Bandi Linea A


Personalized Care and Recovery post MAMmary tumor removal
Digital care innovation
Scheda del progetto
Start date
Total value
€ 597.648,21
15 months
Investment nodes
€ 367.962,21

The CaReMAM project was created to contribute to the health improvement, focusing on rehabilitation and remote assistance for patients following the removal of breast cancer. 

Breast cancer is widespread among women, but thanks to improvements in screening and therapy programs, mortality rates are declining. DGS will coordinate the project, prviding technological know-how and expertise in data science for the collection and analysis of clinical data. MORECOGNITION will contribute with an innovative platform for motor rehabilitation. TINY BULL STUDIOS will bring their experience in creating user interfaces to maximize engagement among patients and healthcare professionals. 



Giulia Troglio


The goal

The project operates on three main lines: continuity of care and virtual assistance, personalized rehabilitation, and remote monitoring with decision support. The common goal of the partners is to develop digital, innovative and sustainable technologies to take care of the health and well-being of the population of all ages, focusing on personalized healthcare of subjects, as breast cancer patients. 

Why is it innovative

The CaReMAM project innovates in the health sector by focusing on post-surgical rehabilitation and remote care for breast cancer patients. It utilizes advanced technological solutions such as monitoring and artificial intelligence to improve the quality of case, providing a personalized pathway and reducing the workload of healthcare staff. 

The goal is to promote the physical and psychological recovery of patients, improving their quality of life. 

Impact on the users

The project promises significant benefits for several stakeholders: patients will benefit from personalized home care, enhancing their quality of life and post-operative recovery; healthcare providers will have access to real-time data to optimize therapies and improve operational efficiency; medical facilities and insurance companies will reduce costs and enhance care, promoting technological innovation and positively impacting patient health and healthcare system efficiency.