese. All’evento parteciperanno: Chiara Ferroni (Direttrice Hub NODES), Luisa Torri (Responsabile scientifico dello spoke 7), Dario Vallauri (Polo AGRIFOOD - M.I.A.C. Scpa) e Roberto Strocco (Unioncamere Piemonte).  
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Tuesday, April 4th: presentation of calls and activities within the Health Industry and Silver Economy - Spoke 5
The event is aimed to present the activities of Spoke and cascade calls directed towards local entities within NODES.  Presentation of the mission and the topics of Spoke 5 The launch event of Spoke 5, organized by UPO, will take place in person at the Aula Magna of the University of Piemonte Orientale in Novara (Via Perrone n.18) on Tuesday, April 4, 2023 starting at 10:30 am.  The following will be: NODES project as a whole; the organization, the mission, the objectives of Spoke 5, the site, the calls and the initiatives in favour of enterprises.       
6. Primary agroindustry
PSR, PNRR and POR-FESR opportunities for businesses
The conference, held on Saturday, March 18th, at 3:00 PM in the Agrimedia hall of the Agricultural Mechanization Fair in Savigliano, outlined the upcoming opportunities for companies through the calls of the PSR, PNRR, and POR-FESR measures.    In particular, the objectives and involvement of companies in the NODES project were explained, with specific reference to Spoke 6 (Primary Agro-Industry). Agricultural businesses and companies producing agricultural machinery will have the chance to secure funding to support their research and innovation activities, either individually or in collaboration with other companies and/or research entities, enhancing their competitiveness in national and international markets.    The areas and themes of innovation will focus on the digitization and sustainability of products and processes.
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Spoke 2 meets the Insubria territory
NODES Ecosystem Spoke 2 meets the Insubria region On 28 February 2023, the wonderful Cloister of S. Abbondio in Como will host the event "Spoke 2 of the NODES Ecosystem meets the Insubria territory" organised by the University of Insubria. The meeting is an opportunity to explore the opportunities developed by the "NODES - North West Digital and Sustainable" project, and specifically to deepen the knowledge of Spoke 2 - "Green Technologies and Sustainable Industry" and the opportunities for companies in the Insubria territory. Among the topics to be discussed: the structure of the NODES Ecosystem and Spoke 2, which opportunities for local companies and which activities will support technology transfer and training for companies. After a session, a number of topics prompted by participants' questions will be discussed in depth. The meeting will end with a pleasant aperitif.  
3. Culture and tourism industry
Stakeholder Committee
Stakeholder Committee - Panel discussion The meeting was opened by Professor Barbara Pozzo, responsible for the NODES project for Spoke 3, who wanted to present the current state of the initiative. In particular, he underlined that the project provides for the definition of a series of specialization courses as well as life learning initiatives to be held in agreement with the companies. The goal must be to outline a training offer that is in line with the actual needs of the territory and of the companies themselves. The teacher explained that to achieve the goal of creating a real synergy between universities and businesses, it is necessary to implement a concrete passage and transfer of knowledge. The training initiatives could be financed by the PNRR. During the meeting it emerged that, for the companies that are part of the Stakeholder Committee, the issue of sustainability and sustainability communication is of great importance, therefore it deserves to be studied further by organizing specific training courses. The working table was important for developing new themes and new synergies in accordance with local realities.
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Spoke 5, Industry of Health and Silver Economy: Kick-off Meeting and Stakeholder Committee
Two working tables for the start of the research activities of Spoke 5 and for the involvement of stakeholders in the Committee.  On November 30, 2022, the kick-off meeting of Spoke 5 dedicated to the Health Industry and Silver Economy took place.  The event was organized by UPO, in presence, in the Council Room of the Perrone Campus in Novara with the participation of the main project partners: UniTo, PoliTo, Polo bioPmed, Auxologico, AOU-Maggiore della Carità.  The objective of the meeting was the start of activities on the project. Following the welocme by the Project Coordinator, Professor Marco Invernizzi, the structure of NODES and Spoke 5 was described and the Scientific Roadmap and Communication Plan were presented.  In the afternoon, the working table involved the Stakeholders, who were formally invited to join the Stakeholder Committee with the role of active members in support of strategic decisions on cascading calls for entities outside the Ecosystem.  <<I'm very satisfied with this kick off event of the Spoke 5>>, says Marco Invernizzi, project coordinator. <<It was an excellent opportunity to start the works in a coordinated and constructiveway, also taking advantage of the opportunity to meet in person>>.
3. Culture and tourism industry
Kick Off Meeting - North West Digital and Sustainable
Kick Off Meeting – Presentation and start of works During the meeting on 22 November 2022 at the University of Insubria in Sant'Abbondio, Como, Professor Barbara Pozzo, NODES project manager for Spoke 3, presented the project and opened the works. The topics of the meeting were the presentation of the Steering Committee, the definition of the Stakeholder Committee and the scientific Roadmap. The future implementation of some flagship projects was also presented during the conference. An important part of the event was the meeting with local businesses and associations to initiate virtuous synergies.
4. Montagna digitale e sostenibile
Kick off Meeting dello Spoke 4
Kick off Meeting Nello splendido contesto del Forte di Bard, le attività scientifiche e di team building si sono perfettamente integrate con momenti di convivialità per consentire ai partner di conoscersi e avviare un confronto operativo sulle diverse tematiche del progetto.   Tavoli di lavoro per gruppi omogenei si sono alternati a momenti di sintesi comune.