Spoke 5, Industry of Health and Silver Economy: Kick-off Meeting and Stakeholder Committee

Two working tables for the start of the research activities of Spoke 5 and for the involvement of stakeholders in the Committee.
On November 30, 2022, the kick-off meeting of Spoke 5 dedicated to the Health Industry and Silver Economy took place.
The event was organized by UPO, in presence, in the Council Room of the Perrone Campus in Novara with the participation of the main project partners: UniTo, PoliTo, Polo bioPmed, Auxologico, AOU-Maggiore della Carità.
The objective of the meeting was the start of activities on the project. Following the welocme by the Project Coordinator, Professor Marco Invernizzi, the structure of NODES and Spoke 5 was described and the Scientific Roadmap and Communication Plan were presented.
In the afternoon, the working table involved the Stakeholders, who were formally invited to join the Stakeholder Committee with the role of active members in support of strategic decisions on cascading calls for entities outside the Ecosystem.
<<I'm very satisfied with this kick off event of the Spoke 5>>, says Marco Invernizzi, project coordinator. <<It was an excellent opportunity to start the works in a coordinated and constructiveway, also taking advantage of the opportunity to meet in person>>.