Bandi Linea A


PREdiction, prevention, and diagnosis of DIseases associated with BIpolar disorder through Omics analysis
Eco healthcare
Scheda del progetto
Start date
Total value
€ 449.935,50
18 months
Investment nodes
€ 249.050,01

The PREDIBIO project aims to revolutionize the approach to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases associated with Bipolar Disorder (BD) through advanced omics analyses. 

The objective is to identify new biomarkers for the early diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder (BD), enabling timely interventions and non-invasive personalized therapies.

The Consorzio Piemontese per la Prevenzione e Repressione del Doping e di Altri Usi Illeciti dei Farmaci (CAD) will lead the project with experience in clinical and biological chemistry with innovative analytical methodologies. The center Villa di Salute - Casa di Cura Neuropsichiatrica Trofarello (ORPEA) will contribute, as an end user, by providing sampling and clinical validation. In parallel, DISAT and the UNITO Department of Chemistry will bring scientific and technological expertise, developing analytical methodologies and managing data.



Paolo Garofano


The goal

Through the use of digital technologies, the project aims at the digitalization of the healthcare system, the remote monitoring of the patient and the promotion of preventive health. In addition, PREDIBIO promotes research on innovative and sustainable diagnosis and therapies. It is committed to the discovery of new markers, contributing to healthcare innovation to improve DB diagnosis, reduce social and economic burden and develop innovative technologies.

Why is it innovative

The PREDIBIO project aims to revolutionize the diagnosis and personalized treatment of Bipolar Disorder (BD) by integrating omics platforms and artificial intelligence to overcome current diagnostic and therapeutic limitations. By involving multidisciplinary experts, it seeks more effective management of the disease. Currently in the intermediate stage between research and practical application, it requires further studies and validations for full clinical integration.

Impact on the users

PREDIBIO will have significant scientific, economic, and social impacts. Scientifically, the project will advance knowledge of Bipolar Disorder (BD) by integrating various disciplines and providing a robust foundation for further research. Economically, it will bring new products and services to the market, reducing the costs associated with BD treatment. Socially, it will improve patients' quality of life, raise awareness about BD, and reduce disparities in diagnosis and care. PREDIBIO offers promising business opportunities, enhancing innovation in personalized medicine and improving the management of BD and related diseases.