Spoke 1 of NODES Ecosystem engages the local area in challenge to innovation

Presentation of funding calls and opportunities for businesses, Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility area
On April 18, 2023, from 4:30 p.m., at the Auditorium of the Energy Center of the Polytechnic University of Turin, funding calls and opportunities for local businesses in aerospace and sustainable mobility were presented.
The event was organized by Spoke 1 of the Northwest Innovation and Sustainable Digital Ecosystem (NRRP).
After a description of the Ecosystem, the Mission Partners and the thematic areas of Spoke 1, Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility, funding opportunities dedicated to local businesses were presented, covering collaborative industrial research actions, services for innovation and entrepreneurship development, and highly qualifying training paths.
The application methods, of the Webtelemaco platform of Infocamere, Unioncamere Piemonte, were also explained.
This was followed by a networking opportunity with Spoke 1 Partners.